Morning Motivator – The Confidence to Get What You Ask For

"One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation."
-Arthur Ashe

Are you AFRAID to ask for the big deal? Have you ever entered a client appointment thinking "they will NEVER go for this?" Wonder why other people get the BIG deals and how??

Commonly, the people CLOSING the big deals are the ones that are NOT afraid to ask for it. Case in point, I recently engaged a client with a proposal for services that, to some, seemed as though it was a "BIG ASK." "It's a lot of money every month for a small business, don't you think?" I was asked. I AGREED – it was a lot.

Understanding that I was asking a lot, I also knew something else… I was OFFERING a lot. I was PREPARED with the information, support structures, counter points and financials that support my proposal. Do I think they will go for it? Sure, why wouldn't they? I KNOW that we offer a HIGHLY COST EFFECTIVE and PROFESSIONAL service unlike any others in our service offering industry. I am CONFIDENT in my numbers…

When you are PREPARED with the information needed to VALIDATE your proposals, offerings or suggestions, you will find that your CONFIDENCE is unshakable.

By having all the information (or immediate access to it), you have EMPOWERED yourself with the internal commitment to your message. Just think – if you KNOW its solid, how difficult will it be for a client to see, feel and taste that?

Be PREPARED, stand your ground and SHOWCASE your confidence… then you WILL start winning the BIG DEALS too!!


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Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

Morning Motivator – Are You Seeking Building a Project or Process?

"We can't expect the people behind us to want to continue what we started."
- Anonymous

I have always been FASCINATED by "project management." This is the idea that you have a SINGLE, ONE TIME set of tasks that must be completed within a budget and time frame. Project management, to me, does not sound like a business process, rather a single FOCUSED set of efforts…

Have you ever met a REALLY good project manager? Have you ever asked them about their SUCCESS?

In a recent discussion with a project manager I admire, he spoke about PROCESSES, CHECKLISTS, and REPLICATION. He never once spoke about TASKS, PROJECTS or ISOLATED EFFORTS. He runs his projects through a PROCESS… a business process. The same, simple, base processes with the flexibility for CUSTOMIZATION, which is the "special recipe" to SUCCESSFUL project management.

In DECIDING to take on a "project or initiative," is it FAIR to expect that people after you will seek to CONTINUE your system? Likely not.

In EXECUTING your "project or initiative," is it INTELLIGENT and INSIGHTFUL to build the system in a manner that it can be REPLICATED and PERPETUATED? Sure it is.

If you are as INTELLIGENT, DYNAMIC and RESOURCEFUL as you know you are – you should EXPECT that others will seek an opportunity to continue your efforts. If you build the SYSTEM in a way that ALLOWS them the opportunity to continue, then you have provided the BEST solution possible.

A SOLUTION that allows others to CHOOSE whether or not to continue should ALWAYS be your goal… as opposed to a PROJECT – which is done, when you are.


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Morning Motivator - From Success to Signifigance

"My goal is to move from a life of success to a life of significance."
- Anonymous

In speaking with some recent JOB SEEKING professionals, I cam across an interesting comment... "My goal is to move from a life of success to a life of significance."

I WONDERED - how many of "us" are working without SIGNIFIGANCE? How many people are passionately pursuing dollars without a sense of PURPOSE?

For me, SIGNIFIGANCE, means the ability to build a SUSTAINABLE system that supplies opportunity for others. I seek that in my CAREER, PERSONAL life, HOBBIES and WRITING. My end GOAL is to create something that "YOU" can make even better than I was able.


As you seek SIGNIFIGANCE (aka PURPOSE), you need to be aware of your desired LEGACY. In a sense, answer the question, "What do I want to be REMEMBERED for?"

Once you know what your place and MISSION in the world is, you will become much more EFFECTIVE in decisively executing actions that drive towards your goal.

Maybe the BEST question to ask yourself is, "Are you moving from a life of success to a life of successful significance?"


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Morning Motivator – Are You Upset Enough to Change?

"If you would attain to what you are not yet, you must always be displeased by what you are. For where you are pleased with yourself there you have remained. Keep adding, keep walking, keep advancing."
-Saint Augustine of Hippo

Have you ever said, "I want more" in a discussion? Ever HOPED for a new role in your company? Still WANTING that beach body? What the HECK are you waiting for?

There is an old calculation that defines the need for CHANGE. When DISSATISFACTION is GREATER than the PAIN of your situation, change will occur. What does that mean? Simply put, until you are UPSET enough about not getting what you want to no longer care about the extra hours it will take to do it… you will NOT change.

You must find an internal WILLINGNESS to subside your short term agony to ATTAIN to your long term success goals. No one said that ACHIEVEMENT was easy… and that's why so FEW people do it.

What will it take to make you CHANGE? Are you waiting to be FIRED, DIVORCED, become afflicted with ILLNESS or worse?

What do you want to ACHIEVE in your life? Not the stuff you talk about – we are talking about the things you REALLY want! The things that keep you AWAKE at night.

Once you decide what you WANT from your life, you will need to determine the SACRIFICES you are willing to make to attain it. If you are not willing to make the sacrifice… its possible you just don't want it that badly. If you WANT IT – GET IT! No one is STOPPING YOU (except you).


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Morning Motivator – The Courage to Succeed

"A great deal of talent is lost to the world for want of a little courage. Every day sends to their graves obscure men whose timidity prevented them from making a first effort."
-Sydney Smith

Are you looking for you next PROMOTION? Do you wish that you were able to muster the COURAGE to ask for what you know you can achieve? Why have you not yet gone to your boss to ask for the LEADERSHIP role you know you are made for?

All too often, people make DECISIONS about their success out of FEAR. We RATIONALIZE why we "can't" do something. We imagine the reasons why it will NEVER work. As well as ENVISIONING all the hurdles that will be placed in our way that will prevent us from attaining what we want so badly. We are VERY GOOD at doing this…

This is the flaw of the human being – the belief that we can see the FUTURE. I am amazed daily, by others and myself, in the ways that we use our innate powers of MIND READING and FORTUNE TELLING to forecast our life success. Why are you so CERTAIN that you won't get that job, promotion or pay raise? How are you so DEFINITE that the client won't buy?

Best question: if you know so much – why the heck don't you start a fortune telling business?

We all have the DESIRE to succeed, and yet, only a certain FEW ever do. Why is this?

We are separated - The ones that WANT it and the ones that believe the DESERVE it!

If you stop to EXAMINE the top achievers in your group, you will find that they don't "hope" for good things… they EXPECT them. They have DECIDED that SUCCESS is more important to them than their FEAR. They have developed a high level of SELF CONFIDENCE, also known as COURAGE, and leverage this feeling into results.

If you don't have that courage YET – find it. If you don't know WHERE to look – email me, I have some good places you can start!


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