Morning Motivator - Stay Cool...

"Patience is a virtue, just not one I have."
- Zachary Barker

Daily I am REMINDED of my "alpha personality" by varying people in my life. It comes in the subtle form of, "RELAX! Getting agitated isn't going to change anything."

Simply put, I disagree.

The GREAT leaders of our time - political, financial, spiritual, and other - were all AGITATED with the "way things are."

Consider Presidents George Washington and Abe Lincoln. What is they had SETTLED for "being patient?" What if Jesus Christ felt that his people should just "get along?" What if the world just left Hitler alone and waited PATIENTLY to see how things "pan out?"

As a LEADER you are asked to bear a difficult role - the one of CHANGE MAKER.

Your role is to be DISSATISFIED and IMPATIENT! You are the one that is EXPECTED to create the ideas for change, define the actions and delegate the AUTHORITY to execute accordingly.

It IS your job to be IMPATIENT...

So, next time someone tells you to RELAX - ask yourself, "can I change this situation?" and then DO IT!


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Morning Motivator – How Lucky Are You?

"I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it."
-Thomas Jefferson

For those of you that do NOT appreciate my political viewpoints, I might suggest moving past this one as today's Morning Motivator is about Keith Olberman's mindless rant about social healthcare from last night.

LUCK is a "four letter word." It is not one that has any real MEANING, nor value. Last night, Mr. Keith Olberman of MSNBC went on a long winded MONOLOGUE about his father and a life saving surgery he was forced to undertake. I am PLEASED to say that he reports his father is doing well. However, he also mentioned seeing a friend that had a daughter in the ICU of the same hospital whom was being forced to sell his farm and baseball card collection to PAY for her care.

Mr. Olberman continued to mention that his father was cared for by one of the TOP 5 surgeons in the world. Very FORTUNATE. He also mentioned that everyone should have EQUAL access to that doctor, not just him because he was LUCKY enough to make a great income. Here lies my CONCERN…

First, he is NOT lucky by the grace of aligning stars and magic pixie dust. He worked his ASS off to get ahead and sacrificed many hours of school and less than DESIRABLE assignments until he was able to PROVE himself to be a master of his craft, thus demanding a HIGHER income.

Secondly, as sad as I am for his friends situation, it is IGNORANT to believe that GOVERNMENT HEALTHCARE will "allow access" for "everyone" to one of the TOP 5 physicians in the world.

Seriously, do you think you would get that kind of care if the GOVERNMENT is paying for it?

Remember that LUCK is not magic… it is the moment that OPPORTUNITY aligns with your HARD WORK and a HEIGHTENED AWARENESS of your abilities. Also, remember that when you seek to SERVE everyone, you end up EFFECTIVELY serving none.

Make your OWN luck… Don't wait for a "system" or "government" to tell what your luck will be!


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Morning Motivator - Constructive Criticism

"Many people have ideas on how others should change; few people have ideas on how they should change."
- Tolstoy

Special thanks to one of my best friends and biggest supporters, Josh Anderson of Keller Williams Realty in Nashville for the above quote!

Interesting idea the thought of CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM, eh? Its kind of like saying "bless his heart" and then describing how DUMB a kid is. It SEEMS like a NICE way of saying a mean thing.

Yet... I AGREE that it is necessary!

All too often, we are QUICK to mention the shortcomings of others and what they "should" be doing. Less often, we do it to OUSELVES. Even less often, we LISTEN to someone else's "constructive criticism." Don't you agree??

The CHALLENGE with criticism is that we SHAPE our willingness to accept the input based on our self perception.

Often we say, "oh they just don't know what I do" or we DEFLECT saying, "she's one to be speaking about that!"

When you REFLECT on the positive changes that are needed in your life, you have to encompass a bit of HUMILITY - at least with your trusted advisors (friends, family, close co-workers).

ACCEPT criticism from people that know YOUR values, ambitions and goals. Also, DEEPLY analyze your own "inner voice" telling you when its time to change or you are simply IGNORING the behavior you know you should be doing!


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Morning Motivator - Finding Purpose

"Find something to believe in and the work becomes easier."
- Unknown

I want to thank my new FRIEND and trusted LEADER, Durham Pettigrew of Avenue Bank in Nashville, TN for sharing this morning's "Morning Motivator" with me.

I have this reoccurring dream where I'm looking for this secret passageway to get me to this secret island where the destination gives you a euphoric feeling but most importantly a sense of accomplishment (I promise I wasn't high when I had this dream). The passageway is either a tunnel you have to swim through/under or finding a secret trailhead. The crazy part about it is that I'm not too concerned with what's on the other side, but more concerned with the actual path and how to get there. I wake up and have butterflies in my stomach and am just dying to find the "secret" path.

I think this came from one of two things. When I was around 11 years old I read "The Black Pearl" and from what I recall the main character has to swim very far to get to a secret cave where the black pearl may or may not be. He has to hold his breath for at least a minute and swim through a secret tunnel to get there. The dream could also be from when I was making my plans to move to Wyoming for the summer (after my junior year of college). This was my first true experience with independence (lived off of my own $, worked, played etc. and did not need parental units at all). It was also something that I didn't know I was capable of. I can still remember the way I felt when I was writing out the different routes I could take to get there and it didn't matter which way I went, it was going to be great.

So, what do I take from this? I think that finding the path and taking the path is the "fun stuff", as you put it. Whenever I recall the dream or whenever I'm lucky enough to actually have it again, I do a check on where I am and what I'm doing. I know that I have many adventures all at once but I still pay attention to what the next one will be whether it's planning a trip or trying a new restaurant. The one thing that I'm certain of is that despite the curve balls, doubt etc., I am still able to have a great time on my adventures. I also know that I love to think about this dream.



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Morning Motivator – Seeking Your Fulfillment

"I have wandered all my life, and I have traveled; the difference between the two is this -- we wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfillment."
-Hilaire Belloc

First, I want to say THANK YOU for all of your support this past week as I traveled Scotland. I hope that your week was PRODUCTIVE and FOCUSED.

Part of this past week JOURNEY was to attend a wedding of some close friends. I cannot think of another life event that is more ADVENTUROUS than the idea of marriage. A JOURNEY of happiness, challenges, frustration, teamwork and personal sacrifice. Most of all, I BELIEVE this to be true for one simple reason… we CHOOSE this adventure. No one is REQUIRED to get married. No FORCES you to commit to the journey of partnership with another person. You truly CHOOSE to make this life commitment.

My belief is that the journey of marriage is a journey of FULFILLMENT. Prior to finding that special person and making that commitment, we enjoy the company of others, even considering deeper commitments with some of those people. Often, those may have worked also, yet the one that is CHOSEN does appear to be one of LIFELONG fulfillment.

From a very young age, most people ROMANTICIZE with the idea of love and marriage. We spend time DREAMING of the person we will be with and what that life will look like. And yet, we OVERLOOK our careers and personal well being. Why is this? Is it not as SEXY? Not as ENTERTAINING? Not as ENGAGING?

When you consider your life – note that it is a balance of FULFILLMENT and PURPOSE in ALL AREAS! You must find the right person to MARRY, raise a family, support your career aspirations, drive your positive health decisions and encourage your CREATIVITY.

By seeking LOVE that encompasses all of these areas, you are able to find someone that will help you BREAKTHROUGH your personal barriers and achieve your goals by overcoming fears, hesitations and criticisms. Find someone to seek FULFILLMENT with you – life, career, personal, health, spirituality and more. You will find that SUCCESS is the enjoyment of a fulfilling life…

On a personal note: I have found my person, Ms. Nancy Dubuisson, and 2 days ago asked her to marry me. She said YES! And so my fulfillment journey begins…


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