Morning Motivator – The FEAR of LOSS

"The fear of loss usually makes a maybe a yes."
- Joe White, President, NovaCopy (Nashville)

Yesterday, I was asked to speak on a discussion panel regarding ways to INCREASE profitability for businesses. After the event, the LEADERSHIP team coordinated a discussion on how to IMPROVE our effectiveness. (A GREAT move, especially when done IMMEDIATELY after the event and ideas are fresh).

One of the discussion points between me and Joe White, President of NovaCopy in Nashville, was the concept of creating more EXCLUSIVITY. By inviting from a VIP list and ONLY allowing those people to attend in a given time frame, we create two PSYCHOLOGICAL leverage points: (1) the feeling of IMPORTANCE for individuals and (2) a sense of PRIORITY due to the limited opportunity for attendance.

You want people to attend an EVENT? Tell them they CANNOT. Sounds crazy?? Remember as a child, you could CARE LESS what any other kid had, until… they had it and you did NOT! If you have siblings, you know the idea of wanting the "blue one" because your sibling had it. No reason other than, simply, you DON'T.


As you plan events, CONSIDER who you want to attend. Communicate to them that this is a PRIVATE learning session and that others will NOT be allowed to attend. Additionally, make sure they understand that if they do NOT attend, they will not be able to "come to the next one." Rather, they will have to WAIT until the next time their name comes up on "the VIP list."

If you know you are one of few and you may not be invited back… I PROMISE you WILL make the time to be there. If just to make sure you don't get LEFT OUT.

Have a GREAT weekend… for those of you on "the list!" :)


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Morning Motivator - The Year of Durham

"I have designated this the 'Year of Durham.' I plan to do all the things I never make time for."
- Durham Pettigrew paraphrased

I had the PLEASURE of meeting a new friend and making a STRATEGIC relationship this morning with Mr. Durham Pettigrew of Avenue Bank. I am VERY impressed with this young leader and his passion for ACHIEVEMENT.

He said something very INTERESTING this morning while at breakfast. He told me this is "The Year of Durham." I asked him to tell me more...

He noted that he is coming upon a MILESTONE birthday and that his life, thus far, has been about chasing new, exciting EXPERIENCES. As part of "The Year of Durham," he noted that he would be EXECUTING the few major items he has yet to complete which have no IMMEDIATE reason for being incomplete. Basically, he has a THEME for getting of his tail to get stuff done... the stuff he REALLY wants to do!


As I PONDERED Durham's comments, I wondered if a "THEME" for my actions would be helpful. I have decided it WOULD!

What might be ACHIEVED if you had a 3 month theme of "BECOMING THE MASTER," during which time you FOCUSED on learning and mastering a skill or concept you are interested in? How about "GETTING LEAN," a focus on PROPER diet and EXERCISE? Possibly even, "LOVE AS IT SHOULD BE," a total DEDICATION to expressing your love and affection for your significant other?

I think I will DO this... and make sure to THANK Durham for having such a GREAT YEAR!


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Morning Motivator – A Secret to Getting Ahead

"Ask your boss for advice on how to get ahead in your career. Then, take it!"
- Brian Tracy

When I am asked HOW I have made some of the professional and community gains in recent years, I am shocked at the RESPONSE I get from my answer. I SHARE with people that my SECRET is "asking the people I seek to be like, 'what I SHOULD be doing?'" This seems a simple answer, yet many people say, "You REALLY just ask?" SURE… why not?

When you consider some of the BEST advice you have ever received, it often came from your PARENTS. You didn't listen to it (of course), yet it was still GREAT advice. As we MATURE, we begin to realize that our elder leaders are, indeed, a WEALTH of knowledge. They KNOW the path we are walking, the HURDLES we will experience and the most EFFICIENT ways to overcome. So I ask… Why would you NOT leverage such a valuable resource?

In business, as in our personal life, the ability to SUCCEED comes from effective communication and an understanding of what is expected to APPEASE others. If your significant other were UPSET with you, commonly you ask "what's wrong?" and "what can I do to make it better?" (Include an "I'm Sorry" for MAXIMUM results.) If ASKING works to make things better at home, why would you BELIEVE that your boss would be UNWILLING to share information on how you can be a more VALUABLE piece of the team??

Learning from others, through discussion, reading autobiographies, direct Q&A, is a SIMPLE, EFFECTIVE way of catalyzing your success.

By asking the people that most DIRECTLY affect your ability to "move up the ladder," you create advantages with your leadership team others overlook, such as:

1. Gained respect from a WILLINGNESS to ask for support
2. Appreciation for an expressed DESIRE to contribute more to the team
3. IDENTIFICATION as a "rising leader" in the group
4. Increased VALUE of your thoughts, opinions and ideas

If you are SERIOUS about getting ahead; ASK how to get there. Once you KNOW, get off your TAIL and GET TO WORK!! (They will love you more for it!)


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Morning Motivator – My Appreciation for a Leader

"Appreciation is a combination of understanding, quiet amazement, and gratitude. Appreciating something permits its experience and integration."
-Harry Palmer, The Collected Wisdom Of Harry Palmer

This week, in Nashville, a GREAT leader was lost. Civic leader Nelson Andrews died Friday night after a long fight with illness. He was 82. I can say, with great pride and honor, that I KNEW Nelson personally. Here are my thoughts…

Every so often a person comes along who gives you inspiration for a better future.

Serving as President of the Nashville Area Junior Chamber of Commerce, I am proud to say that I share a common path with Mr. Nelson Andrews as leader of this storied organization. Nelson, a past President of the group and the 2008 NAJCC Community Leadership & Service Award winner, served the youthful leadership of Nashville with a smile and glimmer in his eye. He spoke of our responsibility to others, our community and those still to follow. Humbly, I am also proud to say that I had the opportunity to know him personally, even for a short while.

As a recent graduate of the Leadership Nashville Class of 2008-2009, my experiences with Nelson solidified the legend of this great man - from his youthful enthusiasm for square dancing to his marked intolerance for racial injustice. His character was a blueprint for personal responsibility coupled with humanity.

In service as a young leader within the Nashville community, I thank Nelson Andrews for his commitment to our collective betterment... may I and the Nashville Junior Chamber serve others in way that will make him proud.



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Morning Motivator - Leading By Following

"We have to agree at some level and trust that our leadership knows what its doing."
- Zach Barker, 6/14/09

On July 1, I will be relieved of my DUTIES as President of the Nashville Area Junior Chamber of Commerce ( and as a person that has enjoyed the good FORTUNE of leading a volunteer organization; I REALIZE that one of the most DIFFICULT actions is learning to follow.

Commonly, LEADERS devise our management groups, sales top producers and board committees. With so many STRONG personalities - this can create a CHALLENGE when there are "too many Chiefs and not enough indians." Too many opinions, directions or "counter points" can lead to distractions, disruption and insubordination. We can easily create too much NOISE and clutter the minds of the people you are leading.

In order to become a truly EXCEPTIONAL leader, you will need to be able to identify when it is best to follow. By learning to focus on the STRATEGIC planning and not the details of EXECUTION, you can separate yourself from a discussion on "doing vs. leading."

Continue to FOCUS on the idea that it is NOT your job to do everything! A GREAT leader knows how to yield to his colleagues when they have a greater EXPERTISE, a stronger PASSION or even a greater DESIRE to lead a smaller project.

When you find yourself CHALLENGED with a "lead vs. follow" scenario, consider who has:
- More knowledge?
- Better skills?
- Stronger convictions?
- More time?

If you find this is NOT you, be a LEADER... and just FOLLOW them!


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