Morning Motivator - Honesty as a Policy

"It pays to be honest, but it's slow pay"
- Proverb

For everyone that has a VISION about where they want to be in a year, 3 years or even 10 years, we also have a REALITY... the path is made of DECISIONS.  We are forced to make difficult choices along the path to "our success" and with that we must LEARN to be very honest.  Mostly, honest with OURSELVES.

I find that many people are very good at IDENTIFYING the outside factors that are contributing to their INABILITY to achieve certain success and accomplish tasks.  It's the economy, my boss' incompetence, my lack of education, family responsibilities, etc... all of which are total bulls**t EXCUSES!  BE HONEST with yourself...   how bad do you want the "goal" you are trying to achieve?  What are the REAL limiting factors in the equation?

I have found that at the root of all my SUCCESSES and FAILURES is one common element - ME.  Thus, my SUCCESS must be celebrated and not humbly passed upon as if I expected myself to achieve without question as well as FAILURES must be owned regarding the responsibility of the effort or results.  Most often, when we fail, if we are HONEST with ourselves, we know we did not give our best effort.  We may have committed to something knowing we would not FOLLOW THROUGH.  It is our OBLIGATION to be HONEST with our self and others surrounding our desires, passions and commitments.  It is when you begin to protect the FEELINGS of others that you begin to cripple the relationship.

Being HONEST means being strong and confident in one's self.  The simple, most common rationale that people are not FORTHRIGHT with others stems from a lack of confidence, an internal belief that "what I am is not good enough."  We often fail to speak the truth to a boss, a loved one or a friend because we want to "protect them."  Ask yourself... Who are you really PROTECTING?  Be HONEST... it is you!  You are FEARFUL to hurt someone's feelings, risk rejections or lose your place in their life.  Now ask yourself this... When I am NOT honest, who do I really hurt?  Be HONEST... it is you again! 

People may not like the truth, you may not like the truth, however when you speak RIGHTEOUSLY and expose the true REALITY of a situation, you provide yourself and that person the ABILITY and knowledge to make a positive change.  It's your CANDOR and STRENGTH that will gain you RESPECT and ADORATION... don't be afraid to be honest.  It is the TRUTH that allows us to grow.

Have a great weekend... HONESTLY!


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Morning Motivator - Aim Higher

"Shoot for the moon because even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."
- Les Brown

The beauty of life is that yesterday does NOT dictate what will happen today. If you had a rough day yesterday... it is over. TODAY, has all the potential to be the BEST day of your life. What keeps us from MAXIMIZING everyday to make it the "best"?

Most people set GOALS for themselves. The common FAILURE point in goal setting (after the most critical step - writing them down) is that the goal is not AIMED high enough. How many people do you know that have stated the following goal? "I just want to work somewhere fun." Hmmm, what is "fun"? Why not shoot a little higher? I want to work somewhere that allows me to take off every Friday, make a salary of $75,000 per year and wear jeans to work every day. Now, which one sounds more achievable? If you answered the SECOND one - you are right. But why?

What makes GOALS achievable is SPECIFICITY in its creation. When you are able to CLEARLY define the goal you are seeking to achieve, you become EMPOWERED with the ability to say NO to people, projects and ideas. Once you have the ability to CONFIDENTLY say NO - you then have the ability to set your GOALS high and reach them! If your goal is to start a business that makes $500,000 in revenue this year and falls short to $456,789... well, I would say that is still pretty damn strong! Falling short STILL meant success...

Amazingly, most goals people ESTABLISH are set on results they already KNOW they can achieve. They are goals set for yourself because you know you can do them within the time frame allowed without causing yourself any great STRESS. Sounds like a great growth opportunity huh? Don't sell yourself short!

When you set goals that are a STRETCH for you, the real VICTORY comes in the learning experience of executing. So what if you don't reach your goal! If your boss is setting your goals such that the ONLY acceptable result is hitting the goal, then SHAME on them for not understanding the value of growth. As a manager, goals should be set so that they PUSH the individual to grow and learn, while making success reasonable and a shortcoming acceptable in the business model.

Remember the quote... "Shoot for the moon because even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."


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Morning Motivator – Control What You Can Control

"A man who is master of himself can end a sorrow as easily as he can invent a pleasure. I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them."
- Oscar Wilde

Today is a personal SHARING moment for me with you. I want to chat about CONTROL in your life and making the most of what you are capable of doing. I am LEARNING that you control the most IMPORTANT things in your life – it is just that you are typically FOCUSED on the wrong things (i.e. The ones with the most emotion and least logic).

Last night, the Junior Chamber had its monthly meeting and Mr. Jim Schmitz of Regions Bank was our guest speaker. Beyond being a phenomenal guy, he provided us with an excellent discussion about PATIENCE and CONTROL with respect to your success and leadership. The discussion placed me in a state of CONSIDERATION about my own success path and expectations.

Those that know me INTIMATELY are aware that I am someone that is challenged with very high ANXIETY. This stress is such that I have sought out assistance from people who have professional experience in managing these high levels. Albeit very personal, I share this with you to give you INSIGHT into what I am and have been discovering… Setting "bars for success" can be a HEALTHY exercise when used as a GUIDE, not as an absolute measurement of your success. Additionally, the constant PURSUIT of control over every element of your life is INSANITY. You can control very FEW things – your emotions (to a degree), your actions and your reactions to others. Outside of those things… NOTHING. You CANNOT change someone's past (nor your own). You cannot FORCE a client to purchase your product. You have control over YOU and the rest will work itself out.

My belief is that CONTROL issues typically stem from TRUST issues. When you have CONFIDENCE in someone or something – you find that you are able to release the need for total control. When you have the REASSURANCES that your stability, reputation, personal security, or tasks will be RESPECTED and MAINTAINED – you learn to let go.

In order to CREATE those confidence levels in others, you must openly COMMUNICATE your needs, expectations and desires. When you provide someone else with the recipe for SUCCESS in managing your expectations and emotions, you EMPOWER them to take control of the elements you seek to let go.

Once you have created that trusted BOND, you will find RAPID improvements in your career, love life and personal emotions. Understanding you cannot CONTROL others or their actions is tough to learn, but a lesson worth EXPLORING.


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Morning Motivator – Hope for the BEST, Prepare for … the BEST

"To love is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing."
- Unknown

I have a friend that I work with that often says, "I always hope for the best and plan for the worst." This phrase is quite COMMON and carries a lot of weight with many people. I wonder though, is this a DEFEATED mentality? Is this a HOPE for success and HAPPINESS or is this a DECISION to attain those things?

I believe that your mind has the ABILITY to create the life you really want. If you are UNSURE what that life is – then your mind has already created it for you. Consider this, how many people are able to OVERCOME illness through prayer and focus? How many poverty stricken people have RISEN UP from the depths to become multi-millionaires? How many of them were handed those OPPORTUNITIES? Very, very few. The reality is that they CONCEPTUALIZED their reality in their mind first, then once they were able to CLEARLY see the dream… they took ACTION.

If you have the CAPABILITY to achieve these goals, just as others have, then why would you prepare for the WORST and HOPE for the best? Why not create an EXPECTATION of success for yourself. ASSUME you WILL achieve your goals and dreams. Have a sense of ENTITLEMENT surrounding your love life, personal relationships and professional success. Stop "HOPING" you will be successful and start PREPARING to be…

Daily preparations are a critical key to being successful in love and life. Every day you need to make a POSITIVE investment into your success bank. By taking small, manageable steps towards a larger goal, you are assured that gains are always ACHIEVABLE and REALISTIC, while any lapses are not devastating.

If you are seeking to increase you professional success, plan your next at the end of today. Spend 15 minutes charting out your MOST IMPORTANT tasks for the next day. What produces the best and most efficient results? Do that first and then onto the next most important task.

If it is a personal relationship you are seeking to enhance, plan to spend 30 minutes with that person sharing your appreciation for them and their influence in your life. Seek opportunities to share time and experiences together. Schedule short weekend trips, special meals, or plan to help with a project. Making the investment of "self" is what really creates lasting bonds.


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Morning Motivator – Knowing a Good Thing

"Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail."
-Charles F. Kettering

As an additional piece of my SELF DISCOVERY revealment, I want to touch base on "Appreciating Value." As we all PURSUE continued growth and improvement, we are often overlooking of the value we have before us. We sometimes FAIL to see the most valuable articles right before our eyes.

This weekend, the Nashville Junior Chamber managed a charity football game, the Clinic Bowl Kickoff Classic, in cooperation with Vanderbilt Othropaedics Institute. This event has a storied 58-year TRADITION in the Junior Chamber and it was this year (2008) that our Board voted and passed the transfer of this games ownership to Vanderbilt University. This decision was quote DIFFICULT and caused a great deal of CONTROVERSY. With that said, this past Saturday, the event launched (on only 6 weeks preparation) and proved to be more SUCCESSFUL than ever with the Junior Chamber running the critical game day operations and continuing its TRADTION of leadership development.

Even as the game was passed in "ownership," the VALUE of leadership was continued through the partnership with VOI. From this I saw that its often we are so close to a situation and often so EMOTIONAL that we are unable to see its TRUE value. Most commonly, we find this with regard to ourselves and our personal relationships. Do you KNOW how gifted you are personally? Do you have an UNDERSTANDING of how much JOY you bring to other people? Have you shared your APPRECIATION and AFFECTION for someone else that you feel strongly towards? Does your SELF IMAGE lend you to BELIEVE that you have more to offer than the next person and thus your place in the world is fairly well established?

Knowing a good thing means understanding the REAL VALUE of something. To understand this concept BEST, you must first look inward. Learn to FOCUS on your BEST attributes, rather than always being CRITICAL of the areas in which you are less proficient. Examine yourself and DISCOVER your self worth. You must learn to understand your UNIQUE offering that you are able to share with the world. You don't have to be PERFECT to be excellent, successful or loved.

It is when you take OWNERSHIP of your personal value and find comfort in your self, you will find that the world has known it much LONGER than you. They were just waiting for you to FIND it. Your EXCELLENCE starts with CONFIDENCE… and your CONFIDENCE starts with APPRECIATION – for yourself!


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