- Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy
A good FRIEND commented yesterday on my Jerry Maguire Morning Motivator. He gave me a similar "Are we friends?" discussion about my talents and his thoughts. He was seeking to help me in ACCOMPLISHING my dreams and I RESPECT that…a lot.
Interestingly, I THINK that many of us are in a huge RUSH to get to the end of our SUCCESS, today. We all BELIEVE that we should have it all already – the car, house, spouse, beach home, time off, etc. I am GUILTY of being one of those people too. Why are we in such a rush to FIND our success? Is it so we can finally quit STRUGGLING and just relax? Do you believe that you will RELAX when you finally achieve your goals?
Most of us have a mental VISION of what our life will be like when "we get there." We all believe that our WOES will cease to exist and it will be easy sailing from there. Commonly, we say things such as, "one day when I'm in charge, I will spend more time with my family and friends" or "once I make enough money, I will go back and get my Master's degree." When do you ACTUALLY think you will get there? How will you KNOW?
Two things will lead to your SUCCESS – TIME & PATIENCE. Over time, you will find the path to your goals and your PATIENCE to walk the path in getting you there will prove your worthiness of those accomplishments.
Are you EXECUTING the right actions daily to achieve your goals? Are you BUILDING the proper relationships? Are you LEARNING the correct skills? If so… CONTINUE to take positive steps daily. As you continue to execute, PATIENTLY, your ability to make achievement becomes easier as your momentum builds…
Be PATIENT grasshopper… your life is much shorter than you BELIEVE. Do the RIGHT things, do them DAILY and show PATIENCE… SUCCESS will find you!
Have a GREAT weekend!!
*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to – http://grow-learn-lead.blogspot.com
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