Morning Motivator - The Best Mistakes You Will Ever Make

"If you don't make mistakes, you aren't really trying."
- Coleman Hawking

If you are a NEUROTIC PERFECTIONIST like I am, you likely feel vast amounts of frustration when things move too slow, in error or not at all. You want EVERYTHING delivered on time, accurately and without any post delivery challenges. I want it all to be PERFECT - the first time. In business, this seems to be an ACCEPTABLE obsession. In your personal life - maybe not as much.

I would like to share a part of myself with you and let you know that someone else faces similar challenges as you. I am a very SELF-CRITICAL individual who is overly concerned (paranoid) about what others think - the way I look, speak, walk, whether I am respected, my "success" professionally, my ability to maintain a good personal relationship. I am the guy that worries about all of it... ALL THE TIME! Why?

FEAR (which is really what we are talking about) is derived from a lack of EXPERIENCE or lack of understanding about what will happen in the future. Insecurities about your TALENTS, ABILITIES or PERSONAL TRAITS is generated from not exploring those skill sets. Are you a "terrible speaker"? You may believe so, yet if you were to give 4 speeches in July - your mindset WOULD change!

EXPERIENCE is what causes growth. TRYING (better noted as "taking action") is what allows you the opportunity to make MISTAKES, learn and grow. Want to do more business? Call 5 future clients and just ask them to buy something - don't sales pitch them...just ask for what you want.

Want a better relationship with someone SPECIAL? Ask the questions you are afraid to ask. Be open. Share your feelings. If you make a mistake - you may find that this is NOT the right person anyway.

Want a BETTER life? Take ACTION - do something about it! If you get up early, sleep late. If you work short hours, work longer ones. Do ANYTHING to force MISTAKES, which are just learning opportunities disguised in failure.

Have a GREAT weekend and DO SOMETHING to make your day better - and that of someone else!


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Morning Motivator - Is This REALLY What I Am Meant To Do?

"When you're doing the work you're meant to do, it feels right and every day is a bonus, regardless of what you're getting paid."- Oprah

How many people ACTUALLY do what they went to college for? Unless you are an attorney, a physician or an accountant, chances are you do something COMPLETELY different than what you ever dreamed for.

How many people feel PURPOSE in their work life and are PLEASED with their occupational selection? How many that ARE happy, sought it out? How many that are NOT fail to take ACTION in changing it?

As I FOCUS my dreams and begin to REALLY look at my life plan, I realize that CAREER will always be a major part of the puzzle. Should I be FOCUSED on a good safe career or on a PURPOSEFUL living, regardless of income? Can I ACHIEVE both?

Life is a result of the decision making process you employ over many years. Positive decisions will yield positive results. By denying an inner urge to DO SOMETHING, you will find frustration as a result.

If you are seeking a greater PURPOSE to your life, pursue it. If you don't know where to start... Start anywhere! Sometimes starting with something simple, like a daily blog, can focus and direct a positive change in your life... And maybe help the lives of others in the process.

Take ACTION, Take OWNERSHIP, Take CONTROL - Today is YOUR day to start living!


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Morning Motivator - How Far Are You Willing To Go?

"The edge….there is no honest way to explain it because the only ones who know where it is…have gone over it"
-Hunter S. Thompson

I really like this quote as I believe there is an element of MYSTERY within. When I read this, I WONDER - how many people have the GUTS to go to the EDGE? Do I have them?

What is "the EDGE?" Where does it end and how will I know when I get there? Interesting enough, I would say I HAVE been to the edge. What did it mean to me?

In my EXPERIENCE, the edge is the point at which your HEART and your HEAD force you take ACTION that you BODY is FEARFUL to move on. It's the point at which the GAINS and the RISKS seem so high and the ANXIETY or FEARS seem so big. It's the point at which you give up CONTROL for the OPPORTUNITY to do more, be more, achieve more. Have you been to the EDGE? Are you ready to go there?

This concept is underlined with the idea of PRESSING YOUR LIMITS to achieve greater accomplishments than you might in a "traditional" sense. When you consider your work - are you PRESSING your abilities such that you make others better or jealous of your drive? In a relationship - are you GIVING yourself wholly without regard for your potential HURT, in an effort to MAXIMIZE the potential of that bond? In your health - are you working the extra 10 minutes on the treadmill, when you are EXHAUSTED and your muscles burn, with the sole intent of losing that last 5 pounds?

Just beyond the EDGE is where GREATNESS is found. Many people will walk to the edge, glance over it and then step back out of FEAR. My thoughts for you... if you have walked all the way up the mountain to the EDGE, what is one more step? It may be the most OUTSTANDING thing you ever do... try it.


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Morning Motivator - How a Small Change Made for a HUGE Day

"You have a choice every day - to be the person you show to world or to let the world show you."
- Anonymous

I want to share a story about my day yesterday and how the smallest FOCUS on a POSITIVE growth can result in a domino-effect.

When I awoke yesterday, I was TIRED, WORN DOWN and generally not feeling good about MYSELF. I allowed my day to be started with a mentality of "Oh Lord, not today. I just don't want to face the world." Unfortunately, the world wanted to see me... At a 7:00am breakfast and multiple other meetings.

The 7:00am meeting went well and the day PROGRESSED with gradual improvement. Near lunch, I decided "NO MORE whining"... FOCUS on one small SUCCESS and go from there. So I focused on preparation for a DEMO. The prep was EASY, the demo went GREAT and resulted in a SALE! Amazing... And even more, when I returned I find an ACCEPTANCE letter to a prestigious leadership program and a check for $1000 from a recent sale... WOW!!

I am not able to PROVE that it was a focus on POSITIVITY that changed the dynamic of my day. I do KNOW that I have experienced days where I let the world DICTATE my life and attitude with the results being less than desired.

Today, I awake tired, worn out but I will NOT allow myself to fall into that trap... Its my CHOICE to be SUCCESSFUL, ACCOMPLISHED and PRODUCTIVE. You have that same choice and I am CONFIDENT you will choose the path of POSITIVE change... $1000 might just show up as a result! :)


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Morning Motivator - Being Tiger Woods

"Most people think they know what they are good at. They are usually wrong... And yet, a person can perform only from strength.".
- Peter Drucker

Last night I enjoyed a discussion around Tiger Woods, who is arguably the GREATEST golfer of all time. A comment was made, "He is just AMAZING! It's AWESOME how great he is," and I TOTALLY agree. My return comment was based around how EVERYONE has the ability to ACHIEVE and perform at that GENIUS level. I found resistance in that comment.

Consider this, many people have a natural BRILLIANCE about them which they may or may not ever unleash upon the world. Some people never know to SEEK out their brilliance and fall into the realm of IGNORANCE. Some people KNOW they have brilliance, yet spend their time in the WRONG places and thus never find it. Others, seek it and find it, yet never take ACTION on it out of FEAR (the most sad of all options). And yet, a few select people, seek it, find it AND take ACTION on it... hence BRILLIANCE in action.

You may recognize some of those people - Tiger Woods, Bill Gates, Nelson Mandela, Tony Robbins, Warren Buffett. All TOP achievers in their own right, ALL MEGA producers of wealth, ALL actionably living out their BRILLIANCE and GOD given strengths. YOU have that brilliance also... so where in the process are you?

In understanding this concept, you must first BELIEVE and ACCEPT that you have not even begun to tap into your true abilities. You DO possess the ability to work at GENIUS levels and with the right ACTION behind you - you can ACHIEVE at the level of the aforementioned.

The process includes:
- Realizing that you have GENIUS level capability
- Seeking the area of BRILLIANCE you possess (this may take a lengthy time)
- Defining and Refining your GENIUS capabilities
- Taking ACTION to push this special gift as far as you are able

This process is NOT EASY, hence, most people never pursue it. Should you CHOOSE greatness in your life, prepare for pain and frustration, then enjoy the gains of working in BRILLIANCE, just like Tiger Woods.


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