Morning Motivator – The Beauty of “Edutainment”

"Anyone who tries to make a distinction between education and entertainment doesn't know the first thing about either."
- Marshall McLuhan

Think back to the last TRAINING session… SNOOOOZE, right? I thought so.

Earlier this week I was GRANTED a very kind COMPLIMENT. A long time friend, and HOPEFUL new client, said that I was the "best salesperson" she had ever met. I CRINGED. Now, I am NOT ashamed of my profession and have great PRIDE in the value that "salespeople" bring to a company. Frankly, if it wasn't for sales people – no one else would have a JOB! The REASON I cringed is because I don't want to have people confuse "SALES" with "EDUCATION." Let me explain…

A "salesperson," as most of us know them, is someone that is trying to TELL you why you need something that will change your world FOREVER. Rather, a PROFESSIONAL salesperson is an EDUCATOR. They share ideas and demonstrate opportunities so the CLIENT can make the best DECISION for their selves. They have a knack for TEACHING and ENTERTAINING a client in a way that makes their proposal easy to understand and make clear decisions from.


As an EDUCATOR for the purpose of selling improved business processes, I have found that the fine art of "EDUTAINMENT" is the differentiator between being "salesy" and "memorable."

If you act like a CLOWN, telling lame jokes and desperately trying to deliver entertainment as a "side" of your presentation – you come off as "SALESY" and thus will be discounted.

If you are a MASTER of your presentation, able to create REAL LIFE humor from common situations, then you will become DESIRABLE, easy to RELATE to and MEMORABLE long after the initial visit.

Simply put, once you are able to MASTER your delivery and INTEGRATE relevant humor into your delivery – you will EXPERIENCE the power of "edutainment" and as a result, will find MORE presentation opportunities and closed sales! Make it FUN to do business together and people will GRAVITATE towards you…


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Morning Motivator – Stick to Your Guns!

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

Do you know what it means to be a TRAILBLAZER? To be the person that PUSHES the envelope of CHANGE? Have you ever faced a CHALLENGE that you KNEW could be overcome?

As can be found in any STONG leader, you will find that you receive a lot of PUSH BACK from others as you push forward with your ideas. You MUST stick to your guns! If you BELIEVE so passionately that you are right and find that people understand the idea, yet do not have the ABILITY to "buy into it" due to a lack of money, expertise or understanding – then KEEP PUSHING!

What you will find is that the "market" will help shape your offering. They will buy in to the PORTIONS they believe in and let you know where they need additional assistance of simply reject the idea.

It can be noted that I am not a huge FAN of the current US Government Administration, however, I will say that I RESPECT the drive and resilience though.

Just as we will see with healthcare reform, PORTIONS of the idea will be accepted, the rejected portions will be adjusted and EVENTUALLY a solution will be achieved.

By CONTINUING to push and stay committed to the OBJECTIVES, the end goals can and will be achieved. They may look a little DIFFERENT than when you started, yet, you WILL have attained your change…


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Morning Motivator - Question Authority!

"Everything popular is wrong."
-Oscar Wilde, the Importance of Being Earnest

Ever heard this FATAL phrase, "we do it that way because it has always been done like that!" OMG...shoot me now!

Anytime I hear someone say that phrase, I KNOW one thing... they are doing it WRONG. Not always COMPLETELY wrong, however inefficiently at the least. Commonly, YOUR old way is effective in getting things done, hence why the 75 year old CEO wants it done the same way all the time. This is also why young guns entering the marketplace are able PENETRATE and CAPTURE more and more of the world's business. To prove my point, I have a GREAT example...

Remember BLOCKBUSTER video? They were that store you would go to on a Friday night to pick up a few movies, maybe a game or two. Remember they made you STAND in line, battle about questionable LATE FEES, HOPE the movie you wanted was in and more. I remember them CLEARLY. What I also remember was when NETFLIX and REDBOX starting showing up, Blockbuster still "KNEW" you would come to them and go through the whole process they so carefully constructed.

Well, you get the point... I wonder - why didn't anyone QUESTION the way they were doing business? Why did someone not STAND UP and question if there might be a better way?

The fate of Blockbuster has yet to be realized; however I might SUGGEST that their failure to continually question their DELIVERY model may be the end of their EMPIRE. They were LATE to the changing marketplace of "self service" and "self managed" on-demand video.

I might suggest that NETFLIX and REDBOX consider streaming video downloading as they QUESTION their processes. (Note: Netflix has already started an initial program for direct download).

The REAL LESSON here is that if you are NOT questioning authority, the "way things have always been done," and the people who say they have your "best interest" at heart - you WILL become a VICTIM of your complacency. ALWAYS question business, government and your personal actions... then find a BETTER way!


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Morning Motivator - A Leading Reminder...

"People need more to be reminded (more) than to be instructed."
- CS Lewis

Special thank you to a great supporter and friend I just don't do enough with, Jody Duncan of ADS Security, for the above quote.

Don't you just "love" MICROMANAGEMENT? (Sarcasm again offered for free today) You know, the kind of management that is always TELLING you what to do, each step of the way...

I am FORTUNATE, I don't work in that type of group. I have been part of a MICROMANAGED team before though. The constant ask of - "where are you?", "have you called the client?", "did you send that email?", etc.

My management theory is this - if you don't TRUST them to do the work, don't HIRE them! Otherwise, hire for skill, intelligence, ambition and time management. Hire for DESIRED behaviors... Teach SPECIFIC skills later.

The thought comes to mind, "to get respect you must give respect." As a manager, who has hired the RIGHT person for the job, it is your duty to continually remind and coach your staff to excellence. By serving as a DRILL sergeant, you will create more ANGST and DISDAIN than LOYALTY and CONFIDENCE.

You must note that BUILDING your team is a CONTINUAL "process." Note the word PROCESS. You must CREATE a process for excellence in execution, then consistently REMIND the team of your END goals, VALUES and PRINCIPLES. Create an environment of TRUST and they will bring SOLUTIONS to the process that will create the end goal you are seeking...

Build TRUST, create PROCESSES and REMIND the individual of their WORTH. All else will follow...


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Morning Motivator – A Rule About Advice…

"Older and wiser voices can always help you find the right path, if you are only willing to listen."
-Jimmy Buffett, A Pirate Looks At 50

This weekend has been one of INTENSE thought and discovery for me. No, I haven't CHANGED my focus in life, nor have I really changed any of my focuses… However, a discussion with a great mentor and businessman, Carl Pottkotter, CTO of NovaCopy in Nashville, Tennessee, has DRIVEN my thought processes to become MORE focused!

In addition to the continual thought processing, I have established a greater APPRECIATION for the VALUE of excellent advice. I mentioned in a Morning Motivator last week that one of my areas for growth is LISTENING… and on Friday I did it. I sat, listened and ABSORBED the counsel, wisdom and application strategies offered. An opportunity like this allows for GROWTH via an indirect perspective. Even more valuable, it came from a STRATEGIC partner – someone I refer business to and hope to grow a deeper relationship with.

You know what I think is the COOLEST thing about the advice?? It provided me the OUTSIDE input needed to IMMEDIATELY and DIRECTLY improves my business; in addition, advice is always a SCRIPTING for how others would like to work WITH you. If you LISTEN closely, what you hear is people defining the best way to help with their needs or their clients' needs… what a TREASURE!!

The discussion made me think about what a coach of mine in college used to say – if I wasn't being CRITICAL of you, you would know I have given up. WHOA!!

Advice, whether you feel it to be positive or negative, is always CONSTRUCTIVE! Negative advice is a plea for IMPROVEMENT, someone asking you to get better or they may have to leave you. Positive advice is a notation of FRIENDSHIP, the suggestion on how to become more SUCCESSFUL, in a faster manner. No advice… is the kiss of DEATH and the end of a relationship.

If you are wondering, "what is the best way to get advice?", then you should PAY ATTENTION very closely… here it is… ASK. Yes, just ask for feedback, input, a critique, recommendations or whatever other "name" you would like to put on it. You may WAIT forever for unsolicited feedback. ASKING will get it more frequently AND show the person you are asking that you RESPECT and APPRECIATE their input. Once they know it is "safe" to give feedback – they will likely begin doing it more!


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