Morning Motivator – Getting Things Done

"Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein."
-H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Every day you are provided with 24 hours of time to CREATE a better life for yourself. Often, you hear people say, "I couldn't get to that. I ran out of time." It makes me wonder – WHAT are they doing with their time? And was that task something that was more IMPORTANT than what they CHOSE to work on instead?

I am as GUILTY as anyone else of CHOOSING the "fun thing" over the "important thing." I too, enjoy checking my emails and chatting with friends. I BELIEVE that those are critical keys to success in anyone's life. Face it – we are NOT freakin robots here! However, we are ACCOUNTABLE to ourselves to ACHIEVE our goals, dreams and desires. So what makes us CHOOSE to do the wrong things when we know what the RIGHT things are?

As human beings, we are always seeking a BALANCE of emotion. Face it, most of us do not LOVE our work. We don't wake up every day saying, " Sweet! Another day of doing (fill in the blank)." For most, your career path has been a means to an end. This provides us with INSIGHT into the decision making process we pursue. Commonly, we WILL seek the things that make us feel GOOD and ENGAGED. We will HESITATE to pursue things that feel CHALLENGING or without PURPOSE. If you know this and understand that you still have a commitment to fulfill, then you are better able to plan a strategy to complete your needed tasks.


There is a SIMPLE process for executing the tasks that are not as "fun" as others and once completed "freeing up" your time to allow for more enjoyable tasks and projects.

"SWALLOW the BIG FROG FIRST" – take on the biggest, nastiest, ugliest task you have in your day. The one that ACCOMPLISHES the most and is ultimately the BARRIER between you and your enjoyment in the day. If it is COLD CALLING, REPORTING, PAPER WORK, FOLLOW UPS, ETC… do them from 7am to 9am. Set a time frame, knock them out and then move on to the enjoyable things in your day. If you find that your ENTIRE day is filled with things that are NOT enjoyable… then consider the "WHY" in what you are doing.

Don't be AFRAID to be GREAT – you have all the ABILITY to make yourself a SUCCESS or allow yourself to settle for less. Have a great weekend!!


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Morning Motivator - Learning to Overcome Fears

"I have learned over the years that when one's mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear."
-Rosa Parks

I think we all some inherent FEARS - Failure, Infidelity, Abandonment, Death, Poverty. Interestingly, I imagine that you have actual CONTROL over about 5% of what will happen in those spaces.

If we CONTROL so little - why do we WORRY so much? I THINK its due to the fact these PAINS are so deeply ingrained into our psyche that we have challenges finding ways to CONCEPTUALIZE the "how" of the fear.

I am LEARNING that UNDERSTANDING your fears and what drives those feelings is the first key to overcoming them. Additionally, I have REALIZED that the people whom seem FEARLESS are nothing of the sorts, rather they just have a better grip on how to overcome and own them.

One of the keys to ACHIEVING (personally and professionally) is overcoming fears.

In order to do so, one must first be ABLE to identify your fears and what spawns them. Then find processes that EASE those pains and begin implementation.

For severe anxieties, you may be best suited to seek the advice of someone that has FAMILIARARITY with your challenge and can provide insight.

You are a very POWERFUL being - don't let FEAR slow you down!!


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Morning Motivator - Learning to Accept

"Change the changeable, accept the unchangeable, and remove yourself from the unacceptable."
-Denis Waitley

Last evening, I presided over my first Junior Chamber membership meeting and finally EXPERIENCED what my leadership dreams were.

In the past 6 months, I have been very FOCUSED on learning to ACCEPT what I CAN change and what I am unable to. I am LEARNING live with the past - things that have come and gone - and made me the person that I am, as well as the past of those things around me.

Why do people have so much CHALLENGE learning to change the changeable and accept the unchangeable? Why do we DWELL on the past when we are not able to make the changes? How do we move FORWARD if we are so focused on the past?

As a LEADER, my goal is to help others overcome the same challenges I face. This is one of my BIGGEST challenges...

Personally, I have found that SHARING your thoughts with others that have faced the same CHALLENGES. Additionally, I have found that FOCUSING on the GREAT things that have resulted from the past is the BEST way to find value.

Realize that you are a GREAT person because of ALL the actions that came prior to today... OWN IT!


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Morning Motivator - Your Purpose, Your Career

"One needs something to believe in, something for which one can have whole-hearted enthusiasm. One needs to feel that one's life has meaning, that one is needed in this world."
- Hannah Senesh

This morning I met with a young man to talk about my business and some changes in his. Interesting was how the discussion included BOTH professional and personal elements of interest that are RELEVANT to the overall opportunity.

Our chat centered around what I do for a living and manifested into a discussion around the Junior Chamber and how its value supports my efforts. The ABILITY to meet and discuss opportunities with community leaders, business managers and decision influencers in my local area. We chatted about how an opportunity to provide LEADERSHIP in a high profile position, is a DIRECT benefit to the company that you work for and the ways that it eases the process of your job.

I wonder how many business leaders SUPPORT the efforts of their talented team members in their efforts to LIVE a career of community and relationship. How many LEADERS encourage their talent to create bonds that will provide LONG TERM success for their business? How many just "want the numbers"? I also wonder how many companies retain top talent by DRIVING only the idea of productivity and fail to see the value of a person career focus?

Are you forced to choose between life and work? Should you have to? Do you want to?

Many talented people seek one simple feeling in their day to day business... PURPOSE. The idea of CREATING something that makes a DIFFERENCE in the lives of others and allows the individual to feel a sense of GROWTH and ACCOMPLISHMENT is one of the KEY driving forces of success in today's workplace.

Here is a quick guideline for CLARIFYING your works purpose:
* Define YOUR purpose - What do you want to do? How do you want to make your mark?
* Seek INTEGRATION of that purpose into your career - How can I achieve my needs and satisfy those of my company?
* Set TIMELINES for accomplishment - Establish a time frame to see results and define "next steps" for success or shortfall
* DETERMINE your best strengths - Make sure you are working with what you are BEST at. If not, why do it?
* CHANGE if you are not fulfilled - Why work if you don't feel accomplished, supported or successful? Find a better way to make your path.


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Morning Motivator – 30 Years in the Making...

"You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt; as young as your self-confidence, as old as your fear; as young as your hope, as old as your despair."
-General Douglas MacArthur

As some of you may already know, today is my BIRTHDAY. Not only is it my birthday; it is one of great SIGNIFICANCE… today I am 30 and for the past 12 months, I have "enjoyed" the common quotes about age and the UNDENIABLY keen eyes of those that have noticed the grey in my hair. With that said, I share with you this.

Today is a GREAT day for me as I have come to realize many things, as I am…
- WISER than I was at 20
- more EXCITING than when 21
- better FOCUSED than at 22
- STRONGER in character than I was at 23
- enjoy more FREEDOM than I did at 24
- feeling greater CONFIDENCE than I was at 25
- exploring more ADVENTURE than being 26
- realizing more SELF AWARENESS than I did at 27
- have greater PURPOSE than at 28
- and am HAPPIER with my place in life than I was at 29

I APPRECIATE all the humor and the jest that come with reaching a milestone year. I APPRECIATE all my friends, my family and my supporters. I APPRECIATE those that believe as I do – that I have yet to tap into my POTENTIAL, but when I get there… it will be AMAZING. And LASTLY, I APPRECIATE all those special people that continue to PURSUE their dreams with passion and zest, for it is this trait that will change the world and allow my children to share their great MILESTONES for years and years to come.

May this be your BEST year ever – filled with JOY, SUCCESS, PURPOSE and ACHIEVEMENT. Always pursue the GROWTH opportunities of life and you will find yourself in the places of SUCCESS you always expected to be…


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