Morning Motivator – Don’t Learn from Your Microwave

"We live in a microwave world.  It is all done so fast now, you almost forget how to do it the old fashioned way."
- Anonymous

I realized the other night when I heard the above quote, that I have ALLOWED my microwave to become a teacher.  It has taught me to expect SHORTCUTS to the end goal; ACCEPT lower quality of results and be able to "FIX" anything in a matter of moments.  DAMN ME for being so naïve…

Look at the most SUCCESSFUL businesses in your community… how long have they been WORKING towards their success?  Look at an ATTORNEY or PHYSICIAN, how many years of school are REQUIRED in order to attain their credentials?  Look at the people you know that STRUGGLE in life and business… are they living in a MICROWAVE world??

Hard work sucks… that is why it is HARD.  A good home-cooked meal is HARD WORK, but it tastes so good!  A home "NUKED" meal is quick and easy, but rarely holds up to mom's yams and turkey.

SUCCESS is a PROCESS.  It requires more than 3 steps and 90-seconds on HIGH.

If you want to ACHIEVE long term, SUSTAINABLE success, you are going to have to learn how to cook it up, just like momma used to do.  Stop thinking that a good marketing campaign will ZAP your sales success or a new manager will help you QUICKLY get organized.

BEHAVIOR is difficult to change and your microwave is hard to throw away.  If you want to improve QUALITY and SUSTAINABILITY, seek TRADITIONAL avenues of success – hard work, relationships, education and perseverance.  Otherwise, you better hope everyone else starts doing things the microwave way – cheap, quick and low quality.



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Morning Motivator – Because Most Won’t Do It…

"I always say thanks to people in military and police/fire.  Mostly because I know that I wouldn't want to do their job."
- Anonymous

Do you know what the HARDEST job in the world is?  The one you DO NOT want to do.  Say THANK YOU to your military (and first responders).

Time and time again, I hear people COMPLAIN about wars that the United States is involved in.  They moan about how we SHOULD NOT be involved in this and that, often not having 1% of an understanding of the IMPLICATIONS of the battle itself.  Moreover, these same people HIDE behind a false cloak of LIBERAL superiority, often stating, "I would never serve in a war that has such evil purpose."

WAR is ugly.  No one wants to be involved in it.  Yet, a few, stand up and SACRIFICE their safety for US – the people sitting back home in our warm beds with our loved ones enjoying Monday Night Football, complaining about Judy at work talks too much with her mom on the phone.  YOU better damn well say THANK YOU to everyone of those selfless leaders that serve to provide us safety.

I am not a military guy, never have been.  I CHOSE not to serve my country in that capacity and one day hope that I am able to serve my country in an equally meaningful way (if that is even possible).

Understand that LEADERSHIP is about SACRIFICE - the sacrifice of one's comfort and selfish tendencies for the BETTERMENT of the many around you.  Our MILITARY, agree with what they do or not, ENSURES that we have the rights and ability to complain about our government, stand up for injustices of our civil liberties, and protect us against tyranny of government (foreign and domestic).

If I was called upon – YES, I would serve with pride and honor in my heart.  Until then, I know that I owe my life, my livelihood and all my support to the men and women that SERVE on my behalf to allow me the opportunity to write this Morning Motivator and express myself openly in the ways I see fit.




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Morning Motivator – Make It Easy For Your Client

"I don't understand.  What am I supposed to do?"
- Your Future Clients

When you meet with a client, how EASY is it for them to do business with you?  Is it clear what you want them to do?  If not, WHY NOT?

SIMPLIFYING the process for interaction is one of the BEST KEPT SECRETS of top producers.  Do you think that NETFLIX made their millions because their DVD's are better than Blockbuster?  No – they made it EASIER to get a hold of the DVD is all.

How could you make your business offering EASIER for people to get?  The OBVIOUS ideas are through the internet and direct delivery… that is if you sell a PRODUCT.  What if you sell SERVICES or information?  Is it easier to buy a book or download to your Kindle?  Hmmm…

Unless you sell a product – which is made easier through simplified access (delivery, download, etc) – you must DETERMINE what it is people are REALLY buying.

In IT Services, people are buying response time and efficient repair of computer systems.  If it is difficult to reach your help desk, or receive validation that the issue is being resolved (and by when), then you are HURTING your service offering.

If you offer something that is based of MEMBERSHIP, then wouldn't it make sense to create the most SIMPLIFIED sign up possible… and eliminate any fees?  Why make it more DIFFICULT by adding multiple layers of complication to create a MEMBERSHIP?

THINK about what you can do to make it EASIER for your clients – then do it!  If you don't need a full client profile to help them, don't get it.  If your client needs to talk through details, don't email them.

SIMPLY your way to success… your future clients will APPRECIATE it!



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Morning Motivator – Commit to the Idea, Not Details

"Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now"
- Alan Lakein

From a vacation to your financial future, PLANNING is a critical key in success.  If you do not have an IDEA of where you want to end up, it will be very difficult to get where you want… (duh, right?)

The reality is that MOST people put more thought in a week in to what to do on a Friday night, than any PRODUCTIVE future planning.  Most common complaint, "It is too difficult to make all those plans and then try to manage them along the way."  AGREED!

I would contest that the most common FALLACY in planning psychology is the idea that there is a SYSTEMATIC master plan that must be drawn out and then closely followed in order to attain success.

Think about when you were a kid.  You said you wanted to be a police officer (or something of the sorts).  Never did you say, "I want to be a major case crimes detective in the 3rd precinct of the Chicago police department."

The PLAN was just to be a cop.  No more, no less.  The details would be determined later as your HONED your likings and FOCUSED on your desires.

PLANNING is a process, from general to specific.  Start with BROAD strokes, a general target of what you want to achieve, then, as you get closer to the target make your SPECIFICS.  You will find keeping FOCUSED is much easier… and SUCCESS is simplified!



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Morning Motivator – Break In From the Inside

"If you want better clients… become one yourself."
- Zachary Barker

The MOST COMMON problem that marketing professionals have, is that they believe they know exactly what people want from a product or service.  The MOST COMMON cause of this flawed thinking comes from the fact that they are not clients of the product or service themselves.

Do you think that if a financial planner had THEIR OWN financial planner they would look at the business in a different manner?  They may UNDERSTAND the fears, frustrations and concerns a bit more if they were not managing their own portfolio.

What if a dentist went to someone the DID NOT know (and did not tell them they were a dentist) to have a root canal?  Do you think they may have a better gauge of what the client REALLY WANTS after that experience?

Try BECOMING a client of someone that provides your service or product.

Do all the things that would be expected and do NOT tell them what you do.  Go to someone you do not know for this experiment.  Ask them to help you and TRULY become a client.

Once you are able to BECOME a client, you will better be able to understand and effectively communicate to others what you offer that helps them become a client MORE EASILY.

Additionally, if you can become a client within a GROUP of people… well, it would seem that you will have a good opportunity to gain some NEW (BETTER) clients from your personal affiliations after awhile as well.  People ALWAYS like to work with people they know… and know well!


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