Morning Motivator – Boo Hoo, Get Over It

"We don't have a choice in this.  If they tell us to play in the parking lot… we have to show up."
- Jay Cutler, Chicago Bears NFL Quarterback

If you are not a football fan, you are missing a good learning lesson in DEDICATION.  On Monday, the Minnesota Vikings and Chicago Bears are expected to play in an OUTDOOR game in frigid Minnesota.

Understand that players are COMPLAINING about the cold and conditions of the field.  The many players before them played on for years and years without alternatives these same conditions.  Yet, they complain.

We all work in CONDITIONS we do not prefer – agree?

Business people have been working in TERRIBLE conditions for the past 3 to 4 years, as our economy has "appeared to slow" and business owners; put their checkbooks away ceasing to purchase many new goods and services.  Yet, business people have TRUDGED forward…

As a PROFESSIONAL, you are asked to make many sacrifices.  Often, these SACRIFICES cause discomfort, insecurity or even risk, yet we push forward.

I agree that no one wants NFL players to be injured in the course of a game, but seriously, aren't football players the toughest guys around?  Are they not paid MILLIONS of dollars to play a game for a few hours each week (actually on for ½ the year)?

I say, "suck it up!"  If you are that concerned about the cold and conditions, give up your game check and take the day off… that's what REAL professionals have to do in the business world, so should you!


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Morning Motivator – You Better Get Creative

"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower."
- Steve Jobs

Let's face it – things rarely work out EXACTLY as we hoped.  Often, we are "mostly there" with some minor glitch that seems to create a major counter-effect of anxiety.  Kind of like when you show up for a presentation without your note cards… ugh!

The DIFFERENCE between people that achieve and those that fail often comes down to CREATIVITY during these times of "just off" plans.  YOUR ability to be dynamic and flexible while maintaining composure and consistency will ELEVATE you to the next level.

How will you REACT when things don't go EXACTLY your way?

You can solve most challenges quickly and effectively if you are WELL CONNECTED and STAY COOL under pressure.

First, ASSESS your situation and determine what you need at a MINIMUM to accomplish your goal.

Once you IDENTIFY the minimum need, determine if someone can AID you with that need and delegate if so.  If not, it is on you… you better get to work quickly.  Crib notes, a detailed description instead of a sample, or even taking a "field trip" to get where you need to be (taking others with you) – all are FEASIBLE ways of "faking it 'till you make" through your challenge.

Lastly, remember that most things are able to be easily FIXED.  Whether by apology, delay, or my favorite, just "winging it", you have the ability to get through your challenge… if you can just tap into a little bit of your CREATIVITY!


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Morning Motivator – It’s NOT Who You Know…

"Position yourself as a center of influence - the one who knows the movers and shakers. People will respond to that, and you'll soon become what you project."
- Bob Burg

EDUCATION is one of my favorite topics.  Moreover, the FAILURE of education to arm our youth with any of the real skills required to achieve success in the world.  While teachers work very hard to teach and help students become critical thinkers, the systems by which they are taught to teach are FLAWED.

We have all heard the adage, "It is not what you know, rather who you know."  A valid comment made when you consider how success is achieved – through relationships.  I CONTEST the idea that WHO you know is the MOST IMPORTANT facet though.  I believe if you take it one-step further, then you find the REAL KEY to achievement.

Be very CLEAR – It is NOT who you know…

… In fact, it is who knows YOU!  And for what.

To know many people does NOT make you an INFLUENCER in the community.  To know many people does not make you RESPECTED by the people that make decisions.  To know many people does not ENSURE that you will be given opportunity when opportunity arises.

WHO knows you and HOW they know you IS the power behind the success you are seeking.

When the RIGHT people know you, they begin to SEEK you out for information and/or connectivity.  When the RIGHT people know you, they call upon with opportunities to ask for your help or from whom they should attain services.

When the RIGHT people know you in the right ways, you CONTROL your own success!  Now, how do you make them know you??


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Morning Motivator – Remember, Just Start Small…

"Start simple.  Deliver a solid experience and everything else will come."
- Philip Steen, President/Owner, Nashville Sports Leagues

Like many other "alpha personalities," I tend to be one that thinks about what to do when I am at full capacity prior to starting a project.  I FOCUS on making sure we can grow to a POSITIVE end-result by worrying about the experience from the beginning.  There is only one issue with that – you are NOT there yet!

My good friend and business partner, Philip Steen, is kind enough to CONTINUALLY keep me grounded and focused around the idea that we just need to start with a SIMPLE, SOLID product and build off of that positive experience.  (Easy for him to say, he has built a business we would all envy.)

Here is the thing about his WISDOM… He is RIGHT! 

Any good business started small, simple and delivered an offering that was UNMATCHED by others.  That is the fundamental element of POSITIVE, EXPONENTIAL growth.  This is a growth out of PASSIONATE appreciation and desire to use one's service or product.

What if you were so good (and a little exclusive) to the point that people we ASKING you to spend their money with you?  Sounds like a good CHALLENGE to overcome.

By creating a SMALL, SIMPLE offering, you create a demand that extends beyond those who are using it, into others that WISH they could too!  Maybe you put a CAP on how many people can  EXPERIENCE your offering to start – only the first to act get to enjoy.  Then, PERFECT the delivery… and let the blow wide open!  (Thank Phil.  I am listening…)


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Morning Motivator – A Message from MY Realtor

"It is no wonder Drew Brees is so good.  He runs through every play, every way in every practice."
- Unknown sports announcer

Special thank to my GREAT friend and long time supporter, Josh Anderson.  He is my personal Realtor and a long time friend.  If you need a great contact in Nashville, call me and I will get you with Josh!
Champions Have an Immense Capacity for Sustained Concentration

Champions are famous for concentrating their energy and efforts on what they want and blocking out anything or anyone who threatens that focus. While average people haphazardly pursue loosely defined goals, champions concentrate on the attainment of a singular purpose with an intensity that borders on obsession.

World-class performers invest an inordinate amount of time and energy in selecting their major goals. While the masses consider making changes every New Year's Eve, the goal setting and planning process is an everyday habit of champions. When the goals are set, champions put mental blinders on and move forward with dogged persistence and ferocious tenacity. World-class performers create such an intense level of concentration to overcome challenges and achieve goals that it is the last thing they think about before they fall asleep, and the first thing that hits them when they wake up. The great ones dream about their goals so frequently that they often keep pen and paper on the nightstand so they can quickly record any ideas or solutions that come to them in the middle of the night. While average people see world-class performers' successes as a matter of intelligence or luck, champions know sustained concentration of thought and action is usually the true key to their success.

Action Step for Today (2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP:)
Write down the single most important goal you want to achieve in the next twelve months and make a commitment to concentrate on achieving it — no matter what.

Thank Again Josh – you "da man!"


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