Morning Motivator - Don't Freak Out!

"Know that I know I am schedule, I can get back to focusing."
- Anonymous writer of the Morning Motivator (wink, wink)

An INTERESTING psychological reaction occurs when people being to feel pressure to achieve. Most
notably, realized in my observations, is the inability for people to effectively prioritize upon the insertion
of high volumes of pressure. From deadlines to finances, if you add pressure that shortens a timeline by
2 days or finances by 20%, you find "THE MELTDOWN."

I would say that I am most interested in this reaction, due to the fact, that under duduress an individual
best ACHIEVES by INCREASING focus on the few most effective tasks and their successful execution,
rather than worry about the new pressures.

Why is it, as humans, we consistently lose focus when we need it most? Is it "Fight or Flight" kicking in?
Is it just that we fixate on relieving the pain (although focusing would best do that)?

2 Degree Success Step:
When the S#&@ hits the fan... It is game time! You can become Michael Jordan or LeBron James... Your

Taking control (leadership) and executing effectively (focus) is what is REQUIRED in order to come
through in "crunch time." The are some simple steps for ENSURING that you deliver as you expect
yourself to:
1. Take a deep breath and relax... It is not as big of a deal as you are making it.
2. Quickly prioritize. What are your top 2 goals?
3. Execute immediately. Don't hesitate - JUST GO!
4. Don't waver. You have 2 goals, no more, no less... Nothing else matters!
5. Ask for help. If you need it, swallow your pride and get it done.
6. Take a deep breath and relax... It is not as big of a deal as you are making it.

Nothing, repeat NOTHING, ever occurs on YOUR time schedule. Understand that and prepare
accordingly. When things go south, start at 1 and GET IT DONE!!


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Morning Motivator – 3 Years Later, This Still Applies!

"It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves."
-Sir Edmund Hillary

Note: This Morning Motivator was originally written in September 5, 2008.

Who or what is the ONE thing that gets most in the way of your success?  How often do you face this ANTAGONIST to find that they always undercut your passion, confidences or focus?  How well do you  know this enemy of ACHIEVEMENT?  Very well, I imagine...

Often people will share an insight (or excuse as I call it) about what is holding them back – ECONOMY, EDUCATION, Etc… In REALTY, the most common foe to your achievement is YOU. Your thoughts of MISTRUST, UNCERTAINTY, LOW SELF VALUE, INSECURITY and FEAR. We all learn these negative traits as we GROW and share new EXPERIENCES. It is these negative responses we must learn to MASTER and CONTROL.

You have the ability to CHANGE your position against yourself to one of SUPPORT. You can become your BIGGEST fan. By learning to see the value of SELF and the unique talents you are able to offer to the world, you can exercise your specials skills into ADORATION, ACCOMPLISHMENT, LOVE and SUCCESS. When you stop and RECOGNIZE that the only person that is REALLY holding you back from achieving your desire for (fill in the blank) is YOU, then you EMPOWER yourself to face fears, insecurities and anxieties KNOWING they are a false reality made up in your mind. You have total control over your FEELINGS once you learn where they stem from.

Interestingly enough, it is not INTELLIGENCE that separates successful people from under achieving people. It is not a special GOD given talent that ONLY that one person has (even Michael Phelps can get beat).

A critical key to success most often SACRIFICE. Sacrifice of your comfort for a desired growth. Sacrifice of your anxieties for a pursuit of passion. Sacrifice of your fear for an opportunity to feel love. It is when you are willing to give up all your "false comforts" for REAL VALUE that you will find the success and accomplishments you desire in your life.

Do not beat yourself up – You are a great person and everyone around knows that. Do not be afraid to use your talents and NEVER let fear be the emotion that guides your decisions.

Have a GREAT weekend!


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Morning Motivator – Password Rest FAIL

"Incorrect password.  Try again."
- TweetDeck application

Every so often, a tech company helps me make a new Morning Motivator.  Today, it is TweetDeck. 

TweetDeck is an all-in-one social media platform for managing your Twitter, FaceBook, FourSquare and other social media accounts.  It sounds like a WINNER, especially since no one wants to manage all those accounts from multiple interfaces (if at all).  Yet, what happens when you forget you MASTER PASSWORD to the account?

Unless you are "one of those" that has one password on all 1,000 of your accounts, you will OCCASIONALLY forget one here and there.  This brings us to the issue:  the INABILITY TO EASILY UNCOVER OR RESET YOUR PASSWORD.

If you run a business based on accessibility – via phone, email, interface, application, club card or even just a front door lock – you better damn well make sure if someone FORGETS how to connect, that you have an EASY way to let them back in.

Why?  Well, it really is just a matter of finances.  We all know that the SIMPLEST solutions win most often and the one with the simplest solution makes the most money.

If YOUR solution is easy to use, yet hard to access "in the event of…," you can expect that your user base (and your finances) will have a direct affect. 

I may be a fool, and this may be easy to do… but it sure is not easy to find and not at all INTUITIVE.  To me – that is just about hard enough!  Make it easy to get in … and easy to get "back in."


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Morning Motivator – One Best Answer - OR - Buffets Suck

"Ambiguity is logic is what creates confusion amongst clients."
- Zach Barker

Let's face it – there are multiple "good" answers to a solution.  Yet, there is only one "BEST" answer.

I recently went to dinner with my wife's family and a comment about the "limited" number of options on the menu arose.  It was at that moment I further APPRECIATED the expertise of the chef and his team.  Sure, they could have offered ten variations of chicken, six of beef and five different fish, but alas, they did not.  One chicken, one beef, one game, two fish (very different in nature) – BEAUTIFUL!

Why is that so important?  Simple, you either want fish, chicken, wild game or fish.  The overwhelming number of options made in variations of those few choices just CONFUSES you.  The chef HELPED you by giving you your ONE BEST ANSWER to your taste desire.

Try giving your clients FEWER options with greater focus.  Seek to offer the one "BEST" solution to them, rather than allowing them to sit at the "buffet of business" and figure it out on their own.  People that do not know what they want like buffets… and expect LOWER quality of food and service.

Is your business a BUFFET?  Do you offer multiple variations that all solve the same solution?  When a client asks you which one you prefer, do you think they believe you IF the option you like happens to be the most expensive?

Do you people a favor – give them the ONE BEST OPTION.  If they need a "one off," help them get it, but do not add a completely new solution as a result!  Buffets suck… and you know why.


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Morning Motivator – When to Start a Business

"I would love to start a business, but…"
- All too common comment

When is the BEST time to start a business?  Is it when all the research is completed?  How about when you know you have at least 100 orders lined up?  Maybe when the economy is better?

How about TODAY!?  Why not?

The fact of the matter is there is NO BEST TIME to start a business.  The ideal timing, some may say, is when you are most highly MOTIVATED and willing to "bet on yourself."

I mean, you are a SUPERSTAR, right?  You are excellent at your work.  You know a vast many people.  You listen well and work hard.  What is there to lose?  A little bit of money, time and maybe some of that all too precious EGO?  Simple stuff to replace, regain or rebuild.

If you believe in YOURSELF as being one of the best in your line of work, why not start a business?  You can start small.  One client here, one product there.  See where it takes you.

If you wait around for IDEAL conditions, you will find that the conditions were ALWAYS ideal… it was you that was not.

Sure, you may struggle with operations, sales, management, marketing, human resources, financing, etc… (Rarely all at the same time) NEVERTHELESS, every business owner does.  You can hire EXPERTS, outsource your weaknesses, or collaborate with someone that compliments you.  What you CANNOT do is MAKE EXCUSES!

If you want it – take it, otherwise, just go to work and save yourself the heartbreak of dreaming of something that you know you will never do.


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