Morning Motivator – Are You a Discounter?

"Value is what you get."
- Warren Buffett

In the past weeks, I have had multiple discussions about PRICING and VALUE associated with time.  Continually, the number of people that do not VALUE their time near as much as they value $10 in their pocket AMAZES me.

When offering a MEANINGFUL, VALUABLE service or product, you must be willing to walk away from opportunities when the only resulting option is to DISCOUNT your price, quality or reputation.  Still, time after time, people WILLINGLY discount all of the above in order to "make the deal."  But at what cost??

Consider the "GroupOn effect" that is sweeping the nation as daily discount emails are driving commerce for businesses.  Sounds like a sweet way to push your business through the roof quickly, however, many of these businesses are ONLY selling services or products when on discount.  (Buy an oil change lately?)

When you CONCEDE to the "discount gremlin," you find that he comes back to bite you again and again.

By DEVALUING your business, price, quality or reputation, you also create a new STANDARD for your business.  No longer is your product or service deemed a high value, rather, something that can 'waited out" until the price drops and then acquired.

Additionally, consider WHO your clients are when you DISCOUNT… they are DISLOYAL, PRICE DRIVEN, NON-REFERRAL DRIVING, LOW QUALITY, LOW VALUE, LOW INTEREST clientele.  Can you seriously say those are the clients you WANT?!

Discount at your own risk… it might just be your value as a whole that is discounted as a result!


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Morning Motivator – Freeze, We Want You Surrounded!

"The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary."
- Donald Kendall

Who are three people you TRUST with your reputation?  Name the people you would put on a poster to PROMOTE you and your business.  Where can you find people that EMBRACE your values and ambitions?

The people you surround yourself with WILL define you and your successes.  It is the REALIZATION that your parents were right about the idea that you end up like the people you hang out with.  So who are you hanging out with?

Party friends, the ones that have a great time, but are not very good at doing are a DANGER to your success.  The HARDCORE business friends that only look at people as a tool to their success are a great CONDUIT to branding yourself as INSINCERE.  The BLEEDING heart friends, while trying to save the world, are a quick path to being labeled "ANNOYING."

Sure, those are stereotypes of people, but all too often, they fit!

Choose your partners, social, professional, political, etc, very CAREFULLY.  Seek people that you NATURALLY "click" with that share similar ambitions, values and passions.  If you love politics, seek out people to be in a community action group.  If you love sports, hit the gym.

Who you surround yourself IS critical to your success.  Just think if your best friends were Donald Trump, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg.  Do you think you would be a SOLID business person after a few months of hanging out?   Maybe it is time to find more people to help you DEFINE who you want to become…


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Morning Motivator - Your Own Odds

Thank you again to one of my BEST FRIENDS, Josh Anderson of Josh Anderson Real Estate/Keller Williams in Nashville.  This is a GREAT Morning Motivator!  'Preciate ya buddy! 

In many of the things you attempt, the odds will be against you. Fortunately, the odds don't really matter.

After all, the odds were very much against you ever being born in the first place.  And yet here you are.

Whether it is with your health, your wealth, your relationships, or anything else, the odds don't determine your results. Your thoughts, actions, words, focus, commitment and persistence are what create the results you get.

You can control those things, no matter what the odds might be. Pay no attention to the odds, and direct your focus toward doing whatever is necessary to get where you wish to go.


The odds do not take your level of determination into consideration. So when it comes to what you intend to do, those odds really don't have much meaning.

Step forward, take action, and keep going until you reach the goal you've chosen to reach. Make your own odds, and put them one hundred percent in your favor.

Thank again Josh!


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Morning Motivator – Build a Specific Team

"Individual commitment to a group effort -- that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work."
-  Vince Lombardi

Today, I am INTERVIEWING interns to work with my company in South Louisiana.  This will be step one in a two-step process to determine who is the IDEAL fit for our group.  Seem like overkill for an intern position?  Possibly, but, when you consider they REPRESENT you, your business and your dream… you better make sure they are the RIGHT FIT.

What makes a GOOD team member - skill, dedication, ambition, discipline, organization?  Sure, all those work.  Yet, none may matter.  What about charisma?  Social presence?  Connectivity?  Creativity?  Are those more or less important?

The point of building a team is to IMPLANT individuals that fill gaps in your skill set, amplify your vision and drive to help meet your goals.  If they were not a fit for any of those needs, then why would you hire them?

People are often afraid to say NO to a good person that does not meet the needs of the organization.  Sure, they have a talent, great personality, and many more things you want in a superstar, but if they are not a FIT for what you are lacking today… why add them?

Your team needs to be BUILT on specifics designed to meet your goals in whatever areas you are lacking.  Need a superstar sales person, then who cares how good of an accountant your cousins' friend is.  Need a manager, stay away from the sales people.

Great people show up at all the wrong times CONSTANTLY.  The TRICK is to put them on your "virtual bench," keeping in close contact with them and continuing to let them know of your interest, waiting the day that you can fit them into your team.  In the meantime, tell them, "THANK YOU, but today we are not in a place that we can use your skills."

Then schedule a lunch for 4 months from now and keep them close… assuming really were that SUPERSTAR you want on your team someday soon!


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Morning Motivator – “TRUE LOVE”

"All love shifts and changes. I don't know if you can be wholeheartedly in love all the time."
- Julie Andrews

Let us examine TRUE LOVE.  Let me precursor this with saying I am not the SCROOGE of Valentine's Day, although I do believe it is a farce of a holiday. 

LOVE is a feeling, much like joy or sadness.  It is a fleeting feeling that comes and goes with emotional variances from an individual.  Love can pass, change, exhaust, expose and enthrall.  Love can be lost as well as found.

The thing about TRUE LOVE is that it is authentic and unchanging.  While the emotion may vary, the COMMITMENT is the same.  It is UNALTERED in its focus, regardless of its intensity or passion as the moment.  Think of the food you love most – you have and always will LOVE it, even if you are a little burned out here and there.

WORK and RELATIONSHIPS are the same with respect to love, although the RELATIONSHIP is more challenging because there is another person involved.

Your work is a LOVE… No, not your job - your work.  The things you love to do at your job or in your development.  Maybe it is negotiation, design or analytics.  Regardless, you always go back to it and do it with PASSION. 

In a relationship, TRUE LOVE is with the person with whom you always want to be.  Sure, you may want to give them a flying elbow from the top rope on occasion, but you would not imagine anyone else in their place.  This LOVE is founded upon respect, shared values and mutual considerations.  It is also a trial of negotiations and concessions, yet, in the end, the passion to endure the journey TOGETHER is what demonstrates TRUE LOVE.

The lesson here?  Love your work and give someone you love a flying elbow drop… just kidding of course!  Happy Valentine's Day!


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