Morning Motivator – Pushing Your Patience

"Slow and steady wins the race."

Do you remember being a small child?  What day seemed like it took the most time to finally arrive?  For me it was Christmas.  December would start and it would seem like DECADES passed before Christmas finally arrived…

Nowadays, the next big deal is my "Christmas effect."  I cannot wait for others to FINALLY understand the opportunity that I see clear as I day.  It feels like it takes FOREVER for others to understand that advantages they will gain from being involved in the things I believe in.  People just never react as QUICKLY as I wish they would.

The question becomes, "Do I stay patient and wait for them to come around OR push them a little bit and force a reaction?"

More PASSIVE people will tell you to wait, allow the people you seek to come to you in their own time on their own terms.  AGGRESSIVE natured people will say PUSH…PUSH…PUSH… then push some more until you get a decision, a reaction or any type of action whatsoever.

I am UNCLEAR yet which is more effective.  I am an AGGRESSIVE natured person, so I find that I am a bit more "pressing" than others are naturally.  With this understanding, my wonderment then becomes if I "PUSH" people, am I pushing too hard because I am already so aggressive?

A wise business woman Saturday with me a few nights ago and said that her best advice was this: "Go with your gut.  All the research and reports will tell you things you may need to know, but when it matters most, go with your gut!"

Maybe there is no lesson today… just a question and a gut check.  How would you handle it?



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Morning Motivator – Real Change is Opportunity

"Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber."
-  Plato

Last night, I had the great pleasure of making the acquaintance of Louisiana Senator Elbert Guillory.  In our chat, we had a wonderful discussion about the "self-sacrificing" nature required of GREAT leaders.

LEADERSHIP, as noted in the most recent Morning Motivator's, is an honor given to an individual to REPRESENT his or her people.  More interesting is the AWARENESS that the individual must possess to understand that their "bubble" is not exclusive and that their actions do have REAL effects upon others.

As younger leaders begin to accept true LEADERSHIP roles, we must continually remind them that REAL CHANGE comes from an understanding of the community and its people.  We must provide OPPORTUNITY for each to take personal responsibility for their actions, as well as be accountable for poor decisions.

As leaders, we must continually focus on ways to provide MORE access to success and allow people to choose that path.  The continuation of "support programs" will continue to cause apathy amongst the communities regardless of socio-economic backgrounds.

Sure, the playing field probably is not always level.  The OPPORTUNITY can be though. 

I cannot say I grew up "privileged" or "well to do", however, through a continual focus on SELF-EDUCATION and PERSONAL BETTERMENT, I have found OPPORTUNITIES through others to better my situation.

Seriously, I befriended a Senator solely because I was not afraid to approach and talk to him… now how DIFFICULT was that?!



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Morning Motivator – Now the Next Steps…

"As soon as the boss decides he wants his workers to do something, he has two problems: making them do it and monitoring what they do."
-  Robert Krulwich

WELL DONE to any of you that voted yesterday...  For those that did NOT, shame on you for not taking the opportunity to influence the government that DOES have major influence into how YOU define success.   Sorry if you feel that is harsh, but we must take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for our leadership.

Now that the votes are in and the decisions are made, it is the OBLIGATION of us, as constituents, to MONITOR and hold ACCOUNTABLE our leadership.  As the quote above states, our challenge, as the people that "hired' our representation, is to see that these EMPLOYEES of the people, do as they were elected to do.

Do you agree that our POLITICAL EMPLOYEES owe us that much?

LEADERSHIP is an HONOR bestowed upon individuals that have the SKILL to separate personal agenda for community representation.  In politics, we find that "leaders" often sell us on HOW they will represent our interests, only to achieve office and then drive personal agendas.

This type of leadership can only be QUENCHED by a society of active individuals who are VOCAL and INVOLVED in their representation.

We must find and elect LEADERS that understand their role is as a REPRESENTATIVE, not of themselves, but of the people that chose them.  Their personal interests are SECONDARY, much like a parent and their children. 

Remember, in two years, YOU will be asked to take leadership of your vote, cast it and choose wisely the people that REPRESENT you…  choose wisely indeed, then hold them ACCOUNTABLE along the way!



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Morning Motivator – Don’t Complain If…

"Bad politicians are sent to Washington by good people who don't vote."
-  William E. Simon

I am going to keep today's Morning Motivator very short and simple so I don't take your TIME from what you MUST do today.

Voting is the RIGHT of citizens to elect their representation that makes decisions on their behalf.  You DO NOT live in a democracy.  You live in a democratic republic.  You elect people to speak on YOUR behalf.  WHO you put there is VERY important!

My only DIRECT comment to you is this…

If you DO NOT vote, you DO NOT get to complain.  Take CONTROL of your government by electing the people that best represent YOUR interests.  Failure to act is a death sentence to those that SHARE your values.

Today's GOAL:  GO VOTE!

Don't be SILENT.  Make NOISE.  Vote your TAIL off!



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Morning Motivator – Just Do It… Right!

"The trouble with doing something right the first time is that nobody appreciates how difficult it was."
- Walt West

Deep down, we all seek PERFECTION.  As human beings, we are walking case studies of OCD.  We seek to CONTROL everything in our world as much as we possibly can.  This is why we stay in bad relationships, are fearful to take that new job, or will not move because we are so "comfortable" where we are.

As you read the paragraph above, you may notice that "perfection" and the examples given are far from being one in the same.  The UNDERLYING element is the word "CONTROL".

We are often willing to SACRIFICE doing things the "right way" in an effort to continue doing them the "comfortable way". 

You KNOW that you could perform better than you do now if you could "just build up the courage to try it a different way," right?  BULLSPIT!  (ha ha – check the spelling again)

Making EXCUSES for your actions is self-enabling, much like a cowardly friend does with a drug addict.  If you REALLY want to create positive change, DO IT and DO IT RIGHT!

Going through the motions of negative (or neutral benefit) actions is simple PERPETUATING your ineffectiveness.  It is also INCREASING your frustration and weakening your confidences. 

Just do the RIGHT thing.  Yes, it will be difficult. Yes, it will be awkward.  Yes, you will likely feel very UNCOMFORTABLE.  And YES – ALL THAT WILL GO AWAY!

Success is found in the discomfort of doing the right things.  What is more IMPORTANT… being successful or being comfy?



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