Morning Motivator - A Wrong Step in the Right Direction
- Walt Disney (1966)
Do you know what the COOLEST thing about goal setting is? Whether you goals are right or wrong, you will ALWAYS find the goal you are SEEKING.
Think about the goals you ESTABLISHED when you were 18, 21 or even 25... How do they fit into your life NOW? Have they CHANGED? I know mine have... CONSIDERABLY!!
Interestingly, the way my goals CHANGED, was by ACHIEVING some and then discovering they were WRONG! Then it became EASIER to alter other goals based on my understanding of my VALUES and CHARACTER.
By continually SETTING goals, working towards them and REFINING them based on your maturity, you are BETTER able to focus your efforts.
You will begin to find CLARITY and PRECISION in your goal setting. You will begin to set more SPECIFIC goals that align specifically with your needs and interests.
Take a step! Even a step in the WRONG direction will result in an ADJUSTMENT towards what's right...
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Morning Motivator - A New Level of Thinking
- Albert Einstein
A good friend of mine, Jeremiah Pyron, met with me last night to review the book we have selected to study this quarter, "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey. We discussed GOAL setting and how SUCCESS is a developed through successful execution of patterns.
Of course, we began to discuss work and how to do BETTER, FASTER. We discussed challenges in the workplace, issues facing client management and how to BEST create effective processes. What I was most IMPRESSED with was the PRESSURE that was placed on me when challenged to discuss better ways of achieving my established goals. Why would this be so CHALLENGING?
As someone that has a very STRONG personality, one that can sometimes be "too intense", I can be CHALLENGED with a reluctance and resistance to LISTENING to others idea about a "better way." Like many others, maybe even you, I tend to BELIEVE that my ideas are best the majority of the time (actually all of the time). Why? Simple... they usually work. However, do they work BEST? Do I get MAXIMUM results from people and myself? How would I even know the DIFFERENCE?
As a RULE, success breeds IGNORANCE. The more successful you become, the more you BELIEVE that your way or that your THOUGHTS processes are always the best. BEWARE Young Skywalker... You are walking a very dangerous path with the "dark side."
The challenge you become faced with after a number of successful "wins" comes when you are confronted by a PROBLEM that you cannot break through! "Well, my way always works," you will say, as you continue to beat your head against the wall in an effort to "win" some kind of ego challenge.
How will you ever THINK in a new way to confront a new challenge? What if you are successful in SPITE of your efforts? Is it possible that your IDEAS really aren't that good after all?
I am not saying give up on your ideas. I am confident that they ARE great. Rather, I am SUGGESTING that you continue to listen to others ideas. You may find they are ACTUALLY better than yours. And the best part... you didn't have to work hard to ATTAIN them!
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Morning Motivator – Playing the Game
-Chinese Proverb
Business and relationships are very SIMILAR to a sports game. They often have 2 teams, multiple scenarios for success or failure and a DESIRE by both sides to "WIN."
I have been reading the book, "Getting to Yes" by Roger Fisher and William Ury and in it the authors discuss the idea of a mutually beneficial NEGOTIATION strategy. Imagine that!! Finding a way for BOTH sides to win in a negotiation… what a NOVEL idea!! (Sarcasm included at no charge on Tuesdays)
The book mentions establishing PRINCIPLES for your negotiation. Just like a game. You set the rules, your play within a certain time frame and you set goals for ACHIEVEMENT. How many people have YOU negotiated with where you felt like the only MOTIVATION they had was to "make sure they won at any costs?"
When you consider your goal in any NEGOTIATION, you must realize that you seek to attain your objective…simply that. No more, no less.
Often, we get into the "heat of the battle" and get TUNNEL VISION. We are challenged personally and then decide "I want it all!" Yet, how PRODUCTIVE is a negotiation that ends in one party feeling as if they have been run over? How EFFICIENT is the process if it requires multiple back and forth steps to finally get things resolved?
Seek simple GOALS and EFFICIENT agreement. By establishing the goals up front and agreeing to the terms of the manner of negotiation, you will set GUIDELINES for the "game" that allow both parties to WIN…
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Morning Motivator – The Pursuit of a Master
- Ernest Hemingway
First, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Deanna McLannahan, Ashley Larcinese, Earnest Hemingway, Robin Williams (and me)!!
Today is my 31st birthday (also known as the 2nd anniversary of my 29th). I am so PLEASED to say that this past year has been the BEST of my life and I am on the path to GREAT "success," as I define it for myself!
As a "wiser, older" man these days, I am able to CONFIDENTLY share my experience on what behaviors breed the best end results. Yes, BEHAVIOR, also known as the positive or negative actions repeated daily as the "stepping stones" to your achievement. By FOCUSING on areas of your life in short-term, manageable time frames, you become better enabled to execute simple actions needed to create POSITIVE routines. In the past year, I focused on growing a close personal relationship with Nancy and achieved very well. I also focused on being a LEADER in my work and my community, both of which I feel I attained. Small goals led to the bigger ones which result in the BIG REWARDS!
This year, I will focus on my PERSONAL development – physical health, education and execution. I am ESTABLISHING my goals this week, as I traditionally do the week of my birthday, and will gladly SHARE them once developed. The goals will be set around HEALTH (i.e. body fat, fitness, diet); EDUCATIONAL development (i.e. graduate school acceptance, increased self education, mentorship) and EXECUTION process (i.e. Management processes, building a business, creating franchise models). The FOCUS is to level out the areas that are lacking BALANCE… in a manageable and measurable manner.
I would LOVE to become a MASTER of any skill and being a master of MY success sounds best! Wouldn't you agree?
I have learned that defining "YOUR" version of success is the first key step, followed by defining the 90 day action tasks that must be started to achieve. Keep an eye on how you BALANCE your time between development, recreation and professional commitments.
Once you LEARN to master the self assessment, action planning and continual review, you will also MASTER the execution of getting to your goals. Yes, your goals WILL change… yet if you continually seek to MASTER each area of your life, you will always be in pursuit of the BEST SUCCESS for yourself!
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Morning Motivator – Take the Adventure…
- William Shedd
Tomorrow, I will officially be 31 years of age. I REMEMBER being 15 years old and moving from San Diego as if it was last week, along with the THOUGHTS of how "old" 31 really were.
With my limited time on this Earth (and my newly attained wisdom), I have LEARNED that the best way to slow time is to create as many opportunities for ADVENTURE as able. Consider how you feel the "loss" of time when you are working in a career that you do not ENJOY. The number of years you spent trying to "get ahead" just to feel like you are still in the SAME PLACE. You can easily become FROZEN in the REPETITION of mundane activity.
By GENERATING adventure in your life, work and personal actions, you are able to create a lifetime of enjoyment. A good VACATION may only last a week, and yet the stories, experiences and emotions last a LIFETIME. Similar to a GREAT photograph… a great adventure captures that time as holds it emotionally for you to relive again and again…
Consider your adventures up to this point – have you EXPERIENCED the thrills you sought in younger years? Have you taken the RISKS you desired to? Have you ALLOWED fear to limit your adventures?
What ADVENTURES do you want? Taking a trip to another country? Buying that BEAUTIFUL beach home? What about attaining FINANCIAL success in your career? Do you even consider your CAREER an adventure?
Find ways to make every day and new adventure – testing your will, fear and comfort levels. In the past months I decided to take the adventure of building a business… and it has been the most ENJOYABLY UNCOMFORTABLE 4 months of my life. Even better, know I know NOT to be afraid… the adventure is the REAL FUN!! Be ADVENTUROUS and you will truly capture the essence of life…
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