Morning Motivator – Hard Work is Smart Work

"The way out is the way through"
- L. Ron Hubbard

What do you WANT in life - Money, prestige, family, celebrity, notoriety?  What are you WILLING to do to get it?  Not the nasty stuff… I am talking about the HARD WORK it takes to achieve your goals.

Most people SAY they are willing to do anything to attain their dreams.  YET, when it comes down to spending the EXTRA hours working in the trenches or forcing yourself to make that AWKWARD introduction, we balk.  We let FEAR (or laziness) overcome us.  We TALK a good game, but ACTION is how success is created.

If you were asked to work from 8pm to 1am tonight to BETTER your business, would you?  If you were asked to BLINDLY introduce yourself to strangers in an effort to attain your end goals and dreams, could you?

While we all like to publicly EXPRESS ourselves as willing to make the NECESSARY sacrifices to be successful, when we are left on our own, we cower.  We allow our inner psyche to PARALYZE us into stalling.  We allow the vision of FEAR to overtake the vision of ACHIEVEMENT.

What is it going to take?  When will we LEARN that HARD WORK is smart work.  That creating UNCOMFORTABLE situations is the most effective way of attaining our goals.

Meet a stranger, call on a pissed off client, go to the event that you know you SHOULD be at even though you don't want to.  Then, when you have worked hard enough, THROUGH the pain and discomfort, SUCCESS will find you!



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Morning Motivator – I’ll Do It Tomorrow…

"How soon 'not now' becomes 'never'."
- Martin Luther

Best friends become "old friends" and lifelong dreams become "fantasies" of a youthful mind grown old.  WHY? 

PROCRASTINATION is the worst enemy of all GREAT ideas.  A new business, a fun night out, maintaining the friendships that are no longer "convenient."  Sure, we are all hesitant to COMMIT to things months in advance or are BOGGED DOWN by the idea of having sketch out all the details, but, it is our PROCRASTINATION of taking ANY action that is the nail in the coffin.

You want to start a new business?  Set a date!  Start working towards it today.  If you achieve it or not does not matter.  It is the fact you have STARTED to take action that will determine your success.

Trips, business ideas, even a session in the gym – all are KILLED daily by the "do it later" gremlin. 

There is no MAGIC REMEDY for solving procrastination.  It is a BEHAVIORAL condition, commonly driven by a FEAR of failure, not as much laziness.

Want to start OVERCOMING your bad behavior?  Think of one thing you have been putting off and GO DO IT TODAY!!  Just start it, in whatever form, and when you get as far as you can – put the next step in your calendar and repeat.  Do it NOW! 



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Morning Motivator – A Mini-Revolution

"Every generation needs a new revolution."
-Thomas Jefferson

Are you happy with the same old, same old of everyday life?  What happened to the DREAMS you had as a kid and in college of the ways you would change the world?  Have you been BEATEN DOWN by the establishment in such a way that you believe success in now achieved by moving up the CORPORATE ladder?

Maybe you can do something DRASTIC… like start a MINI-REVOLUTION.

I am NOT suggesting government coup or overthrowing your boss in a hostile takeover.  I AM suggesting stirring the pot with some similarly valued people, motivating them to TAKE ACTION on something meaningful.  What is MEANINGFUL?  That is a question YOU have to answer…

A REVOLUTION is a change to the traditional way of doing things.  A revolution can be ANYTHING you want that makes you happy, improves your lifestyle or creates betterment for those you care for.

Are you an ATHLETE?  Consider starting a sports club.  Are you an INTELLECTUAL?  What if you started a professional development group for specific professionals?  Are you a PARTY animal?  What about starting a "beer club" where you meet monthly at a local spot to sample the tasty beverages?

There are PLENTY of ways to CHANGE your surroundings and better your SITUATION.  What is MISSING most often?  A LEADER.  If YOU want change, you must be the one to INSTIGATE it!

Be a REVOLUTIONARY… take the LEADERSHIP role you are destined to own!



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Morning Motivator – What’s It Gonna Take?

"Change the changeable, accept the unchangeable, and remove yourself from the unacceptable."
- Denis Waitley

Work sucks.  I need to lose weight.  I cannot find the right guy/girl.  I am tired of being broke.  How often do you hear THESE complaints?  SERIOUSLY… WHAT'S IT GONNA TAKE TO MAKE SOME CHANGES?

CHANGE is the most difficult of all SELF IMPROVEMENT activities.  It is easy to read a book, buy new gym clothes, or go to a bar.  It is CHALLENGING to IMPLEMENT from that book, actually get your tail in the gym and work, or TALK to new people at the bar.  The ACTION step is where most people fail…

Why do we HESITATE to make change?  The most likely answer is that we are LAZY creatures.  We would rather stay COMFORTABLE in a lesser position, than experience the PAIN associated with bettering ourselves.

Welfare, obesity, loneliness, substance abuse and more are EXAMPLES of "settling" for your current situation as a way to AVOID the pain of change.

Often, the phrase, "hitting rock bottom", is used in substance abuse cases, however, it is APPLICABLE to all scenarios where change is involved.  You don't hit the gym until your favorite pants no longer fit or someone asks you if you are pregnant (especially awful as a guy).  You FINALLY cannot take anymore…

Do not wait to BOTTOM OUT… Make the positive change you need today.  COMMIT to 30 days of change.  Gym, cold calls, joining a new social group, whatever it takes!  If you FULLY COMMIT to one month of change and do not see positive results – call me – I will personally and publicly tell you that I am sorry!



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Morning Motivator - Putting ACES in their PLACES

"The hierarchy here is based on performance."
- Jared Doise, Owner, Legend's Bar

Last night, I was invited to speak to the team of a friend here in Lafayette.  I was SURPRISED by the excellence found in a bar...

The team spoke about some usual service industry items - greeting clients, knowing the products, helping there team.  They focused on the importance of doing LITTLE THINGS right... The first time!

Then, I was amazed as they discussed how to the SCHEDULE is made.  The quote of the week then came about... "We put aces in their places!"  Simply said, the TOP PERFORMERS were provided the critical shifts, the best money making opportunities and such.  Why?  Because they EARN it week in and week out.

This was not a group that REWARDED longevity.  If you have been there for 3 years, but the new person is kicking your tail - then you move to the back of the line!  Then, the best part of the ENTIRE meeting happened...  A TEST!

How do you CREATE aces?  You BUILD them by training them to perform with EXCELLENCE.

Before we left the meeting, the entire team had to take a TEST.  Yes, a test for part time employees working in a bar environment.  I cannot reveal the details of the test out of respect for their business model, but, I can PROMISE you that everything you WISH YOU GOT from a service industry environment from Ruth's Chris to McDonald's is addressed in a manner on this test.

SO IMPRESSIVE!  Want to be an ACE?  Want to find YOUR place?  Maybe it is time to learn from a successful bar in Lafayette, La... FOCUS on the little things and BUILD your way to success!


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