Morning Motivator – Why Newspapers Suck

"We would love to do a story on you… and here are the advertising rates."
- Unnamed Newspaper

I have an ISSUE… a HUGE, RIDICULOUSLY PISSY ISSUE!  A local paper, yet to be unnamed, contacted me awhile back under the GUISE of interest in publishing details about my business.  They wanted to detail how "cool" it was and how interesting it would be for their readers.

Then the follow up email arrived.  We would love to have you as part of our upcoming publication… here are the advertising rates.  Uh, what?!  Ad rates?  I am buying an unbiased, community interest article?  I would think not since the story is SUPPOSED to be written as an editorial on what makes our community so cool.

Well, CONGRATS to them!  They did NOT get my business.  They DID highlight one or two LEGITITMATELY cool things (like a buddy of mine that is a master with the sauce), YET, all the other items were BORING… BORING… did I mention BORING?  Seriously, a plot of land riddled in turmoil is NOT cool!

Here is my thing… if you want to GIVE to get; you actually have to GIVE! 

Manipulation and coercion make work on television, they make work in Chicago style politics and they may even work here and there in the business world, BUT, they generally do NOT work!

You want me to advertise with YOU?  Help me make it worth my time.  Do not dangle the carrot in front of someone if you have to buy the WHOLE DAMN farm just to get it.

If you ever wonder why the print media industry is dying, remember the story about the "unbiased, editorial story on what is cool in your town" that came with the hook that they only way you can be a part of this "editorial" is with an eight week commitment to advertising.  Does it seem desperate to you too?

This weekend:  Do something awesome… then repeat!


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Morning Motivator - Easier Said Than Done

"Yeah, that sounds great.  But it is easier said than done."
- Common phrasing in business discussions

Special thanks to my good friend, Josh Anderson of Josh Anderson Real Estate (Keller Williams) in Nashville.  You rock bro!!  Thanks for continually feeding the machine…

Taking consistent, persistent, focused action is easier said than done. Disciplining yourself to rise above the distractions and put forth meaningful effort, is easier said than done.

In fact, nearly everything you can think of is easier said than done. But just because something is difficult doesn't mean it's impossible.

Just because something is easier said than done, is no reason to give up on it or avoid taking action. Because there's really no reason why you must make the easiest choice.

Much of the time, easy is overrated. Easy might appear nice from a distance, but when there's too much ease in your life, there aren't very many opportunities for fulfillment.

Many things in life are in fact extremely difficult to accomplish. Most of those things are very much worth the trouble.

Yes, it is indeed easier said than done. And that's an excellent reason to step forward and do it.

When considering the "easy path" vs. a more "challenging path," yield on the side of LEARNING.  Often it is the more difficult decisions that CREATE the most lasting impact and influence upon your success.

Most difficult things are noted as "easier said than done," yet, often, we find that executing the task-at-hand was never quite as challenging as what we created in our MIND.

Difficult is painful and taxing, yet REAL WINNERS know that easier said than done is the mantra of the people who are NOT doing! 


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Morning Motivator – Find Your Peer Group

"It is good to have someone to talk to about the things you cannot talk to everyone about."
- Anonymous

If you were in a personal CrUnCh, you would call a best friend, right?  What if you were in a PROFESSIONAL crunch?  Whom would you call to help talk you through a sticky situation or be able to help formulate a solution to a unique need?

PEER GROUPS are vital to success as a leader and as a business professional.  The REALITY is that your relationships are based on many different things – hobbies, finances, love and work.  Where do LEADERS find equals to share their experiences? 

Do you think CEO's share their woes with their managers?  Likely not.  Do you think teachers complain about their students… to their students?!  I hope not!  Do you think a business owner gripes about clients to clients?  Well, you get the point…

Finding an EQUAL for all aspects of your life is very IMPORTANT.  Creating formidable peer groups with trusted ADVISORS that you respect and value the opinion of will help expedite you to successes you are seeking.

Should these be your best friends?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  These SHOULD be people that will give you CANDID advice, CHALLENGE you when out of line and RESPECT your privacy when dealing with sensitive issues.

I am FORTUNATE.  I have a found a TRUSTED group of peers for personal, professional, relational and social ADVISING.  I may not always like what is said… but I ALWAYS listen!

Who makes up YOUR peer group?


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Morning Motivator – Commonality of Interest

"Fair representation is not geographic but cultural.  Representatives stand for interests, not zip codes."
- Zachary Barker

Last night, local political expert, Tyron Picard of the Picard Group in Louisiana, ENLIGHTENED me.  He provided INSIGHT into the redistricting of Louisiana state representative seats.  Not very interesting, on the outside, until you understand that we have SEVEN reps which will be going down to SIX!  (Someone is on the outside looking in).

Interestingly, state lines of representation are DRIVEN by a population value.  A rep must have "X" number of people in his/her district in order to be "fairly" empowered.  WTH?!  SERIOUSLY??

As it is stated, "fair representation" is a POPULATION value, not a commonality of cultural values.  Therefore, if you live in a fishing community, your representation may be in an industrial area.  Of course, a steelworker knows EXACTLY what a fisher needs, right?!

When examining your business, look for the same commonalities of interest.  Do not chase any client that has a heartbeat because you want to make some money.  Be decisive and exclusive in whom you work with.

Seeking clients that have shared values, needs and interests will SERVE you greater than simply working an "area of town."

Do you not think there is more in common between a law firm in Seattle and Miami, than shared between a hospital and a pet store in New Orleans?

What do you have in common with YOUR clients?!


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Morning Motivator – How Much Do You Influence?

"I want to write a 3 year plan, but I don't want to waste the time since I know everything will change."
- Anonymous

I love a good business plan!  The first 90 days, the 6-month goal and the 1-year targets!  It is BEAUTIFUL!  Then comes the "GUESS WORK."

Where do you want this company in 3 years?  5 years?  10 years?  What is your exit strategy?

Right now, ask yourself - WHERE do YOU want to be personally 3, 5 or 10 years from now?  Do you have any REALISTIC idea of where the world will take you in that timeframe?  Look back 5 years… did you think you would be where you are today?  How about 10 years back?

Forecasting those silly questions… seriously, what a waste of time.

The question you must ask is: "How far out can I influence my own success?"  If you truly BELIEVE, you have the ability, with greater than 75% assurance, control your 10-year future, and then write it in your plans.  Otherwise, stick to what is REASONABLE.

Running a business is like training a dog.  You have to continue to focus on the small details that lead to bigger success.  Teaching the dog not to pee on the carpet EVENTUALLY leads to the dog barking to go outside to use the restroom.  You cannot just stick him outside though. 

We have to work through the small steps first to get to the big steps later.  Where do I want my business to be in 3 years?  Still running.  What it looks like may change, but I still want it around.  Where do I want to be personally in 3 years?  Alive.  Whether in Louisiana or East Pakistan is a lesser concern.

You cannot predict the FUTURE.  Deal with what you can influence and affect.  Let the rest fall as it may!


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