Morning Motivator - Appreciating Assets

"People are your most valuable asset. Only people can be made to appreciate in value."
- Brian Tracy

Often you hear people say that "people are their most VAUABLE asset." Why? Is it just lip service? Is it just a PC way of making people FEEL important?

For those of us that NEED human influence to improve our results (which should be all of us), we truly UNDERSTAND how important a GOOD person is.

It is the QUALITY person (character, intelligence, drive) that creates real VALUE. They are the keys that UNLOCK doors others cannot. They are the ASSETS that gain in value with age and experience. They are the REAL VALUE of a successful business.

What is a TOP QUALITY person worth? How do you MEASURE their value?

For me, as a leader in the Young Professional community, I can tell you that the VALUE of a great person is easily worth that of FIVE "regular" people.

They will work 5x as hard to be successful, bring 5x as many quality contacts and SHARE their expertise 5x more effectively! They are without question... INVALUABLE!

Are you WORTH 5x as much as others? Are you one of your companies most valuable ASSETS?


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Morning Motivator - A Better Way to Manage and Report

"Manage by exception. Only require reporting when there is a deviation from the plan."
- Brian Tracy

When I started my career, I remember a Sales Manager being interviewed. I also remember that the interview question response that was given was one of the most UNIQUE I have ever heard...

The question was: "what will you do to MANAGE the top producers?" The answer... "NOTHING." That person was hired. Why?

When you consider the ROLE of a manager, you must consider that it is their RESPONSIBILITY to see the highest achievement possible. Thus, why mess with SUCCESS? The TOP PRODUCERS don't need your help. They are already doing the RIGHT things.

It is the ROLE of the manager to assist the top "B Level" players to help them achieve "A Player" status.

When you consider what should be REPORTED to managers, shouldn't it be LIMITED to the challenges you are facing?

Reality says, that type of REPORTING will never happen. However, when you begin to FOCUS on your business, don't get stuck in what is going well... focus on what can IMPROVE.

You will find your reports much more BRIEF and POINTED. This will serve you well in UNCOVERING the keys top achieving the "next level."


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Morning Motivator – Are You Assuming The Best of Others?

"Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in."
-Alan Alda

Now I am not one to complain, however, I am one to STAND UP for what is right. I want you to THINK about your assumptions of others as you go through this week.

Are you ASSUMING that you leaders are always SELF SERVING? Are you ASSUMING that you are under paid and over worked? Are you ASSUMING that you are more VALUABLE to your group than others?

ASSUMPTIONS are often a major cause of CONFLICT. Commonly, they are DRIVEN by someone's desire to have CONTROL over something or PROVE that they were "right" about something. Often, these ASSUMPTIONS are based on personal bias towards an individual and commonly lack SUBSTANCE. The assumption is driven by one's PERCEPTION of a situation and RARELY encompasses the full story.

I CHALLENGE YOU… to CHALLENGE your assumptions.


Should a situation present itself that lends you to ASSUME the intent, thoughts or actions or others… PAUSE. THINK about what you are ASSUMING. Make sure you have COMPLETE information about the situation. DIRECTLY approach and ASK questions of the person you are concerned for. Once you have all the information, the background and the understanding of the person/situation… THEN present your case.

You will COMMONLY find that your ASSUMPTIONS are just making an …. Well, you know how that one goes.

Have a great week!


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Morning Motivator - Learning How To Lead

"After the game is over, both the king and the pawn go back in the same box."
- Italian proverb

Only a select few of us work for ourselves or have our own staff, yet MANY of us are LEADERS in our profession.

Many of us were PLACED in our company role because of our leadership. We have been TASKED with serving as a mentor, a resource and an assistant to others SUCCESS.

As LEADERS, what is our role? Are we to TELL others what to do? No, that is a DICTATOR. Are we to SHOW others what to do? Not really, that is a GUIDE.

As LEADERS, we are to ENCOURAGE our teammates to use their skills, ingenuity and creativity to ACHIEVE the results that have been set by the group.
We are to AID our teammates with ideas, connections and our ability to TEAR DOWN barriers. Ultimately, we are to SERVE them in seeing that they are successful and on their terms.

Remember, at the end of the day... We all go in the same box. How are you LEADING?


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Morning Motivator - Will You Get Up?

"Its not how many times you fall, its how many times you get up."
- Japanese proverb (paraphrased)

I am now on day 3 of snow boarding in Colorado and have learned some very good lessons these past days...

1. Small children are far more TALENTED at picking up new skills than adults

2. Snow DOES hurt... If you fall HARD enough

3. Just because you were GOOD at something as a kid, doesn't mean you will carry that kill with you.

4. It is still TRUE that you can find PRIDE in the fact that you keep getting up and trying... No matter how many times you fall.

As you look at your career, family, personal health, etc...

The MOST important thing to remember is that your WILLINGNESS to keep trying.

Don't worry about the people AROUND you, know that PAIN subsides, remember ALL skills can be re-learned and that real VICTORY is proving that you won't QUIT!


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