Morning Motivator - The Extra Effort

"Thanks dude. You made my day..."
- Anthony Deysher, Advanced BioHealing

If you had one CHANCE to make a great connection - what would you do to make it?

Last night, a new client of mine from San Diego (who is in town for only 72 hours), was SUPPOSED to meet with me for drinks and a first "live" meeting together. We chatted about grabbing a drink at 6pm. Then business came up... "Let's do 630p" he said. And then... "I'm still jammed up... How about 7pm?"

Ok, ok, ok.. You see where this is going... The CHOICE: Wait until the "next time" or do something NOW! I choose now...

Long story short, I grabbed a 6 pack of beer, drove 30 mins and met him at his office. He was having a ROUGH day and needed a break... So I helped him out.

Good move? Probably. Why do it? Simple, no one really wants to make the EFFORT to make a great connection and I do!

True, we may NEVER do business again... But I do have a new friend for life.

So ask yourself - How far are you WILLING to go to make that great CONNECTION?


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Morning Motivator - As Long as it Takes

"Clients need seven touches before they become aware you even exist..."
- Dr. Scott Inks

Special THANK YOU to Josh Anderson of Keller Williams for passing this along...

What if you knew that you could reach your GOAL by taking just ONE more step? Would you take that step?

At some point in the process of ACHIEVEMENT, the final hurdle is reached. What a shame it would be to stop just short of that one LAST obstacle.

Achievement does NOT require extraordinary ability. Achievement comes from ordinary abilities APPLIED with extraordinary persistence.

You already know you can do what it takes. To reach any goal, SIMPLY do what it takes for as long as it takes.

It's really not that difficult to take JUST ONE step, to do just a SINGLE task, to make one bit of progress. And if you can do it once, you can do it AGAIN, AGAIN, and AGAIN without much problem.

Keep the faith and keep up the effort. Your PERSISTENCE will get you there.


Zachary Barker | Senior Account Manager
Advanced Network Solutions
M | 615.504.7062

Ex-Officio, Nashville Area Junior Chamber of Commerce
w |

Sent "on the move" from my BlackBerry Curve device.

Morning Motivator - A Great Conversation

"What great delight it is to see the ones we love and then to have speech with them."
-Vincent McNabb, God's Way of Mercy

Do you think you have anything in COMMON with someone you haven't seen in 9 years? Who STRONG of a conversation do you think you could create with that person you don't really know anymore? Who well can you DEVELOP a good discussion with someone that you know well today?!

Last night, I met with a FRIEND that I have seen since my last semester of college, circa December 2000. I had not heard from him, nor seen him around town. I knew he still lived here, yet that was all... until last night.

We were REUNITED through a mutual friend and decided to meet to "catch up." We chatted, shared old times and funny stories, then it HAPPENED... a real conversation struck up. A conversation about what REALLY motivates one another. What PASSIONS are underlying and awaiting a release into the world. We spoke of business, relationships, professional pursuits and PURPOSE. Our "chat" began at 745pm and I expect to be home by 9:00pm at the latest.

I arrived home at 12:52am... FIRED UP!!

When given the OPPORTUNITY to become familiar with someone during a discussion, do you take advantage? Do you ask about their MOTIVATIONS, PASSIONS and REAL INTERESTS or do you ask about the weather, "how business is," or if they watched the game?

Frankly, if you are asking those questions, you know that you are WASTING your time. You are seeking that common ground through the lowest value discussion. Why not take the CHANCE to KNOW that person??

Try this:
1. Ask them what the most EXCITING thing they did last week... should they say "nothing exciting happened," ask them what would have made it EXCITING?! 2. Tell them you haven't read the newspaper or watched TV in the past 3 days and would like to know their opinion about what is IMPORTANT... you will learn quickly what they like and give you a quick shared common ground.
3. Take the fear out of them by offering a reading recommendation. Speak about your favorite book and why they should read it... they will follow with their own recommendation.

Don't be AFRAID of great conversation. Be VERY AFRAID of pointless discussion. Take the chance to KNOW someone... you might be surprised how much GENIUS they are able to share with you!


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Morning Motivator - "Time's a Wastin'"

"If I could do it over again, I would..."
- Common phrase

I woke up last night from a very WEIRD dream. I will spare you the details other than to mention a squirrel was wearing a wedding ring... like I said, weird! As I awoke, for some reason, this feeling of ENLIGHTENMENT came over me. It was one of those moments where you TRULY have an appreciation that your life will not go on forever... I had a moment of understanding my "time limitations" in life.

It has only happened to me a FEW times and each time is PROFOUND. Such thoughts as the idea that I CANNOT recapture the time prior to today, I will never again be 29 years old and anything I have MISSED up to this point, is just that, missed.

It has also MOTIVATED me to really get on my horse and start busting my tail. I have spent the morning completing two of the most EXCELLENT proposals I have ever prepared, scheduled a recurring plan for educating new clients about better ways to run their business and defined the program for teaching young professionals the BEST books for their business.

Your life is just that - YOURS. The results of your actions are also - YOURS. Your circumstances are, you guessed it - YOURS.

Since everything is up to YOU, it seems obvious that the limiting factors are only - TIME and EFFORT. You know that time is FINITE and eventually will run out. The EFFORT side of the equation is VARIABLE and under your control.

You cannot create more time, however, with greater EFFORT (and focus), you will be able to FREE more of the FINITE time for more enjoyable actions, opportunities and experiences.

So if you are waiting to start doing something... well, maybe you should just go ahead and start TODAY!


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Morning Motivator - The ExTrEmE...

"...just like with many other life lessons going to extremes is not always the right answer."
- Kathie Hirsch, Chief Nursing Officer, Baptist Hospital

Thank you James German of St. Thomas Hospital for the above quote.

"I want results NOW!!" Ever work for a boss that has said that? Maybe you have heard it from your own mouth?

The swan song of the IMPATIENT is the request for IMMEDIATE results. How REALISTIC are immediate results? Better question... How realistic are immediate POSITIVE results??

Often, in our HASTE for productivity, we go to EXTREME measures to push our initiatives. Much like the governments STIMULUS package, when we rush, we FAIL to think about the end goal and total impact. We miss DETAILS and end up creating new problems...

Strategic, calculated PLANNING is critical when engaging in high level activities. The larger the project, the greater the IMPORTANCE of planning becomes.

For SUSTAINABLE, POSITIVE results, plan for your SUCCESS. For IMMEDIATE results (regardless of positive or negative effect), take EXTREME actions as quickly as possible...

Sure, you MIGHT get lucky and win... But what if you don't?? PLAN TO BE SUCCESSFUL!


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