Morning Motivator – Too Many Options Sucks!

"Where do you want to eat..?  I dunno!"
- Common Discussion

I am currently in the Houston Hobby airport on my way to the LSU vs. Vanderbilt football game.  During this layover, we have DECIDED it is time to eat.  A good LESSON arose from the discussion…

Just like many things in life, food options, when overly plentiful, become a BURDEN to decision makers.  When there is ONE option, you choose it confidently and then select from your limited options within.  When you have MULTIPLE options, you are PARALYZED by the overwhelming volume of choices.  This often results in a DECISION of comfort – not desire.

Business is the same way!  When you offer 20 services, your clients are UNCLEAR on which options to choose.  They don't even know where to START.  When you have 20 options and only discuss ONE, you give yourself the opportunity to FOCUS the client and match needs around the discussion forthwith.

The lesson is SIMPLE.  Limit your clients options to the 1 or 2 MOST COMMON solutions you offer. 

They will NOT be impressed with the PLETHORA of options you have, rather, they will be FRUSTRATED with you lack of focus and inability to assist them.

Choose what you KNOW best – Offer it CONFIDENTLY – Allow them to say NO and then open other options via discussion.  You will WIN if you get in the door.  "Shotgunning" clients with all your OPTIONS will make sure you have limited opportunities to do so.



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Morning Motivator – Plant the Seeds of Expertise

"You gave a speech 2 years ago that is perfect for what we want to do next year.  Would you be interested in helping?"
- Dave Kristy, ALA National Speakers Committee

The funny thing about giving speeches is that you are PERCEIVED to be the expert.  It helps if you are of course.  (with a little research an understanding you can always be the "expert" in the room).

More interesting regarding speeches is that if you do them WELL, you will often be asked to do them again.  This is today's lesson…

Just this morning, I received a call from inquiring if I would be INTERESTED in speaking at a National Convention in Orlando next year.   Of course I am!  Moreover, the JOY of the opportunity is it is with a group of HIGHLY respected and regarded potential clients I seek to network with already.  Best of all – this opportunity came from my asking to speak 2 years ago on an OBSCURE topic to the Tennessee Chapter of this group. 

I was a local expert.  I played my EXPERT card… and I won!

Being an EXPERT means knowing more than the average person.  Showing you ARE the expert means having the courage to stand up and share it.

One of the most EFFECTIVE ways of growing your business is by SPEAKING.  This is the act of "planting the seeds of your expertise" amongst members of a shared group.  Using your knowledge to ENLIGHTEN their awareness of a topic they either do not know of or do not understand.

If you have a slight advantage in KNOWLEDGE or EXPERTISE of application over others, LEVERAGE it!  Use your position of authority to help others become better equipped to serve their businesses.

KNOW that no one "loves" to speak in front of groups (expect maybe me) and everyone in the audience WANTS you to be successful…  Take a chance and give a SPEECH.  Your expertise will NOT allow you to fail!



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Morning Motivator – It is the MAGIC in You!

"Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen."
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Lately, I have been listening to a song named "Magic" by b.o.b.  It is a nice BLEND of hip/hop and rock.  Give it a listen – it is worth it!

What the song has done is make me PONDER the idea of harnessing the "MAGIC" inside of ourselves and using that to perpetuate our success.  I am now considering, what my SPECIFIC "magic" is and better ways to use that in achieving success.  Do you know what YOUR magic is?

I would suggest that your MAGIC is the gift that God has given you.  You know, the one special trait you seem to possess that is either exclusive or better than most everyone else.  Remember that you don't have to be the single, most powerful or best person with your trait – just BETTER than the vast majority of people around you.

The funny thing about using your MAGIC is that most people are afraid to use it or are bashful about using it.  Why? 

Most often they either KNOW that they can win most of the time using it or they have a gift in an area they don't really have much attraction to.

You CANNOT be afraid to use your magic.  If your gift is "gab," then go out and talk to as many people about what you do as possible.  If your MAGIC is motivation, find a cause you believe in and help others who are lost find their way.  IF you special magic is numbers, even if you hate numbers, find a way to LEVERAGE your MAGIC to your success.

God has given you a special MAGIC – use it or lose it.  Either way, it is YOURS.  You better find a way to get the MOST out of it!!



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Morning Motivator – Success is a Simple Measurement

"The trouble with measurement is its seeming simplicity."
- Unknown

In what area of your life do you want to be SUCCESSFUL?  Be specific.  Weight?  Finances?  Career?  Relationships?  Cool.  Next, what are you MEASURING to ensure you are being successful? 

I share with you my personal GLIMMER of success. 

A few years ago, I broke my leg severely resulting in a year-long rehabilitation, including 3 months of only being allowed to lay on a couch, not putting any weight on my leg.  At the time of the injury, I weighed 196 lbs with a body fat percentage of 7%.  In the past year, my weight has BALLOONED to 245lbs (not bad if I was a linebacker) and a body fat percentage of "too much." 

In the past month, I have CUT over 10 lbs and now weigh in at 234.8lbs.  It was actually pretty SIMPLE too…

The past months successes are DRIVEN by a daily measurement of my dietary consumption.  I have downloaded an application to my Droid X phone that allows me to log my daily foods and provides me the dietary measurements as a result.

Now, I know WHAT I am eating and how much.  I am now able to MEASURE my calories and the quality of the food (protein vs. carbs).  I know when I go OVER my daily intake and am able to CELEBRATE daily when I stay under my target.

Most INTERESTING is how SIMPLE it is.  The measurement YIELDS success and the awareness of understanding WHAT causes prior failures are now apparent. 

How SUCCESSFUL could you be if you were EASILY able to see the right and wrongs of what you are doing?  Just measure it… IT IS SIMPLE!  (Remember, SUCCESS is always found in SIMPLICITY)



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