Morning Motivator – Business Sucks, Make It Fun

"You cannot put a price tag on a good time."
- Unknown

In analyzing new business generation practices (or sales as we call it), the consideration of two factors must be accounted for:  (1) Ease of access/use and (2) Fun.

Years ago, working for one of my favorite mentors, Andy Bailey at NationLink Wireless, the "e3 system" was implemented into our business.  It was quite simple; in fact, we were to focus on providing our clients "EASY" experiences where we took care of the nasty details, "EXPERT" service allowing the client to just 'pay and play' without having to know all the ins and out, while providing an "ENTERTAINING" user experience for the client.  We made it fun while doing work!

Would you say that your business or sales process is "FUN or ENTERTAINING?"  Do you BELIEVE you may be able to do more or better business if it was a little bit more FUN?

The CHALLENGE with fun is that most people are GREAT at it outside work and AFRAID to do anything "too fun" at work for fear of not being professional.  C'Mon Man!!

Think about your BEST clients.  Essentially, they are your friends anyways.  They are people you ENJOY associating with, probably have a drink with on occasion or even chat about the "unmentionables" – money, sex and politics.

What if you focused on finding more and better FUN ways to INTERACT with your?  Try a standing Friday afternoon tee time with any CLIENT that is interested in playing (your treat).  Also consider a monthly "mixer" to introduce clients and friends in a social setting (your treat).  Even running a book club, where you help your clients learn about the best books and give them details on what to look for.

There are plenty of ways to ENGAGE clients not involving another damn PowerPoint presentation.  Try a few… see what happens.  Juts make them FUN no matter what!


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Morning Motivator – Just Being a Member Sucks…

"I won't belong to any organization that would have me as a member"
-  Groucho Marx

While the quote does not seem to fit, I found it hilarious…and since I write the Morning Motivator, I get a little creative leeway.  Enjoy!  (also, happy birthday to my buddy and banker, Robert Felter... You da man!!)

What is the VALUE of a membership?  What is the value of JOINING a club or group?  For some, they may suggest it is the connectivity, the relationships or the opportunity to do business.  I suggest to you that they are absolutely CORRECT and never quite so WRONG!

Sure, those things are benefits of being in a group.  The REAL VALUE is found in taking a LEADERSHIP role in the group and creating something that compounds the effects of those benefits many times over.

Who is the most RECOGNIZED person in the group of which you are a member?  Likely, it is the President, and rightfully so!  What makes that person so SPECIAL?  They are in charge of YOUR experience…

LEADERSHIP changes the level of benefit you are able to attain from any group.  While there may only be ONE President, there are multiple Board members, program chairs, organizing directors and more.  Being a "member only" (unlike the cool jacket) is just being a person that DONATES – time, money and/or energy.

If you are SEEKING to attain RELATIONSHIPS, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, and MEANINGFUL CONNECTIVITY, try being in charge of something.  The pressure and accountability is much greater, thus the REWARDS of the above noted benefits are compounded many times over!

No one joins a sports team to sit the bench.  No one runs for office to be forgotten.  Show off your skills… take charge and be a LEADER.  Because just being a member sucks!!


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Morning Motivator – An Oldie but Goodie from 2007

"It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life, that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Question: Is it wrong to EXPECT something from someone when you help him or her?
Answer: No – you SHOULD expect something from your help!
Let me explain.

When an individual "helps" another (even in the most innocent and pure terms) there is, in fact, an exchange of VALUE. You may ask - how so? Truth of the matter is you ALWAYS receive something by helping others, such as a financial benefit through the close of a business opportunity, increased trust and loyalty in a relationship, maybe even a release of stress. In many cases, you receive (and expect) a feeling of ACCOMPLISHMENT and PRIDE. Repeated – You WILL (and expect to) receive something of value for your help… and that is OK!

Consider these examples:  You help a co-worker with a project - expect they will be able to help you on one later. You help a buddy out of a tough spot - expect to feel accomplished as a "good friend." Help a new business acquaintance meet someone in town - expect the initial formation of a strategic alliance. Support your wife or husband through a difficult time - expect a deep strengthening of trust and loyalty in that relationship. It is ABSOLUTELY acceptable to expect something from your help. If you do not receive value for your help – EXPECT that relationship to fizzle and cease. Make sure you are investing into your relationships (and expect to invest back when YOU are helped)!

Take 10 minutes and jot down THREE (3) items of VALUE that you expect or desire from assisting another person. Rank them in importance to YOU as an individual. Define which one will provide the most long-term value to your personal SUCCESS plan. While working today – identify which of the top values you received by providing help. Ask yourself – which one gives me the most in return? Verify you ARE getting a return (as this will help prevent burnout of a relationship).

My example: What do I expect when I help someone? (In ranking order)
1. To solidify a trusted relationship
2. A feeling of pride and accomplishment
3. The opportunity to ask for assistance at a later date

Which provides the most value to me? Solidifying TRUSTED relationships. (it is nice to know you have trusted people to help you when you need – this will be how I build my SUCCESS TEAMS)


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Morning Motivator – It’s Crunch Time

"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal."
- Henry Ford (1863-1947)

Every great project or idea comes to a PINNACLE at some point.  The point at which you must FOREGO all distractions and FOCUS in on what needs to be done. 

The CHALLENGE when we hit this critical point is that most people FAIL to understand how to PRIORITIZE based on importance and value.  Often, they choose what is most SIMPLE or quickest to complete, allowing them to scratch something off their list.  Do you think Peyton Manning worries about whether his mouthpiece is in properly or not before the snap of the ball?

Although a DRAMATIC comparison, you may find it very suiting.  Many people, in the midst of CRUNCH TIME, find it necessary to reorganize their desk or get an extra drink of water.  They are STRUGGLING with the pressure of the task and find outlets of distraction to allow for a lessening of discomfort.

That sure does not make a SUPERSTAR during CRUNCH TIME though…

Get a pen, a piece of paper, your iPod and some headphones.  Turn on the music, write down all the tasks that need completed.  Rank them 1-5 in order of importance.  The next step is VERY IMPORTANT…

Keep your headphones in, make sure to IGNORE anyone that tries to distract.  Tell them to GO AWAY if you must. 

You are a MACHINE that works only on ONE TASK at a time… the MOST IMPORTANT (and likely most painful one).  Do NOT – REPEAT – do NOT cease working on that task until you are COMPLETE.  Got to pee?  Suck it up.  Thirsty, hungry?  Tough.  FINISH what you started… and you will find that every task afterwards becomes a "walk in the park."

It is CRUNCH TIME… Do you have what it TAKES to be a winner!?


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Morning Motivator – Success Starts with Giving

"The mark of a true professional is giving more than you get."
- Unknown

An interesting thing is occurring around me.  All the ideas I share with you, and you share with me are FINALLY clicking into all the right places.  Maybe is it the "LEAP" to real professionalism or just the natural maturation of youth.  Regardless, THANK YOU all for continuing to push me…even after near 5 years of doing this Morning Motivator.

Most POIGNANT is the idea of "GIVING TO GET."  As part of the new adult recreational sports league I have launched in Lafayette, LA, we have been offering "no cost scrimmages" with full equipment, referees and score keeping.  While that may not seem like much, it is FAR MORE than is provided by the city or other private leagues.

What makes that so IMPORTANT?  Frankly, it is about CREATING bonds with the clients and EDUCATING them on our "system."  Of course, there are small nuances, slight confusions, however, the fact we are THERE to help, teach, and support – FOR FREE – is of HUGE value to the experience of our athletes.

The question you should be asking is "what can I be doing to BETTER my clients experience for free (or little cost)?"

As an IT company, consider providing FREE Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, etc training once a month.

As a Financial Planner, consider providing a seminar on "5 Steps to Securing a Better Career," making it easier to get that 401k rollover…

As a new business in town, consider providing a 100% GUARANTEE of your product or service.  (Example:  Play in MY new flag football league.  If you don't like it, we will pay for your next city league!)

Making the "little extra give" is TYPICALLY all that is needed.  Make your "give" different and valuable (see financial planner above).  Make it something you BELIEVE in, then make it AWESOME!!


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