Morning Motivator - Building Momentum

"An avalanche starts as a single snow flake."
- Unknown

Business, health, personal relationships and finances ALL begin with a first action step.

Often, people FOOLISHLY say, "Well if I had as many contacts as that guy, I'd do well too" or "It's crazy that they only work with her, since she is the top sales person."

How did he become so CONNECTED? How did she ACHIEVE top sales status?

They started with one, single, small step...

Six years ago I knew a handful of people and was an AVERAGE business professional. I KNEW that had to change (for me) to be successful. So what to do...?

Personally, I joined the Nashville Junior Chamber. A collection of young, ambitious professionals. I FOCUSED on creating CONNECTIONS with people and helping them achieve their goals.
As a result, ADDITIONAL connections, business opportunities, community leadership roles and FRIENDSHIPS developed.

Today, some may say these are signs of being "successful" and "connected"... But I know it started by making the EFFORT to build my own MOMENTUM.

What can you do to BUILD yours??


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Morning Motivator - It's Not What You Know...

"It's not WHO you know... It's HOW you know them."
- Bill Armistead

This morning, I enjoyed a breakfast filled with DICUSSION and EDUCATION. Mr. Bill Armistead, retired attorney, CEO and community volunteer, SHARED his morning with me chatting about business, personal goals and success lessons. INVALUABLE!!

The quote above JUMPED out at me...

Many professional HUSTLE to "know as many people" as they can. Why? Does VOLUME equate to QUALITY? Does having a more ROBUST "rolodex" (for those who remember those) mean you are ASSURED success?

Many of us have MANY acquaintances... Yet how many of those people UNDERSTAND and APPRECIATE the quality of your character?

Do they know your VISION, GOALS and PASSIONS? Are they INVESTED in your SUCCESS PLANNING?

Might I SUGGEST knowing fewer people BETTER and truly being a KEY to their successes.

I'd PREFER you KNOW my goals and aspirations (as you get through the Morning Motivator), than just be someone that knows my name. Wouldn't you like the SAME??


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Morning Motivator – Get Noticed… by ASKING!

"He who is afraid of asking is ashamed of learning."
-Danish Proverb

In a meeting last night, some of Nashville's business LEADERS were asked what their biggest regrets were. All being successful, they didn't define REGRET, rather used each "wrong step" as a learning lesson.

Interesting to me was a question posed asking, "What is the one action you would encourage young professionals to do more frequently to become successful?" The answer, "Make more mistakes and ask more questions."

Often, we find ourselves in spots where we are HESITANT to ask questions of others out of FEAR they may find us incompetent. We are AFRAID that if we ask, they won't TRUST we can get things done on our own. Ultimately, we PERCEIVE the "asking of questions" as a FAILURE on our behalf. Yet, how will anyone ever know that we ARE capable if we don't take on CHALLENGING projects that REQUIRE assistance and learning from those that have the knowledge, but not the time nor desire to execute the task??

I find that when I have the OPPORTUNITY to delegate a SIGNIFICANT task, I try to do so with VIGOR. Why? It is not that I am lazy or incapable; rather it is the desires to help someone else GROW in their education, experience and confidence.

With that being said, I DO expect that those people will find STRUGGLES in the execution. I plan on taking time to ANSWER questions. And frankly, if they don't ask questions – then they are either not CHALLENGED enough in the task (which is a waste of their time) or they are unwilling to seek assistance (in which case their PRIDE will create conflict for our growth planning.)

As a leader, I ENCOURAGE people to stand up and ask questions. My EXPERIENCE is the people that are willing to make a little noise to get NOTICED are often the people that will be leading in the near future anyhow. Why not be a KEY to their success??


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Morning Motivator – Bust Through…

"I just don't feel motivated to work today…"
- Anonymous

Let's have a SERIOUS moment… I am not a "ray of sunshine" every morning. Many mornings, I have to write the Morning Motivator just to get ME motivated properly. Some mornings, I don't even WANT to do that.

Most people STRUGGLE, at least, one day a week with their lack of proper DRIVE and MOTIVATION. We wake up… slowly… and can think of nothing BETTER than just going back to sleep. (sound like this morning?) This is SIMILAR to the feelings people EXPERIENCE with working out in the gym. You just don't want to make the EFFORT…

The DIFFERENCE between those who are SUCCESSFUL and those that struggle is the ABILITY to overcome these lags in motivation. SUPERSTARS don't have "limitless" energy and motivation. They are NOT superhuman in their focus and drive. They are just better ABLE to BUST THROUGH the down days…

Here is MY SECRET to getting through these "less than perfect days":

1. Know what your MOODS and how you commonly react. (ex. How do you act n rainy days? Are you a morning person?)

2. DISCOVER your "pick me ups." (ex. Does music get your hyped up? Would writing a blog help you get focused daily?")

3. MAKE and TAKE time to get your mind right. (you boss many not like to hear this, but it is better to spend 30 minutes in the morning getting focused to work at 100%, as opposed to coming in early and working at 75% all day long.)

4. LEVERAGE others motivation. (Be a magnet. Allow others to share their ENERGY with you. Don't be afraid to allow others to get you FOCUSED. There will be days you do that for them… cash in your favors!)

We are all SUSEPTABLE to performing at low levels, feeling "drained" of our drive or just not giving a DAMN at all… OK! That's cool. Don't act like it is not ACCEPTABLE… Just BUST THROUGH those moods and CONTROL your own daily outcomes.


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Morning Motivator – A Monkey and its Banana

"Persuasion is often more effectual than force."
- Aesop

Last night, I began reading "The Big Red Fez" by Seth Godin. This book reviews the common MISTAKES and FALLACIES of thought made amongst web designers and web based businesses. Interestingly, I would be inclined to say that MOST businesses make these same mistakes in their daily operations. Let me explain…

In the book, Seth describes the INABILITY of most websites to get their potential client to FOCUS on the most CRITICAL item on the page. He relates the action to that of a monkey and it's PURSUIT of a banana. He makes the simple analogy that when you land on a web page, you are not there to BROWSE, you are there seeking the "next step." I AGREE.

Often go to a web page to EITHER collect information or make a purchase. Smart web designers make them the SAME thing. You are not there to see the PRETTY lights or the countless testimonials. RATHER, you are there to make quick, simple QUALIFYING decisions about the product or service. If you are TRULY interested, you will either BUY or CONTACT someone for more help (depending on what the GOAL of the site is). So why are websites so damn confusing?!?

Better question: Why is your VALUE message so confusing??

Think about the last time you asked someone for something – an appointment, a report, a lunch decision – did you DRIVE them towards the ONE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT action you were seeking?

Often, we are FEARFUL of being too OBVIOUS. We are AFRAID to "trivialize" people or offend them by being too "simple." And yet… when something FAILS to be communicated properly, likely because we were so UNCLEAR in our expectations, we become UPSET. Or worse… someone becomes upset with US.

LEADERSHIP is the act of "leading," not the act of cryptic discussion to challenge someone's initiative and problem solving skills. Be CLEAR, keep it SIMPLE, act DIRECTLY and provide consistent FEEDBACK. Remember… the monkey just wants its banana… show it how to get there!!


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