Morning Motivator - Why Me? Why Not You?

"You want the recipe for success? Knowledge and hard work."
-Joe Dean

Last night I was very honored to hear from the great Joe Dean, at the First Shot Basketball banquet put on by my good friend, mentor and Executive Director, Andy Herzer.

Joe Dean's speech was based around the idea of SUCCESS SELECTION. The concept is that often people ask "why me?" when they are placed in a unique situation. Many people are CHALLENGED when they are asked to do something - good or bad. Why? Fear of FAILURE, lack of CONFIDENCE or maybe just unclear about the DIRECTION of the "ask".

Mr. Dean challenged the group to CHANGE our mind set from "why me?" to "why not me?" The basis being you ARE deserving of HONORS, you are entitled to SUCCESS and you are DESTINED for ACCOMPLISHING Big Dreams if you choose to do so.

GREATNESS is a choice you make every day... Someone will find and achieve GREAT SUCCESS... Why YOU? Why NOT you?

Have a WONDERFUL weekend!


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Morning Motivator – What Are You Doing For Your Dreams?

"…Don't Let your Dreams Be Dreams…"
-Jack Johnson

One of my favorite musical artists is Jack Johnson, a native H'awaiian surfer turned musician. His outlook on life is one of POSITIVITY and INSPIRATION. In one of his songs, the hook is the line "Don't Let Your Dreams Be Dreams…" and every time I hear the line, I am mentally driven to think about what I am doing. Am I allowing my dreams to be just that? Am I taking ACTION towards them or sitting idle? If idle, am I sitting because I am AFRAID that the inability to ACHIEVE them will crush my spirit? Is it better to have dream you never realize than to find your dreams were never right?

Tough questions, eh? I have been asked if I "DO" all the things I mention in my Morning Motivator. Answer: Most. Some are GREAT options for me, some are great options for OTHERS and some are just PROVEN success steps for all. Here's what I can tell you… I DO take action.

Last night, a new friend, Brittney Johnson of Avenue Bank, asked me to come speak to a newly formed group she is leading. I was asked to speak about "Forming a Mission Statement" and planned to be successful in doing so. As our chat progresses, I found we were actually working on "Forming a PERSONAL Mission Statement" and how to integrate that into the group. The GREATER point of this story is that last night – I took steps to REALIZING my DREAMS… public speaking and training groups, in an effort to maximize their potential energy into actionable success! I have to tell you… IT FELT GREAT. I find, every time you take a step towards your dreams, you will find the EFFORT was minimal and the REWARDS were not measurable. Are you letting your "Dreams be dreams?" Take Action!


I am excited to help with this SUCCESS STEP as I am CONFIDENT you already know your DREAMS, HOPES and ASPIRATIONS. If they are not written down – do it. There is POWER in seeing them manifested on paper.

Once written – identify the ONE simple step you can take to achieving. Not a complicated schedule of "I will do this 30 minutes a day, every day, etc" – you won't do it. Just ONE step… "I WILL spend 30 minutes on Saturday." THEN, set another small, manageable, easy goal… eventually, you WILL accomplish all your dreams. Small steps will make big progress. Go rock it out!!!


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Morning Motivator – A Step in the Wrong Direction…

"The whole world steps aside for the man who knows where he is going."

As my Nashville Area Junior Chamber of Commerce Presidency is beginning to ramp up, I am beginning my theme implementation of ACTION! In speaking with my team members, we discuss STRATEGY, CHALLENGES and VISION… mostly we speak of ACTION! Let me explain why…

I have a firm philosophy that "Even a step in the WRONG direction is still the correct ACTION, if the alternative is to do NOTHING." Why? From Newton's First Law - An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force – we realize that being STAGNANT in your life will force you to stand still in the FUTURE. By taking ACTION, even if misguided, drives a inner force of SUCCESS through productive motion. I ask myself – am I in PRODUCTIVE motion? Are you?

We are all FEARFUL of taking action without knowing the answers. I suggest to you that if you have a PLAN and a FOCUS – your action will simply be a byproduct of what needs to occur. You will act without HESITATION and make decisions with CONFIDENCE. Get a PLAN and don't be afraid to make a MISTAKE… at least you are ACTING with productive motion.


You can be FOOLED into believing that you must have all the answers to the solution before you take the first step…why? HOW can you know what will happen AFTER your actions that will allow you to plan each and every step along the way. WORK IN REALITY… You can control ONE ITEM – your next action step. Take it. Plan the next. Take it. Continue this process until each "small step" RESULTS in your accomplishing the BIGGER goals. It's the little things that make or break your success.

As my great mentor, Andy Herzer, says… "we overestimate what we can accomplish in a day and underestimate what we can accomplish in a year."


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Morning Motivator - The Balancing of the Best Week Ever...

"The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself."
-Mark Caine

About a week ago I shared with you that I was having one of the BEST weeks ever. This past week has been one of the most CHALLENGING personally and professionally and thus, the world is back in balance. Let me share with you how this week of challenge has helped me GROW and LEARN.

I realize that every day you have an OPPORTUNITY to control your destiny by making POSITIVE decisions. That decision process is a sum of LONG TERM and SHORT TERM focuses, with some things being out of your CONTROL. So what choices do you have? You have the DECISION capability to step up and harness your SUCCESS today by making POSITIVE changes, even in light of mishaps that may occur along the way - in or out of your control.

The idea of "Rolling with the Punches" is what must be adopted. Today - You will find me HAPPY, POSITIVE and MOTIVATED towards success. Why? How can you just turn it back on? It's never EASY but it is SIMPLE - I know WHAT I am trying to accomplish. I have FAITH in myself and my decision making CAPABILITIES. I am confident that the people around my SUPPORT my vision and BELIEVE the good Lord has a positive plan for my future. It's a matter of keeping a FOCUS on the application of VISION and PASSION. How are you applying yours?

The hardest time to stay POSITIVE is when things look down or feel DIFFICULT. Guess what? That's the BEST time to focus on POSITIVITY and rely on your clear vision of success. Just like the economy, your success is cyclical - it goes up and down as the days go by. If you are able to stay clear through the challenges... you will find the GROWTH you achieve from it will catapult you into the "next level" of achievement. Additionally, keep in mind that you have people that care for you and want to contribute to your success... don't be afraid to ask for help. That's a real show of STRENGTH!

There will on be one April 15, 2008 - What are you going to do to make sure it's a success? Keep achieving!


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Morning Motivator – The Reverse Lessons of College

"Have the courage to be ignorant of a great number of things, in order to avoid the calamity of being ignorant of everything."
- Sydney Smith

I love every day, as you are able to learn so much if you just pay attention. This weekend I was in Louisville, Kentucky for my youngest sisters' birthday. I was able to spend 48 hours with 3 college girls and 1 recent graduate. I find it amazing the differences in thought process from 22 to 29 years of age. More amazing, the things we find IMPORTANT.

In discussing with these girls the idea of pursuing your DREAMS and PASSIONS over MONEY and STATUS, I was amazed at how distorted the view of REALITY is at that age. The idea of graduating college to a $100,000 per year career, Range Rovers and big houses was what was discussed. I do BELIEVE that all those things can be ACHIEVED (even without a university education) and CHALLENGED them to think about the best way to get there. We spoke about "getting a job" with a great company and working our way up the ladder… that's a lot of work in 12 months to get to those goals. My goal was have them think CREATIVELY about the ways in which they can achieve their dreams.

After many hours in the car together (there and back), we had a breakthrough… maybe pursuing the things in life that make you feel GOOD about yourself are what is most important. Maybe the amount of money made is NOT a direct indicator of happiness. Maybe these college kids learned a REVERSE lesson from what they are led to believe in college. Maybe I helped…


Its easy to pick on college kids because they are UNAWARE of the real world ways, yet how many of us have not yet REALIZED that our happiness may not be linked to our title or salary. Do you know anyone that make a RIDICULOUS amount of money, yet seems empty? I have spoken of EMPTY SUCCESS prior and want you each to be careful not to be sucked in, as I was and still battle with, to a world of maintaining an IMAGE to please others… failing to look inward and please yourself.

Take the time daily to FOCUS on your needs, your DESIRES and your PASSIONS. You can have all the money and toys in the world, however without a VISION of happiness and fulfillment – you will likely continue a path towards EMPTY SUCCESS. Take from the college kids… it's the learning of what is important, that is IMPORTANT.


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