Morning Motivator – Leading Through Disagreement

"Honest disagreement is often a good sign of progress."
- Mahatma Gandhi

The Government's Health Care Reform plan has become a very HOT discussion in the past months. Some are for, some against. RARELY are those that are in DISAGREEMENT concerned about the SAME issue. What does that mean?

Often this means that two "OPPOSING" sides are waging wars against one another on unrelated issues. Sound like a business DISAGREEMENT you have ever been in?

Here is an example of how I see it:

Democrats are seeking for UNIVERSAL health care to help the people of this nation that struggle financially to make "ends meet." They BELIEVE they have a human right to health care and basic services.

Republicans are seeking FISCAL responsibility. They want programs and solutions that are a WISE use of limited financial resources. They seek to help the majority of people without utilizing resources that allow for GROWTH.

At no point does either side DISAGREE with the "position" of the other… just HOW to get there. What an OPPORTUNITY!!!

The BEAUTY of disagreement… it creates a great amount of OPPORTUNITY.

As LEADERS, we have the ability to bridge the gap between opposing sides that are "opposing" on unrelated measures within a single issue.

The people that are able (and willing) to take on the role of the MEDIATOR between these parties carry great POWER and RESPONSIBILITY. You must be WILLING to eliminate emotional ties and base judgment solely on FACTS. IDENTIFY the end goals and negotiate COMPROMISES.

Once you are able to understand and manage this process… you will possess LIMITLESS value to all parties! Don't be AFRAID to lead others to rational thought and responsible decisions…


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Morning Motivator - Gain Success by Getting Control

"I'm less interested in the fees and more interested in how I can control them."
- Nashville Business Leader

IT, payroll, administration... All are COMMON outsourced activities in businesses. Why would a company OUTSOURCE these critical functions??

Seems like business owners are giving AWAY a lot of control... Right?!

QUESTION: How MUCH do you control your employees? Their TIME OFF? Their SERVICE levels? Their SUBORDINATION? Their QUITTING...???

CONTROL is nothing more than the ability to have PREDICTABLE outcomes.

Many business owners have DETERMINED the ideal environment is found through OUTSOURCING. Why?

Fixed fees, service level agreements, no single point of failure (or quitting) and SHARED knowledge across multiple providers with LIMITED emotional attachment.

When you CONSIDER the ideal ways to CONTROL your business or your role, wouldn't it be nice to have a SOLUTION that gave you ALL the control, even when you aren't CONTROLLING it??


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Morning Motivator - You Have to Show Up

"Do we make the decisions even if the others aren't at the meeting?"
- Anonymous

Let's look at a scenario...

There is a STRATEGIC planning meeting tomorrow morning at 7am. You don't LIKE to get up early for these type of meetings.
You decide to SKIP the meeting as you believe "nothing ever happens anyhow" at those meetings.

Sound familiar??

While meetings MAY seem pointless on occasion, they are a critical element in planning and control.

You have 2 CHOICES as related to meetings...
1. Choose a NEGATIVE attitude, continue to offer very LITTLE value and waste your time (along with others)

2. Find ways to serve as a LEADER in those meetings, offering strategic opinions and great VALUE.

Either decisions is ACCEPTABLE. Frankly, meetings should ONLY involve people seeking GROWTH and IMPROVEMENT.

For the rest... Don't worry about showing up and speaking up. The rest of us will continue to make the rules for YOU To live by...


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Morning Motivator - What Does Education Offer?

"Learning is not based on the value of the institution, rather on the students value of the learning."
- Unknown

Education is a TRICK word. For most, we think of WHERE we went to school, the PRESITIGE of your college or who has an ADVANCED degree.

The VALUE of education is often based on the PERCIEVED value of the institution.

Do you BELIEVE a physician from Yale Med school is a better doctor, than one from Meharry Medical College? Would rather take a class from a PhD professor or Bill Gates? If its a Biology class, does that change your mind?

EDUCATION is actually the KNOWLEDGE and ABILITY to think that comes from "schooling."

Many WELL-EDUCATED and SUCCESSFUL professionals have a limited "formal" education.

While a formal education is often a good INDICATOR of focus, determination and work ethic, RARELY does it directly equate into SUCCESS.

To ensure YOUR success, consider adopting a commitment to continued learning. A FOCUS on educating yourself in various ways regarding the PASSIONS you have.

No one can take your EDUCATION... And nothing makes you more VALUABLE than having the intellectual edge!!


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Morning Motivator – Your Right to be Frustrated

"Anger always comes from frustrated expectations"
- Elliott Larson

Every business wants to meet or EXCEED client expectations. Occasionally, those "wants" are met with DISASTER. You know what they say about the best laid plans…

The point is that you have a RIGHT to be frustrated and upset. You have an expectation of EXCELLENCE from someone you make an arrangement with. More over you should be able to DISCUSS any failure of expectations to UNDERSTAND what happened, how and why.

Let's be REALISTIC, everyone will FAIL at some point. Every system and process has WEAKNESSES that will be exposed under the pressures of limited resources – time, funding and talent. KNOWING that each system, person and or process will STUMBLE at some point, where does your true RIGHT to be frustrated derive from?


REAL, VALID FRUSTRATION comes from the continuous failure of a system, person or process to correct its error. When you find the same results being GENERATED from the solution – before and after adjustments – then you SHOULD be frustrated.

The VALUE of a QUALITY service delivery is its ability to adjust and be nimble in its ability to effectively correct faulty actions. The QUALITY is realized when the system is "tweaked" to ensure that the client is receiving the service they INITIALLY expected and continually has INPUTS into the system so as to further tailor it to their liking.

It will always REIGN true that the best businesses are not those that deliver the BEST or most EXPENSIVE, rather they deliver the most CONSISTENT while remaining open to CHANGE as their clients do too!


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