Morning Motivator - Finding Power in Obstacles

"The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it."

Honestly, are you challenging yourself daily? Are you seeking ways to grow yourself in a proactive manner? What are the 3 things you keep struggling with and what are you doing to over come them? Here's a couple of personal obstacles: diet/fitness, time management, and personal relationship development.

You have heard that nothing worth having is easy, right? So by that rationale, no challenge that is easy is really an accomplishment and in order to truly benefit from an obstacle, a bit of parody should be expected. Its ok to be challenged and even to fail. Failure is simply an education not found in a book.

First, identify that "nagging" obstacle you have been seeking to overcome all year long (it sounds like - "I REALLY need to...).
Next, make a note of what 3 things you can do today to begin the process of overcoming that obstacle.
Last, pick the one "easiest" (yes, I said easiest) and start it today...

It will be the EASIEST step to overcoming your most DIFFICULT challenge. Try it - you will like yourself better for it!!

Today is the beginning of the rest of your life... Take control of it and make it the best ride possible!


Morning Motivator – Expect Something for Your Help

"It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life, that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Question: Is it wrong to EXPECT something from someone when you help them?

Answer: No – you SHOULD expect something from your help!

Let me explain.

When an individual "helps" another (even in the most innocent and pure terms) there is, in fact, an exchange of VALUE. You may ask - how so? Truth of the matter is you ALWAYS receive something by helping others, such as a financial perk through the close of a business opportunity, increased trust and loyalty in a relationship, maybe even a release of stress. In many cases, you receive (and expect) a feeling of ACCOMPLISHMENT and PRIDE. Repeated – You WILL (and expect to) receive something of value for your help… and that's OK!

Consider these examples: You help a co-worker with a project - expect they will be able to help you on one at a later date. You help a buddy out of a tough spot - expect to feel accomplished as a "good friend." Help a new business acquaintance meet someone in town - expect the initial formation of a strategic alliance. Support your wife or husband through a difficult time - expect a deep strengthening of trust and loyalty in that relationship. It is ABSOLUTLEY acceptable to expect something from your help. If you do not receive value for your help – EXPECT that relationship to fizzle and cease. Make sure you are investing into your relationships (and expect to invest back when YOU are helped)!

Take 10 minutes and jot down THREE (3) items of VALUE that you expect or desire from providing assistance to another person. Rank them in importance to YOU as an individual. Define which one will provide the most long term value to your personal SUCCESS plan. While working today – identify which of the top values you received by providing help. Ask yourself – which one gives me the most in return? Verify you ARE getting a return (as this will help prevent burnout of a relationship).

My example: What do I expect when I help someone? (in ranking order)
1. To solidify a trusted relationship
2. A feeling of pride and accomplishment
3. The opportunity to ask for assistance at a later date

Which provides the most value to me?
- Solidifying TRUSTED relationships. (it is nice to know you have trusted people to help you when you need – this will be how I build my SUCCESS TEAMS)


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Morning Motivator – The Importance of Asking Questions

"He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever."
-Chinese Proverb

We are all guided by fear and pride – more than other by fear. Is that a bad thing? Not necessarily – it prevents us from danger, poor decision making and long term detriment. However, a fear. of asking questions may be a cause of all the above! Are you afraid to ask questions of people – your supervisor, your colleagues, your loved ones or authority?

The one distinctive trait that allows humans a slightly superiority over other animals is the ability to educate ourselves to higher levels of logic. Now how do you get there? Read a book – ok. Listen to a tape – sure. How about go ask someone that already knows what you want? How about questioning something that is good, in an effort to make it great? Yes, I am that annoying guy that asks questions all the time (and sometimes just to get a different point of view). Asking questions is a critical key to your success – unless you ask YOURSELF questions, you will never know the answers you are seeking internally. Do you ASK yourself QUESTIONS? Do you know WHERE you are GOING?

Should your gut tell you to ASK A QUESTION about information you are receiving (or not) – ASK IT! Don't be afraid… there is no harm in asking questions and the person you are communicating with WILL appreciate you desire to be accurate! (wow – this one was simple, eh?)


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Morning Motivator – Choosing Your Success

"We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them."
-Kahlil Gibran, Sand and Foam

How many times has your gut been "right" about a situation? How many times did you "know" what would happen before you started? We are not psychic (at least I think we aren't) – so how are we able to "know" so much about things before we get started?

The reason is: YOU HAVE CHOSEN YOUR END RESULT BEFORE YOU STARTED. Yes, you have made a clear decision in your mind whether a task can be completed, a goal can be accomplished or a challenge overcome. You are so powerful that you have the ability to influence the entire outcome of any situation. Do you wonder how "successful" people have become "SUCCESSFUL"? They CHOSE it! They decided long ago that they would achieve (fill in the blank) and that is their passionate pursuit.

In order to achieve the CHOICE of SUCCESS – you must be clear on what SUCCESS is to you. Write down ONE thing that would signify success to you. Now, write next to it what NEXT STEP is needed to begin towards that accomplishment. If it requires the help of someone else – call them TODAY. If it requires time to plan out something – schedule it TODAY. You are not expected to accomplish your goal in ONE DAY – you are able to accomplish one small step towards it daily. Take the FIRST STEP and enjoy the successes tomorrow will bring you!


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Morning Motivator – Preparing for Success and Happiness

"Before anything else, preparation is the key to success."
-Alexander Graham Bell

As I was winding down late last night, I flipped over to a financial news broadcast. The speaker was discussing how much planning goes into ones financial future. He mentioned that more planning goes into a family summer vacation than into their financial future. I can believe it and thought to myself – how much planning do people put into their personal success and happiness?

A lot of people will say they are "well prepared" because they have a LIST where they write down the things to be done – call a client, read a book, and start a business. I contest that most people don't plan out their next day, month, or year effectively and have likely never looked at planning the rest of their life. Have you considered if you are moving in the right direction? How would you know? Do you have a plan on where you are going in the next 3 years? Do you know what the first step is to get there? I would say it's OK if you don't… it's not though. GREAT NEWS - You can CHANGE that today!

Begin your Success and Happiness Preparation Planning - Spend 1 hour tonight and create a rough sketch of your 3 year success vision (i.e. where do I want to be and what does it look like). Then number the items that you generate from most important to least (at this time). Pull out the TOP FIVE (5) items on your list and write them down on a SEPARATE piece of paper. THESE ARE YOUR 5 TASKS TO ACCOMPLISH IN THE NEXT 90 DAYS. Write down the first step required to begin the achievement of these goals. You will FOCUS on the first one ONLY, until it is complete. Then you will FOCUS on number two (2). Repeat until you have completed* all five (5).

* Some "goals" will be the beginning of a process and unable to realistically accomplish in 90 days. If so, drill down to the "most achievable task" that can be completed within 90 days. That will be your GOAL.

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