Morning Motivator - Hurry Up and Be Patient!

"Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow - that is patience."
- Anonymous

If you are like me, you are a person that is FOCUSED, ANXIOUS, and "mildly" IMPATIENT. More challenging than not ACCOMPLISHING a goal is accomplishing it after a looong, drawn out period. Ugh!

The question to be asked is... "Why are we so impatient?" Is it because our clients, friends, or co-workers are not as DRIVEN as us? Maybe we are just SMARTER and expect greater... Or maybe its just that those around us don't STRESS what they cannot control... (Novel idea)

The idea that you are able to PUSH people into doing more, faster is kind of SILLY. You have very little CONTROL over making anyone do anything... So BE PATIENT and let your efforts become fruitful over time.

A philosophy of "I will give my BEST daily to achieve my best ALWAYS" seems to be in order.

If you are doing the RIGHT things daily - you will find that the right things will happen to you, at the RIGHT time.

Hurry up and learn PATIENCE... And prove to those "other people" we CAN do that too!

Have a phenomenal weekend and spend some time to enjoy YOU!


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Morning Motivator - Cover Your Mouth... It's Contagious

"Enthusiasm is contagious. Be a carrier."
- Susan Rabin

Are sneezes contagious? I have always heard that and no one person is able to give a DEFINITE answer. I think they ARE - not physical contagious like the flu - psychologically contagious like your ATTITUDE.

As I mentioned in yesterdays MM - I am having an AMAZING week! Guess what? So are a lot of the people around me... why?! It's CONTAGIOUS. My POSITIVE attitude of accomplishment and success was spawned Monday morning when my Sales Director came to our team and gave a speech of INSPIRATION, TRUST and HOPE. WOW - what a way to start off a week. He INFECTED me with his POSITIVE attitude and I have been coughing it on as many people as possible for 4 DAYS STRAIGHT! (cough cough)

Now - Look at YOURSELF. Are you ABSORBING the positive attitudes of others? Are you REDISTRIBUTING that to your friends and family? Today CAN be the best day of your life... if you let the EPIDEMIC of positivity take hold.

I have bore my soul a lot this week and I do so to let you know - I do NOT have all the answers, I am NOWHERE near perfect and I STRUGGLE every day with the same challenges we all do. What I have DECIDED to be great at is my ATTITUDE.

I refuse to let negative people affect my mood, my vision or my direction. My ACTIONS are a decision to choose INSPIRATION and MOTIVATION over self doubt and pity (which I do very good when I let myself). BARE YOUR SOUL TO YOURSELF - Choose GREATNESS and do it by choosing a GREAT ATTITUDE!


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Morning Motivator – Facing the Biggest Fears… Yours

"Fear does not have any special power unless you empower it by submitting to it."
-Les Brown

The past 48 hours qualify as some of the BEST of my life. You ask – WHY? I cannot put a finger on it specifically, however I can share with you some of what has occurred.

As my week began I had a "sit down" with MYSELF and thought about what is IMPORTANT in my life – SUCCESS (as I define it), AFFECTION, RECOGNITION and FREEDOM. I decided that for the month of April I would FOCUS - with laser clarity - on the ACTIONS I know I MUST take to be successful. I FOCUSED on the positives that surround me - I had a close friend share insight into the effectiveness of the Morning Motivator, set high quality meetings in my business and shared 2 of the most intimate discussions with close friends that were surrounded in OVERCOMING fears. My ATTITUDE to overcome fear changed my ability to succeed.

What stands out most was a very difficult discussion with a friend. I know the SHARING was a testament to GROWTH in self and in that person. I wonder – how many of us have HIGH QUALITY discussions with people we care about (personally and/or professionally)? When was the last time you were MOVED in a conversation? A chat that STIRRED your emotions such that all you could consider was how to take ACTION. Do you think a discussion of that sorts would help you GROW your business, your personal relationships, your mind, your spirit? WHO is the one person you KNOW you need to have a HEARTFELT discussion with? What are you waiting for?


Most commonly we are FEARFUL to share our "secrets" with others (the things you don't want to talk about). It's a simple lack of confidence, a negative perception of self worth or even just a basic fear of rejection. Keep in mind, the BEST question to ask is – "If I am NOT honest with myself, does hiding out of FEAR really do this other person any service?"

Here's the REALITY: Your VALUED relationships – friends, family, colleagues, vendors, clients – RESPECT you more for your open and honest discussions than "telling them what they want to hear." We are ALL vulnerable, scared, intimidated and seeking acceptance, caring and success. What you feel is NORMAL and the QUALITY people around you will ENDEAR you more, WHEN you finally have the conversation you FEAR THE MOST. Take the leap – there is someone there to catch you!


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Morning Motivator – The Secret of My Confidence

"Talking much about oneself may be a way of hiding oneself"
-Friedrich Nietzsche

Yesterday, I was able to enjoy 2 discussions with 2 different people about themselves and myself. From those, I realized that I may not be sharing "myself" enough in the Morning Motivator. Hence, I give you my story on CONFIDENCE.

For those that know me, a frequented comment may be, "you seem very confident and focused." I tell you that I am very good at SEEMING that way. Truth of the matter is that I am a very INSECURE person that has a great deal of personal CHALLENGES around self confidence, self image, and a horrible fear of acceptance. I, like many others, have found creative ways to provide a PERCEPTION of the "right things" so as not be exposed (busted huh?).

The core premise of this Morning Motivator is to share with you that it is OK to be FEARFUL, LACK CONFIDENCE and be SELF INTIMIDATED. We all are… and that's why we GROW ourselves – mind, body, heart and spirit. It is our drive to EXCEL that allows us to overcome these challenges and transform into the SUCCESSFUL person we are destined to become. I hope the Morning Motivator helps you achieve this goal… the fact you read it is helping me achieve mine.


I don't have a GREAT next step for you here other than to share with you how I am overcoming my challenges. I have created a process to manage them and begin to overcome them:

1. Have a "heart to heart" with yourself and write down the challenges that hold you back

2. Identify what the WORST case scenario would be if you take NO action, then the BEST case scenario

3. Take the IMMEDIATE first action that day… (hence the Morning Motivator "out of the blue" one day)

4. Share your FEARS with trusted advisors (friends, family, mentors) – talking about fears exposes them for what they are

5. Share your SUCCESSES with friends – build your support team

6. Push your PASSIONS - the best way to overcome your fears is by tackling them with your confidences.

As I said, my hope is that the sharing of myself via the Morning Motivator is something that will continue to help you grow, learn and lead. Know that you are not alone and that I am happy to share time with you, should you feel that I can help. Have a great week!


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Morning Motivator - I Feel So Lost... And Don't Know Why

"Our thoughts create our reality - where we put our focus is the direction we tend to go."
-Peter McWilliams

I find it funny the things that people say to me and then the ACTIONS that they take the next day. Many of use would consider ourselves FOCUSED, AMBITIOUS and DRIVEN. Yet, how many of us have a VISION, GOALS or ACTION PLANS? Why do I ask that question..? Simply put - if you don't know why the heck you are doing something, then that is likely why you are so DISCONTENT.

Many of the highly TALENTED professionals I run into express some level of stress associated with - personal performance, lack of appreciation or the good 'ol "Im not where I should be in life." How is it possible that SO MANY "successful" professionals can share the same feelings? I remind you of my concept of EMPTY SUCCESS - the "appearance" of success with an internal lack of fulfillment through personal and professional needs.

When we FOCUS on the "things" society defines for us as success - fancy title, high salary, marriage with children and a pension fund - we sometimes find that we FORGOT about our PERSONAL passions, desires and dreams. I'm not downplaying the ideas of "traditional success" - simply clarifying that YOU are the one that has to LIVE with you decisions... you better make sure SUCCESS looks the way YOU want it to. Do you even know what success LOOKS LIKE to you?

Your task THIS WEEK is to define for yourself a 90 DAY GOAL. This will be a first, small step in the correct direction to your overall REDIRECTION of your life. You will take the 2 degree adjustment and once successful - apply it again. Here is how you will do it:

1. Define your goal in a very specific manner (I want to lose 15 pounds by eating less than 1500 calories and working out 3x per week for 60 minutes)
2. Establish a tracking system (I will write down my diet intake at each meal and keep a log of calories burned in the gym in MS Excel)
3. Make sure your goal is something that is within your reach ("We often OVERESTIMATE what we can do in 1 day and UNDERESTIMATE what we can do in 1 month or 1 year)
4. Ask yourself - Is this realistic that I can achieve this goal? (Set your goal such that it is physically possible to accomplish based on time and energy output)
5. Make sure you stick to your schedule. (By giving yourself a time reference - you create the needed indirect pressure to succeed)
6. WHEN you succeed - CELEBRATE! (all effort deserves a reward - especially when its your own)


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