Morning Motivator – Lost in Ignorance

"I am sorry; we don't know what the issue is."
- American Airlines

It is 7:33am.  My flight was for 7:00am this morning.  American Airlines OWES me 33 minutes (at this point). 

My issue, shared by many others, is not that plane is DELAYED; rather that no one seems to have any understanding of WHY it is late.  With no attendant at the counter, no email update with the email they asked to keep me "updated on important news" with or even an update on the main flight board.  It just says, "DELAYED"…

FRUSTRATION is a cause of a lack of understanding and feeling of INEQUITY.  The perceived loss of control one has over their own being ESCALATES frustration to anger.  I am getting closer…  now, 7:39am.

When ENGAGING a client or business partner, one will find that a simple phone call or email that informs the other person that you "don't have the information yet, but am working on it," is PRICELESS.  Waiting until you "have" the information is a cop-out for those that are afraid to approach their client.

ALLEVIATE frustration by keeping clients from being "lost in ignorance."  Pop a quick email, make a short, if even painful phone call or stop by, shake a hand and share some love.  People will FORGIVE your ignorance if you do not force-feed it to them.

Do not RENT responsibility… OWN IT!  Be up front with your people and always let them know where things stand, even if they have not yet moved.  Your WILLINGNESS to own their frustration will reward you with IMMENSE respect and loyalty.

Learn something new this weekend… then email me and tell me how awesome it was!!


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Morning Motivator – Cooking Up Business

"It is just like cooking.  So much work and preparation for just a few minutes."
- Kelley Anderson, Tobacco Free Living (Louisiana) 

A Morning Motivator hit me in the face today at a Press Conference this morning when the above quote was made.  WOW!  Business is just like cooking!!

Any good business has to work and prepare itself to be in a POSITION for success.  There are countless hours and sacrifices made in order to have the OPPORTUNITY to perform exceptionally in the brief window openings in life.

Those that spend time COOKING UP new and better relationships, often find that the "taste of success" is much sweeter and more fulfilling.  Those that seek to "nuke it" with a MICROWAVE-type approach will find their success bland and uninspiring. 

The time and attention you spend on your clients, future clients, friends and colleagues WILL directly affect your ability to be successful.

If you are continually preparing relationships WITHIN your business, you will find that the operational efficiency increases with improved alliances and mutual respects.

If you are continually preparing relationships OUTSIDE your business, you will find increased productivity from shorter sales cycles and increased referrals.

If you think you can just show up, throw up and the BLOW it up – you better start "warming up your resume" because that is the only thing that is going to be cooking for you soon enough!

Are you preparing your OPPORTUNITY feast properly??


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Morning Motivator – Finish What You Start

"The problem with great ideas is that they are usually half-baked."
- unknown

What was your last GREAT idea?  How well did you EXECUTE it after you had it?  Sorry to pull the wind from your sails…

The CHALLENGE we face with our unlimited creativity is that we have LIMITED capability to execute.  We often have all the ideas and none of the process, systems or resources.  We fail to ACT purely on the fact that we don't even know where to start.

Alas, there is hope!  By taking notations on all your GREAT ideas you are able to eliminate the ones that are less feasible, have multiple barriers to entry or just are not that good after all.  You know all the things that PASSION for something usually overcomes in an afternoon.

If you are not WILLING to make the sacrifices to get a project off the ground – pain, time, finances, etc – then you better make sure that you idea is very well structured for execution.

When you are seeking to ENACT a new idea, you must make sure that you are willing to FINISH if you are considering a start.  Understand the time required to execute, the finances, etc.

The saddest thing in the world is a BRILLIANT idea that does not have someone that loves it enough to make it happen!  Don't abuse your ideas.  Either set them on the shelf for later (much later) or GET TO IT!

Stop half-assing your ideas into oblivion!


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Morning Motivator – Plan for the Worst, Wait, No…

"Our generation has an incredible amount of realism, yet at the same time it loves to complain and not really change. Because, if it does change, then it won't have anything to complain about."
-  Tori Amos

My best friend, Todd Shafer, has a famous quote.  He says, "I am not a pessimist, I am a realist."  Calling him a "BUZZ KILL" usually follows, as I am a perpetual OPTIMIST.

There is an interesting DIFFERENCE between those that are "realists" versus an "optimist," namely the fact that they deal only with today.  An optimist prepares only for tomorrow and a pessimist is stuck in the past.  So who is right?

All.  None. 

A SAVVY business person must make adjustments to today's situations based on experience from past ventures.  The PROFESSIONAL also prepares for the future with an EXPECTATION of success.

If you only planned for your future based of today's successes, you would never be able to grow and expand your business, or your successes in self.  If you only plan and prepare for the future without regard of the past or today's current environment, you may be PREPARING for something that will never arrive.

NEVER plan for the worst!  Expect the BEST, prepare accordingly and make sure to use the information you have immediately, with an understanding of the past successes or failures.  If you work today for the BEST tomorrow, you will find that the past doesn't matter…

How's that for being a "realist?"


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Morning Motivator – 2 Degrees of Change

"Ok Zach, What is the 2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP all about?"
- Many many readers

Often I am asked why I put "2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP" at the bottom of each Morning Motivator.  Simple answer is that you should be paying attention as that is the "lesson" of the Morning Motivator.  The more complicated answer is that I have a belief in 2 degrees of change.

Here is the rationale.  In order for any individual to make MEANINGFUL change in their life, they must cease doing the behaviors that are destructive and engage in positive activities.  A good example is weight loss.  If you eat junk food, you are unlikely to appreciate working out and very unlikely to start eating a strict diet.

In order to make a MEANINGFUL and SUSTAINABLE change you must make a 180 degree turn in your life.  Most "programs" last 90 days in making these changes, thus, a "2 degree" change daily will result in a 180-degree turn to success!!

Meaningful CHANGE is made is small, sustainable increments.  Drastic change often FEELS good – like wiping your desk clean of clutter, throwing away a bunch of garbage right before the weekend, yet, by next Friday, it has all returned.

If you seek to make change, you must RECOGNIZE the place you currently reside.  Then, you must IDENTIFY the results you seek to gain from your change.  Finally, you must set the PATH to change.  Small, simple, manageable steps are the key. 

Expect to stumble, but do it in a way that is RECOVERABLE.  If you make a 90-degree change today and fail tomorrow, you start over.  If you make a 2-degree change and fail in 90 days, you only have to regain the 2 degrees…

Make a POSITIVE change… 2 degrees at a time.


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