Morning Motivator – Patience

"Beware of undertaking too much at the start. Be content with quite a little. Allow for accidents. Allow for human nature, especially your own."
-Arnold Bennett

I share a fatal trait with many over achievers just like you – I want it all…right now! I am not a patient person when it comes to things I want and often find that I over pursue things in an effort to make a quick change to bigger challenge. Do you find yourself doing that?

I am slowly learning (through trial and error) that PATIENCE is a key attribute to success. Sometimes the best action is to take an extra moment, fully analyze the situation and then take ACTION. Do not confuse patience with procrastination though … you need to take ACTION as quickly as possible when appropriate. I know I will always err on the side of action and will likely continue to have minor challenges with patience. Just remember that "good things take time."

Today push and press to be your best. If you hit a roadblock… be patient. Stay your course and focus on the end goal – you WILL achieve your dreams!

* If you are taking tomorrow off – I want to thank you for your support and wish you a blessed Thanksgiving. I am thankful for you and those that make you the great person that you are!


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