Morning Motivator – Making Your Resolutions Count!

"The man who will not execute his resolutions when they are fresh upon him can have no hope from them afterwards; they will be dissipated, lost and perish in the hurry and scurry of the world, or sunk in the slough of indolence."
~Marie Edgeworth

Do you know what the #1 killer of all well made plans is… EXECUTION!! More people plan "great changes" in their life and find themselves baffled by failure 2 months later with no idea of how the failure occurred. Answer: EXECUTION! The most critical part of any plan for achievement is the first step to success. What's that called again…? Oh yeah – EXECUTION! (recurring theme – please take note)

I am not above the "Failure to Execute" habit as I too fail to execute…often. Hence, this year's underlying theme in making resolutions is (drum roll)… EXECUTION! Here is a sample of the 5 MOST IMPORTANT things I resolve to accomplish this year:

1. Redefine my fitness and diet habits to achieve weight loss of 30lbs by my 30th birthday (July 21st) – complete plan by January 6th

2. Define my financial goals from 3 varying income streams (Dalcon, BarkLoud and Professional Speaking) by January 15th

3. Complete the discussion framework for initial presentation of my first speaking seminar series on "Overcoming Empty Success" by January 31st

4. Schedule time for my personal exploration and travel adventures (2 long weekends, 2 week long vacations – 1 per quarter) – complete 1st trip planning by February 15th

5a. Coordinate, Schedule and gain commitment for a monthly breakfast or lunch with my two mentors by February 28th

5b. Coordinate, Schedule and gain commitment for a monthly "guys night" with my great friends that I have not supported appropriately the last few years – complete by February 28th

* CRITICAL FOLLOW UP STEP - Reassess these resolutions and add to them on July 21st

What I have decided is not to change myself in manners that are EaRthShAkiNg, but rather in small doses with long term commitments. Easy to EXECUTE quickly and measure for success. Do not feel like you have to create these major life changing commitments. The LIFE CHANGING portion happens when you COMMIT to EXECUTING your actions.

SUCCESS STEP: It's a simple one – lay out your TOP 5 goals for 2008. Make them as specific and detailed as possible. Set measurements and time frame for accomplishment. DEFINE THE NEXT STEP TO EXECTUTION… and DO IT! If you focus on the #1 most important until its implemented – you will find your first BIG success! Then move to #2…

Have a safe New Years. I KNOW 2008 will be your best year yet… lets celebrate together the whole way!!


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:: past morning motivators ::