Morning Motivator - Finding Power in Obstacles

"The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it."

Honestly, are you challenging yourself daily? Are you seeking ways to grow yourself in a proactive manner? What are the 3 things you keep struggling with and what are you doing to over come them? Here's a couple of personal obstacles: diet/fitness, time management, and personal relationship development.

You have heard that nothing worth having is easy, right? So by that rationale, no challenge that is easy is really an accomplishment and in order to truly benefit from an obstacle, a bit of parody should be expected. Its ok to be challenged and even to fail. Failure is simply an education not found in a book.

First, identify that "nagging" obstacle you have been seeking to overcome all year long (it sounds like - "I REALLY need to...).
Next, make a note of what 3 things you can do today to begin the process of overcoming that obstacle.
Last, pick the one "easiest" (yes, I said easiest) and start it today...

It will be the EASIEST step to overcoming your most DIFFICULT challenge. Try it - you will like yourself better for it!!

Today is the beginning of the rest of your life... Take control of it and make it the best ride possible!


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