Morning Motivator - Lead With a Vengeance

"Leaders make a ruckus"
- Seth Godin

The funny thing about being a LEADER is how common you are looked to as the person with all the POWER in a group. Do you know who RUNS a non-profit organization? Are you FAMILIAR with who executes action in a company?

RARELY does the power of a group NOT lie with the people who make it up. Commonly, the President of a group "leads" a Board, yet it is the Board members that have decision making power. It is not the SALES MANAGER that generates revenues, rather its the reps. So, what does this mean?

As a LEADER, we must act upon a clear vision of what our people NEED to improve and grow. We must EXECUTE on their best interests, even if it results in a less than admirable perception of ourselves. We SACRIFICE our selfish intentions to allow INDIVIDUALS to develop into their full potential.

Often, as leaders, we are asked to make decisions that affect the lives of our people. We are tasked with the ultimate responsibility of overseeing their growth and success opportunities.
We must LEAD with best intentions always and EXECUTE with integrity. When you seek to do the right thing, you may "ruffle some feathers" and charge forward without great support.

But think about it... What GREAT leader ever made their mark on the world by just "going along with the crowd."

Stand strong, make noise and lead with a VENGEANCE!


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