Morning Motivator - The "Lesser" Player on the Team

"Every man I meet is my superior in some way. In that, I must learn of him." -Emerson

We ALL like to win when we compete. We all seek to be the BEST player on the team and get all the ACCOLADES. It FEELS great to be the "go to guy (or gal)" when your team needs someone to step up!

Consider this... If you are always the BEST player on the team, who do you learn from to become BETTER? How much POTENTIAL for growth do you have when you are already the best? Who on the team has the most OPPORTUNITY to be better than you are today?

My dad always said, "it is better to be the worst player on the best team than the best player on the worst team.". What he was saying is that when you are surrounded by TOP talent, you have the ability to become better, faster. When you are the best and surrounded by MEDIOCRITY, you are likely to begin to become worse.

When you are choosing a team, a workplace or even friends, seek to surround yourself with people that have strengths GREATER than yours.

Take the opportunity to check your EGO at the door and find a true GROWTH opportunity by learning from someone that is more skilled or has a greater expertise.

Remember... The student often becomes the teacher because the teacher has difficulty learning and thinking beyond the level they are at.


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