Morning Motivator - Bring Your People With You

"To coach" comes from the root meaning "to bring a person from where they are to where they want to be."
- David Cottrell 

I must say that I am INTRIGUED by the varying responses to yesterday's Morning Motivator. I am thankful to the people that SHARED their thoughts, regardless of what they were.

I am PROUD of these people for their willingness to SPEAK UP and lead for the people around them. As someone that is involved in an organization driven by politics, I am always PLEASED to see others "coaching" (aka developing) the people around them.

There is no GREATER service that someone can do for another person that to help them GROW from where they are to where they DESIRE to be. This is the function of LEADERSHIP and the core principle by which leaders should operate.

The TALENT you are surrounded by serves as a two-fold development group.

First, they are near for you to COACH them towards enhancing their skills by which you are already proficient. Secondly, they are near to SERVE as a coach to you in your development of the needed/desired skills you seek and they are already proficient.

Take the time DAILY to teach and learn. If you were to IMPROVE 1% daily - you would be more than 3.5 times improved upon who you are at the beginning of the year. That's a simple and dramatic progression!


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