Morning Motivator - How Bad Do You Want It?

"The only thing that separates successful people from the ones who aren't is the willingness to work very, very hard."
- Helen Gurley Brown

How many SUCCESSFUL people do you know that are LAZY or had it all handed to them? When you CONSIDER who you respect for their ACHIEVEMENTS, what are some of the common behaviors you observe?

HARD WORK is a general trait of high achievers. I don't want you to have the idea that hard works means 60 hour work weeks, not seeing your family or any of the other NEGATIVE thoughts you may have. I BELIEVE "hard work" is FOCUSED, DETAILED, DRIVEN effort made to achieve your goals.

As an example... Someone asked me how I was able to find such a QUALITY job, so quickly after my recent layoff. The TRUTH behind the speed was a GREAT group of excellent connections... That have been built over YEARS with lots of time and energy invested.


My "hard work" was ENJOYING time at the Junior Chamber, going to coffee with INFLUENTIAL people and making time (2-5 hours/wk) to DEVELOP relationships outside work.

There is no great SECRET to getting yourself ahead. You must find your BEST way of working in a FOCUSED, DETAILED and DEDICATED fashion while BUILDING quality relationships. Choose to spend your time WISELY with people that share your VISION and are INVESTED in your success. This is YOUR "hard work."


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Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

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