Morning Motivator – Pick Your Battles

"The battles are huge because the stakes are small."
- David Payne

I must say, I ENJOYED a wonderful discussion a few days ago with a local business owner, David Payne. We chatted about some OPPORTUNITIES in the community and well as experiences with LEADERSHIP in different capacities. I was FLOORED when he made the above comment… it is so ACCURATE!

Take a moment to CONSIDER the "big battles" you FIGHT for – at work, with loved ones, in board meetings, with friends. What are they TYPICALLY over? Be honest here. You are likely saying what I did... "I'm not sure" or "typically, garbage." When you look at your day and your capabilities… Think of your day in the terms of FINITE volumes of valuable resources – time, energy, mental capacity, etc. When you consider that you are UNLIKELY to work any day at FULL CAPACITY, why would you WASTE your resources on TRIVIAL battles? How does that help you GROW or ACHIEVE?

You SUCCESSES are found in your ABILITY and WILLINGNESS to overcome the magnetic draw of battling over issues that have little to no relevance with respect to your bigger GOALS. You must keep FOCUS on what keys are buried in the discussions you find yourself in. Additionally, you must have the BRAVERY to shut down a meaningless discussion so as to save your valuable resources (time, energy, mental capacity). You are doing a FAVOR to everyone by taking this position.

Moving forward… When you find yourself IMMERSED in a battle of meaningless discussion – PULL AWAY! Heighten your AWARENESS of your overall goals and quickly evaluate the impact the discussion you are engaged in with create. If it is MINIMAL – move on! If the impact is GREAT – stay as long as needed to see the discussion through to the end.

Often, we find ourselves in BATTLES OF EGO. We continue to discuss, rant, retort, etc in an effort to be the LAST one to make a "great point." Reality is, the person that speaks least, yet makes the greatest IMPACT is the most valuable mind at the table. Absolve yourself from the rants of EGO and take a direct LEADERSHIP in making sure that the overall goal is always the focus of the BATTLE.


*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to –

The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

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