Morning Motivator - When to "Start" Towards Your Goals

"Take a chance! All life is a chance. The man who goes furthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare."
- Dale Carnegie

Today IS the first day of the rest of your life! What are you doing with it? Seriously, what is it that you are WAITING to happen before you make your big move?

Tuesday, I was at a training session and was asked to SHARE my thoughts around goal setting. Goal setting, for me, includes financial, professional, personal, health and relationship goals. Interestingly, the gentleman I was speaking with asked me - "Why are you WAITING until January 1st? Why not start now?"

Good point. Why not START now? Is there a MAGICAL "best" time or situation? Are you WAITING to "make enough money" or "for the economy to improve?". NEWS FLASH... You are going to wait FOREVER on situations such as those.

Remember that GOALS require end dates, target time lines. You must determine an END to you actions so you are able to MEASURE your achievement.

Although you MUST have an end date, there is no limits on when you may BEGIN your efforts.

Delaying a start to January 1 may feel "clean and simple," yet you are PREVENTING yourself from a 3 week head start on the GOAL that is so IMPORTANT to you.

Don't "short change" yourself WAITING... Go make it happen TODAY! Your success is WAITING for you...


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Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

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