Morning Motivator - Take It Like A Man (or Woman)

"The problem with most of us, is we'd rather be drowned in praise than saved by criticism."
- sent by Jason Denenberg, Junior Chamber President 2009-2010

Why is that SUCCESSFUL people always seem to do better and better? Have you wondered what their SECRET is?

SUCCESSFUL people understand that continual feedback is required to IMPROVE their business and approach. They REALIZE that by having people SUGGEST better ways of working together, they are crafting a RELATIONSHIP that can't be broken.

Are you WILLING to accept criticism? Will you ALLOW others to shape your success through discussions?

By ASKING for feedback you are allowing someone to customize their relationship with you. This is a tremendous COMPLIMENT and requires high levels of TRUST.

The BEST part to this whole situation - your clients are sharing the inside info on how to do MORE business with them!

Not bad when you can get PAID by asking for their ADVICE...


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