- J. Kozol
I will again make a reference to my FAVORITE book of all time - "The Four Hour Work Week" by Timothy Ferriss.
In Tim's book, he discusses the idea of BUYING back your time. The idea is SIMPLE. If you could AVOID some mundane tasks or an engagement you would rather not take part of, isn't it worth your MONEY to get out of it? Think about this...
If you wanted a weekend RETREAT with your loved one, but had yard work that needed completed - would you pay someone to do it? Sure! What if you felt CONFIDENT that you could eliminate 1 work day per week by outsourcing your ADMINISTRATIVE work? Would you OUTSOURCE it? Of Course! And YET... a BIG YET... we DO NOT. Why?
Most commonly, we are AFRAID to give up control, so we wage battles we cannot win with people over things that really don't matter. We FRET about a late payment, a missed document, a forgotten letter... and commonly that "forgotten task" was requested to be completed by someone ILL-SUITED to do it. So why start that MESS?
I will give you a PERSONAL example.
This Friday through October 4th, I will be in Scotland, UK (expect some Morning Motivator delays) and was SUPPOSED to be supporting my fellow colleagues in Leadership Nashville for a weekend event. Obviously, I will not be ABLE to attend and support my team. However, I have taken on TASKS up front to eliminate the pains they would feel by my absence.
As part of this, I PROCURED some beverages for group. The final TAB was a bit more than what was provided to me up front, however I will be in SCOTLAND! Seriously, is my time worth BICKERING over $30 I paid EXTRA for the drinks or take it as my investment towards 3 additional days in SCOTLAND... without any stress!
For me, the money is worth the time I FREED (over 72 hours) and the stress elimination (I have effectively delegated all tasks away). Would you pay $0.42/hour to free yourself? WIN the battles worth winning - leave the rest BEHIND!
As part of my CONTINUED commitment to accountability, today is my weight check in: 226.0lbs, Last Friday: 226.9lbs, Delta: -0.9lbs (back on track with 20lbs to go!)
*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to – http://grow-learn-lead.blogspot.com
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