Morning Motivator - Maximizing Abilities...

"You can't make a racehorse out of a pig... But you can make a pig run pretty damn fast."
- Mark Perez

This past weekend, I heard the above quote, which is one of the BEST quotes I have heard in months... and I have to THANK my friend and supporter, Mark Perez.

A frequent question asked by LEADERS is, "How do we MAXIMIZE our talents abilities?" The FOCUS is on helping others attain their top achievement through their given skill sets. The CHALLENGE is that, on occasion, LEADERSHIP has unfair expectations of an individual's ability. Hence, the above quote.

UNDERSTANDING the capacity of someone's skills, in addition to their DESIRE for achievement and finally, their DEFINITION of success is CRITICAL for any leader in business. As you are ASSESSING talent, you must recognize that some team members are limited by SKILLS, which you can provide training for. Others are limited by DESIRE, which can be enhanced by personal growth. Most CHALLENGING, is the person that is limited by THEIR definition of SUCCESS...

If you are trying to get a sales person to generate $4M in revenue next year, yet they are HAPPY with the income resulting from $2M - how will you get them to $4M? If you have a manager that believes SUCCESS is making sure you never LOSE a client - how will you get them to take one the ONE extra client that challenges their system?

It is true that a pig cannot be a racehorse. It is also true that pigs are pretty damn fast. Just understand that the goals may be different...

The horse wants to run FASTER, STRONGER and MORE OFTEN... that's what is in the "make up." The pig just doesn't want to become bacon...

Know your team. Know their goals. Understand THEIR success... then build around it. Every player is a piece to a PUZZLE.

No one person is "the answer," unless, of course, your team is really into bacon. :)


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