Morning Motivator – Take Me to School… 

"Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand."
- Chinese Proverbs 

I am EXCITED!!  Today, I have learned a new way to EFFECTIVELY help my clients with cost and functionality. Why so excited? 

First, it is a HUGE jump in our businesses ability to assist multiple new groups and protect clients.  Additionally, I NEVER knew about it before.  

EDUCATION is a daily commitment to learning – both from reading and from others.  By CONTINUALLY testing what you believe to be true, you have the ability to find new, better, faster ways of getting things done. 

Today's new lesson was derived purely from the idea that there must be "an easier way."  (And apparently there is!) 

Every day we have the OPPORTUNITY to challenge the status quo. 

We can test our LIMITS of what we believe to be true and acceptable.  Additionally, if we are open-minded to the ideas of others, we have the ability to learn without a great INVESTMENT of time and/or energy. 

I have to thank my friend, James Farley, as he is the one that has lit my fire today, showing me that there are better ways… and if I will SHUT my mouth long enough, there are people willing to teach! 


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