Morning Motivator – Sometimes it is Tough...

"The only real failure in life is the failure to try."
- Unknown

Someone asked me the other day if writing the Morning Motivator every day is DIFFICULT.  My response was that it is only CHALLENGING 5% of the time.  The few times I do not KNOW what about to write.

The FUNNY thing about a DAILY commitment is that you have to ACCEPT that everyday will not be groundbreaking.  They will not always be EASY or FUN.  This is why the term "daily grind" is so prevalent. 

The TESTAMENT to ones success is their ability to persevere through CHALLENGING lulls.  Your work at the gym is not EXCITING every day, yet if you cease to do it, you WILL gain weight.  Your business needs ATTENTION daily to its clients and finances, otherwise, a small lapse may cause a MAJOR meltdown.

Sure, sometimes it IS tough to be STRONG and battle through.  Yet, like a great mentor of mine told me, SHOWING up is more than most others do, thus being there is more important than anything else.

If you are "there" and continuing to work through the slow times or tough times, you will find that MOST others have fallen off.  Your reward will be plentiful because you had the RESILIENCE to take the step others would not.

Like I said, it is tough… but your SUCCESS depends on it!



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