Morning Motivator – Taking On One More Thing…

"It's not so much how busy you are, but why you are busy. The bee is praised. The mosquito is swatted."
- Mary O'Connor

Technology is SUPPOSED to save us time, right?  Since we can microwave dinner, we can spend an extra hour DOING something more important.  With email on my phone, I won't have to work as MUCH.

Be HONEST.  You don't DO more because you have more time… you just take on more.

Effective EXECUTION is more important than volume of work. 

If you had the choice between doing ONE thing all day long at which you could be EXCEPTIONAL versus doing MULTIPLE things at which you do PRETTY GOOD, which would you choose?

Most people WANT to be excellent.  Very few have the AWARENESS to understand that "pleasing everyone" is not the way to go about doing it. 

Rather than say NO to a new project, many people VALIDATE their self by the volume of work they have taken on and the level of "busy" at which they maintain.  But what does that ACHIEVE?

If you KNOW you are at CAPACITY already with family, work, social and church… why would you start a business?  Why would you captain a team?  Why would chair a fundraiser?

People RESPECT effective execution.  The GUISE of "busy" will soon be discovered to be false. 

Keep it SIMPLE.  Be GREAT.  Bite off only what you can chew… EFFECTIVELY!


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