Morning Motivator – A 3 Day Lesson in Productivity

"I am not able to chat right now.  I have to finish this project by Wednesday at lunch since we are off the rest of the week."
- Anonymous

I LOVE short weeks.  They PROVE everything I believe about what the "new workweek" will become.  They show your ability to meet and exceed expectations when you choose to be LASER FOCUSED.

Nothing CREATES a better model for success than a TIME CRUNCH.  When you are put into an environment that FORCES you to eliminate all wasted activities, you find that you have AMAZING capabilities to excel.  This is the all-too-often case of "pre-vacation" work weeks.

Anytime there is a short workweek, you eliminate the FaceBook time, the idle chat around the office, even the extra 30 minutes at lunch.  You FOCUS solely on what needs to be accomplished – nothing more, nothing less.  AMAZING!

I wonder... if business owners would be ENCOURAGED to test the idea that a shorter workweek creates higher PRODUCTIVITY.  One that REWARDS efficiency and effectiveness, as opposed to measuring 40 hours as an acceptably arbitrary value of work hours.

I admit, this does not likely work in retails, more in work roles that are project based or production based, HOWEVER, what if you measured individuals ability to achieve AHEAD of schedule with a set tolerance for errors.

Quite possibly, business owners might find that they would get more, in LESS TIME, if they allowed workers to "leave" once the works goals were done.  For those that struggle, let them work Monday through Friday for 70 hours.  The rest of us will be out SPURRING the economy!


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