Morning Motivator – It Is Easier With a Plan

"A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow"
- Proverb

HUSTLE, HUSTLE, HUSTLE.  Another day, another 8 million tasks completed and still, that EMPTY FEELING!  How is it that I do all the "work' and never get anything ACCOMPLISHED?!

Sound familiar?  For many of us, this is the comment made daily as we drive home from work, wondering why we seem to have more still to do after doing so much.

We are all faced with a MULTITUDE of tasks, distractions, priorities, emergencies, necessities and niceties.  How do we DETERMINE what needs priority over something else?

Start by asking; DO I HAVE A PLAN?

Planning is boring.  True.  Planning is never ending.  Also, true.  Planning is what separates the BEST from the rest.  CAN I GET AN AMEN!?

When you plan, prioritize and with disciple, execute the tasks in PRIORITY of importance (time, value, resources, etc), you WILL be able to accomplish MUCH more with much less in much, much less time.

Do you REALLY want to feel accomplished?  Today, before you leave work, CREATE A PLAN.  Prioritize the next days' tasks in matter of importance.  Then when you arrive tomorrow… DO NOT DEVIATE from your plan.  Execute as previously determined.  Should you need to change, REPRIORITIZE by moving the new "most important" task to the top of your list.  DO NOT ELIMINATE YOUR PLAN - ALTER IT.

WHEN you plan and EXECUTE in accordance with that plan… you can PHYSICALLY see and feel your execution successes throughout the day.  Otherwise, you WILL be very busy, but have no ACCOUNTABILITY for what was accomplished, or its value.

What is today's plan?


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