Morning Motivator – “Different” is the Same

"Yeah, I see how it is trying to be different, but it really feels the same as the old way."
- Anonymous

Warning: This is a long one.  I MUST CONFESS… I love going to presentations!  I love seeing people in front of a group or crowd, working their magic, selling their idea, service or solution.  I REALLY love it when someone hits a homerun doing it.  Alas, it does not happen very often…

Recently, I attended an event FOCUSED on aiding business professionals in more EFFECTIVELY acquiring leads and LEVERAGING their best relationships.  The concept intends to be the "anti-BNI group" or the "Chamber of Commerce 'Business After-Hours' killer."  The concepts is around acquiring top relationships with key contacts and then… well, let us just say it turns EXACTLY into the BNI concept.

Get a bunch of cards, push those people to your contacts, and then try to force-feed leads then sales on to strangers because somehow you (and your team) are the "magical best service provider in the whole world."  REALLY?!  I MEAN, REALLY?!?

I am NOT bashing the intent of the person that is PROMOTING this system, nor am I suggesting that it does not effectively work.  I am simply NOTING that it is marketed as something very UNIQUE, when, in fact, it is just a small, almost negligible, variation on a an old, tired approach.

If his "packaging" was more aligned with being known (or presented) as "a better approach to the same old system," well, that I might get behind (although I don't think general networking works at all anyhow – tomorrow's Morning Motivator).

The LESSON in all this is that your DIFFERENT is often the same, UNLESS, you can very clearly pinpoint the difference in a clear, direct fashion.  Your comment of having "better customer service" is weak.  The idea your product is "the best" sounds like a lie.

Be frank with people.  Tell them "it" is much like all the rest.  The difference is (fill in the blank).  NOTE:  You better DAMN WELL MAKE SURE that (blank) is something you can prove (or back up).

What makes the Morning Motivator different?  Not much, other than you ALWAYS get my opinion, regardless of whether it is right, wrong or at all politically correct.  Otherwise, it is just a blog.


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