Morning Motivator – What Makes Google Awesome

"…$9 Billion in AdSense Revenue in 2010."
- Fast Company Magazine

What makes Google so damn POWERFUL?  Simplicity.

What have you noticed about Google's landing page that DIFFERS from that of Yahoo!, AOL, and MSN?  Could it be that Google does not include all the MEANINGLESS crap you do not care about, while the others try to overwhelm you with content?  (Hint: the answer is YES).

SIMPLICITY is a very powerful term.  It is even more powerful when practiced in EXECUTION. 

By choosing to minimize the options a person has, you provide them with INHERENT focus. By limiting choices, you force them to assess BASIC needs and SOLE purposes.  Pretty cool huh?  What if you were able to do that for your clients? 

Rather than continuing to provide you clients with the EXCESSIVE amount of products and services you offer, try giving them two options – basic and plus.  In basic they get only what they need from a product and service standpoint.  In plus, they get all the other goodies they "really" want.

The client does not want to pay extra?  Fine.  You get basic.  Now they say they need afterhours service?  They get plus.  It is that simple.

Try SIMPLIFYING your solutions and you will find that it is easier for potential clients to mentally "digest" your offering.  Additionally, while you may think it makes you appear less resourceful, it also shows you are more focused and practical in your execution.  Besides, when you buy something, you only choose ONE ITEM… nobody ever buys EVERY OPTION AVAILABLE.  (so why have 'em?)



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