Morning Motivator - All The Good Things

"All good things are difficult to achieve; and bad things are very easy to get."
-Morarji Desai

Why do entitlement programs not work? Why does top sharing creating animosity in bars? Why do pick up games fail and "pay for" leagues work?

The answer is very simple. Anytime something is "given" (by being taken from someone else) it is NOT APPRECIATED.

There is no doubt about it. Think about the last time you were given free tickets to something. If you did not go, how bad did you feel? You likely rationalized by saying, "eh, the were free anyhow." However, getting the tickets to the event you did not think you could get into or that which you paid a great deal would not miss for the world!

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: True, we will live in a world where everyone wants FREE. We also live in a world where FREE has no value. Thus the easy things to attain and WORTHLESS.

Ever wonder why people who are generationally utilizing entitlement programs say they WANT a better life but do nothing for it? It is because that is difficult. Getting your free programs is easy - even though it is crap!

Do you recognize that giving away free time in your business or services is undercutting your value? STOP IT! No one buys from you because you gave them something free. Give them an easy out clause, never a free "in."

If you and your clients do not value the things that cost time, energy and expertise, then you will never create success. If you value it, yet your clients do not, then FIRE THEM! You are talking to the wrong clients...

All the good clients are the ones that were hard to get!



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