Morning Motivator - Importance of Attitude

'It is nice to be important, but it is more important to be nice'
- Unknown
It is safe to say we all relish in a state of feeling important, whether it be through recognition or being sought after for leadership. Note that without having the right attitude your level and feelings of importance can be destroyed.

Attitude (by definition) is a position of the body or manner of carrying oneself; A state of mind or a feeling; disposition. To me attitude starts with the individual! YOU alone set your tone for the day by merely saying to yourself, 'today is going to be a GREAT day!'. When someone asks you 'how are you?', instead of saying 'OK', instead reply 'OUTSTANDING' and guess what? You will feel just as you say. By composing your positive attitude, you can help others set the tone for their day by being NICE to them.

Create an aura about yourself that people will want to associate with and be drawn to. I challenge you to be OUTSTANDING everyday, and watch for yourself how it works!

Special thanks for today's submission to the Morning Motivator by:
Ben Prom | Sales Manager
Renaissance Nashville Hotel

To submit your motivational quote and editorial to the MM, email

- Zach

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