Morning Motivator – Relaxing Your Way to Success

"Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer."
- William S. Burroughs

Deadlines. Sales goals. Quotas. Meetings. Slow responses. Are these the things causing you stress? Have you ever considered how well you perform when under stress, being rushed to complete a task? Most people UNDERPERFORM when they are stressed and respond in REACTIVE manners. So how do you enhance your success ability?

Simple answer: RELAX. Take a deep breath and focus on the IMPORTANT areas of success in your business and/or life. You are at your BEST when you are relaxed and able to focus on high level, strategic applications of your best talents. When you are focused on just "getting through" something, your goal becomes completion, not quality. So what are things you can do to relax?

Try something, then try the opposite – come in earlier to work, come in later, take lots of notes, take few notes, spend more time at home, spend less time, make more cold calls, make fewer. Interestingly, you will find that certain things will work wonders for you and others will be quickly dismissed. Also – keep in mind that YOUR WAY IS NOT ALWAYS THE BEST WAY FOR OTHERS. This is a challenging concept for business owners, managers, and investors. Keep focused of what is IMPORTANT to your success… and help your teams achieve that goal (in their own ways).

Make this week a great week… RELAX – it will be!!


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