Morning Motivator - What's Your Next Move?

"Often the difference between a successful man and a failure
is not one's better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one
has to bet on his ideas, to take a calculated risk and to act."
--Dr. Maxwell Maltz

One of the most powerful acts you are capable of is the generation of unique thought - the ability to create new ideas to better yourself.

One of the most defeating acts of your powerful mind is the inability to naturally prioritize one action over another. Your mind holds tasks in the same value - something that needs completed. Thus "brush my teeth" holds the same cognitive space as "write out my annual goals."

It is your conscious responsibility to prioritize tasks and clearly define the "NEXT ACTION STEP" so your mind can rest and focus on other top priorities. Try it...

To open up creative space in your mind and better manage the growing number of projects, begin keeping a Project Log. You will write the project, its value to you personally or professionally, rank it in importance and the DEFINE the next ACTION steps.

You will now be able to visually assess all projects, the efforts required to complete, the value of completion and how to get there.


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