Morning Motivator – The Greatest Invention… Reinventing the Wheel!

"The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it's the same problem you had last year."
- John Foster Dulles

I hope you appreciate the sarcasm of the Morning Motivator title today. I have yet to come in touch with someone that is EXCITED about reinventing the wheel. With all the creative GENIUS in the world and TALENT for problem solving – it is amazing to me how many people would rather start from scratch than to apply their creativity and solution enhancing skills. Why not IMPROVE something that already works at the core? Why not find a new APPLICATION for a previously successful tool? Why not let others do the WORK and you do the ENHANCEMENTS?

Look at your daily business procedures – are they STREAMLINED? EFFICIENT? PRODUCTIVE? If not – why not? One of the key indicators of SUCCESS is GROWTH. The idea of growth is not limited to the number of employees you have, the volume of dollars in the pipeline or even generated revenues. GROWTH includes creating EFFICIENCY such as REFINING your processes and ELIMINATING unnecessary steps, finding more PRODUCTIVE uses of time while MAXIMIZING your total energy use. Now – if SUCCESS is GROWTH and GROWTH is EFFICIENCY then how critical is the efficiency of your business to your overall SUCCESS?! Start looking at the way you DO things and you will find – time, money and energy abound. Here's a good way to get started…

The analysis begins with your day to day operations. Your goal is to AUTOMATE and ELIMINATE as much as possible. Look at the following systems:

1. Generating NEW clients
2. Post Meeting follow up with ALL clients
3. Quotes and Pricing production
4. Continued Marketing and Promotion
5. Reporting and Meetings

Many of these ACTIVITIES do not require a HIGH LEVEL interface between you and the client/co-worker. How many of these things can be AUTOMTAED through technology? (ex. email for marketing and sales generation, using BlackBerry autotext for immediate follow ups, leveraging your IP Phone systems to direct calls to specific persons based on need, etc). How many of these activities can be ELIMINATED in general? (ex. Sales meetings can be attended by an assistant, "in between" meetings with clients can be run by account managers, provide information in seminar formats to eliminate having to have many individual meetings).

When you STREAMLINE your business – you will find a WEALTH of resources at your disposal. FOCUS on your best activities – OUTSOURCE the remainder to others who enjoy the work you do not – AUTOMATE all systems that do not require human interaction. This is how you will FREE your time to spend with MORE people – doing a BETTER job!! Make this a great week!


*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to –

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